Chapter One

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  I wake up in the forest next to the tv yet again. I sigh and stand up ready to go through all this again. I head off in the direction of the Hunter's cabin... and Six. No matter how many times she betrays me I want to save her. I need to save her. I come across the grate embedded in the hillside and pull it open almost falling backwards as it opens. I crawl through the tunnel feeling ready to confront Six again. As I emerge on the other side of the tunnel I see a sack full of dead people. I shudder and climb the hills to get as far away from the sack as possible.
  I see the log up ahead and I balance as I walk across it. This is fun despite the impending doom if I fall. I jump off of the end and land on the ground roughly. I climb up some more hills and come across the first trap. I easily jump over the rope and continue on my way. My thoughts keep drifting to Six. I see the crate up ahead and quickly push it down and drag it over to the hill too high for me to climb. I see the tunnel up ahead and sigh. "This thing again." I remember almost getting crushed by it multiple times. I crawl through the tunnel and push through some roots. I hear the familiar creaking sound and break out into a run.
  I run past some trees that thankfully stop the log. I find myself at the place with the noose I have to use to swing across the gap with. I run up the hollow log that allows me access to the noose. I step to the edge of the rock and take a running leap towards the noose. I grab ahold of it and start swinging my legs to get momentum. As soon as I think I can swing across safely I let go and land. I make my way to the crank that will lower the box for me to get across this gap.
  As soon as the box is ground level I run a jump onto it, then I jump onto the other side of the gap. I come across the broken bridge and without hesitation I jump off the side and land on the boxes beside it. I quickly sprint to the bridge part I can climb up and climb as fast as I can. I pull myself up and walk towards another trap I know is coming.
  I jump off the little ledge and scare a crow. I grab a red shoe and toss it up onto a ledge I can easily climb. I grab it again and throw it into the hidden net. The net springs up with the shoe inside of it and the log I need to climb yet another ledge with falls to the ground. I quickly climb and let my thoughts drift to Six.

Maybe I can help her realize that dropping me is a bad idea. Maybe I can change her mind. Maybe-


  "OOOOOW!" I howl with pain as my leg gets caught in one of the bear traps. I was so preoccupied with thinking about Six I forgot about the stupid bear traps. I fell to the ground with the impact of the bear trap snapping around my leg. I stand up as best as I can with one leg and look at the damage. It looks like the teeth went in far enough to peirce my skin but not to break any bones.
  I decide that I want to keep my leg so I grab both sides and push away from my leg. This effort brings more pain and I bite my lip to keep from screaming again. I finally get the jaws far enough apart to pull my leg out and when I do I let go of the bear trap. It snaps back shut and I sit down to examine my leg. It's definitely not broken but it hurts like hell.
  I wince as I put pressure on it to walk again. I decide I'll just push through the pain and I walk. All my focus is now on the bear traps. I walk around a few and I painfully climb over a log. I see a branch in one bear trap and an open one in front of the log I need to crawl through. I pull the branch out wincing as I push with my feet.
  I wish I could use this as a crutch but instead I hit the bear trap in front of the log with it, effectively breaking it. I crawl into the log and a little ways in I slide down my leg punishing me when I hit the ground. I grab the branch sitting next to me and hit the leaf covered ground with it. A bunch of bear traps go off in a chain reaction. I climb onto the rock and sadly jump across the small gap. My leg screams at me to stop with all the jumping but I have to get through here.
  I grab a pinecone and throw it down in front of me. More bear traps go off. I climb down the little ledge I'm on and climb onto the log. Shit. I have to jump at the end of this. I sigh and ignoring my leg I run and jump across the gap and hold onto one of the boards as another one falls and makes the bear trap underneath me snap shut. I climb up the boards ignoring my leg as best as possible and reach the top of the tree stump.
  I quickly jump off and regret doing so as I land and pain shoots up my leg. I fall to the ground, gasping and holding my leg willing the pain to subside.

