chapter 16

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Ch: Detention

Harry and Ginny soon sneaked their way out to their dorm, but were not quick enough.

"Miss weasley! Mister Potter!" Came the sharp voice of Miss smith. They froze.

"Well what now" Harry said purposely saying it loudly enough so that Miss smith can hear them. It's okay Ginny you can kill him later, Ginny repeated in her mind.

"I'll tell you what Mr. Potter" miss smith said coming towards them.

"Well, that is what I'm waiting for you know" Harry said raising his eyebrows.

Ginny didn't care now, she is going to kill him but damn there was eye witness

"That is it! Detention! Both of you! You are going to be sweeping all the staircases present in Hogwarts. You have time till Saturday" Miss smith said.

That shutted Harry up. Good.

"Now, you may go" said miss smith looking happy for shutting Harry up.

"Yes miss" Ginny squeaked and they made their way.


"Look what you did Harry" Ginny said as she threw herselves on their favorite seat in front of the fire

"What did I do" Harry asked trying to look innocent but failing

Ginny threw him a dirty look and said "well I have to go now, long day ahead you better wake up at 6, we are going to clean for a hour"

"Cleaning?! The first day after waking up?" Harry said his eyes widening.

"Yes Harry, cleaning the first thing after waking up" Ginny said, surprised that it will surprise him so much

"So I better sleep then" Harry said also standing up, as they went to sleep.


As said they woke up at 6:00 am and walked to the corridor

"Hey guys! Where are you going" Rose said coming towards them.

"We have detention" said Ginny sadly

"At 6:00 am?" Rose said raising her eyebrows

"Yes, we have to clean every staircase present in Hogwarts" Ginny said sighing

"Tough luck" Rose said

"Yes, I know" Ginny said shrugging


"Swish flick kill" a voice hissed, Ginny stopped on the spot

"What did you say?" Ginny looked at Harry

"Nothing gin" Harry said looking at Ginny

"I smell blood" the voice hissed

"Harry this is not funny!" Ginny said glaring at Harry

"I didn't do nothing" Harry said frowning

The voice started hissing again

"It's coming from that room!" Ginny said pointing to a room in front of them

"Let's go" Harry said running to the room before Ginny could even start.

She followed him to the door and stayed there

"Gin, gin Ginny! Come in" Harry whispered to her

There on the floor almost dead in front of a mirror was Miss norris

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