How the hell am I supposed to run from the Hunter like this?!

  I ignore that question and stand up. I limp away from all the bear traps behind me trying to remember if I have to do anymore things that will hurt my leg. Suddenly the Hunter's cabin is looming in front of me.

Thank god!

  I walk up onto the porch and climb the cage outside of the kitchen window. I crawl inside and painfully jump off the countertop. I make my way across the room and out of the door. I hear faint music playing from what I know as Six's music box. I smile and I make my way downstairs the music getting louder as I do so. I run into the room on my left and jump grabbing onto the axe ready to free Six again.
  The axe falls to the ground with me and pain shoots up my leg. I wince but grab onto the axe and drag it across the room and to Six's door. I can kind of see her through the broken boards. I heave the axe over my shoulder and break some boards. Six stops playing her music box and I wish I didn't scare her like this. I keep heaving the axe until the boards break.
  I drop the axe and walk inside of Six's room. I crouch down and hold out my hand. "Hey." I make a motioning gesture with my hand and she starts crawling out tentatively. She reaches out as if she's going to take my hand but instead she brushes past me and runs out of the room. "Hey wait up!" I call. I can't really chase her but a keep up a pretty go pace as I follow behind her.
  She runs through the room with the taxidermied people sit down for dinner and climbs a shelf. She jumps into a vent and I start climbing the shelf cursing my leg as I do so. I crawl into the vent and fall through the other side. My leg screams with pain but I ignore it as I watch Six try to pull down the attic ladder. I get up and approach her. "Hey. Um. Do you need help with that?" I ask as I limp towards her. She looks up at the handle and back down at me.
  "Come here so I can boost you up." I walk over to her and put my uninjured leg in her cupped hands. She tosses me up and I grab onto the handle. "Hey! Can you help me? But grab onto my left leg!" I call down. She gives me a puzzled look but jumps up and grabs onto my left leg. With our combined weights the handle releases the ladder and it falls down. Me and Six let go of the handle and I start climbing up the ladder.
  I hear her follow me as I pull myself up and into the attic. I wait for her to pull herself up and in before I head over to the suitcase we need to push to get to the cupboard. "Hey. Can you help me push this?" She shrugs and helps me. We push it until it's up against the cupboard and I climb up and onto the top. Before I can even think about it I jump down a wince with pain as my leg screams at me.
  Six jumps down and heads over to a pile of junk. "Come on. Let me boost you up. There might be something important over there!" I walk over to her and she boosts me up. I climb down the board behind the other cupboard and crawl through a little space to find the room with the creepy woman in it. I sigh and grab the crank we need to get the key pulling on it. As usual the crank comes down with the arm still attached.
  I grab the crank and get out of there as quickly as I can. I toss the crank to Six and jump down my leg once again trying to cripple me. I go over to the body shaped bag and climb onto it. Six pulls me up with the crank and I jump off of the bag and grab the key making it fall off of the hook and to the ground. I let out a soft cry as I land on my hurt leg. Six rushes over to me and kneels next to me. "Are you okay?!" She asks. I bite my lip and nod. "Yeah I'm fine. I just got it stuck in a bear trap earlier." She looks at my leg and before I can protest she tears off a piece of her cotton dress thing and wraps it around the wound.
  "It's not bandages but it'll do for now." She says. I nod and stand up painfully. I grab the key and put in my pocket. I head to the cupboard and pull out the bottom drawer so we can jump onto the top and over the other side. My leg hurts with the impact but I ignore it and climb down the ladder. I head over to the door and unlock it. Six looks at me nervously as I head outside. I walk towards the little shed and start pushing on the box that we can use to climb through the window.
  Six joins me and we move it as close to the window as we can. I jump on top of the box and jump towards the window. I crawl through and I land on soft animal pelts. Six lands next to me and we both hear the sound at the same time.

Ripping flesh.

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