Chapter Four

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  Me and Six walk towards the rope made of what looks like bedsheets tied together. I start climbing first and my leg continues to yell at me.

Maybe there's bandages inside.

  I really hope there are so I can wrap my leg up. I crawl through the window and wait for Six on the other side. She appears soon and I point to a lever on the wall. "Maybe that will do something important." I say. She just shakes her head. "No every lever does something." I just shrug and walk over to it. I jump up and grab onto it pulling it down. Suddenly the lights switch off and two circles of light show through the painting of the Teacher. The light comes through her eyes which is very creepy.
  "Maybe there's a room on the other side!" I say excitedly as I point to the picture. "She looks creepy." Says Six. I shrug. "We need something to throw at the picture." I say. I start walking down the hallway and go into the room with all the beds and toys. I grab a ball in the center of the room and turn to Six to show it to her but she's not there. Worried I run back out into the room with the picture of the Teacher and see Six still staring at it.
  "There you are. When you didn't follow me I got worried." I say. She turns and shrugs. "Sorry. Is that to throw at the picture?" I nod and go up to throw the ball. I aim for the Teacher's creepy smile and throw the ball. It hits her right in the mouth making the picture fall to reveal the big hole in the wall. I pump my fist and turn to Six grinning. "DID YOU SEE THAT?! I HIT RIGHT IN THE MOUTH!" Six smiles and laughs. It sounds so beautiful. "Yeah. That was a good shot." I continue to smile as I crawl through the hole and into the room with the chair.
  I walk over to the lose board and give a little hop. Six climbs through the hole and walks over to me. "Whatcha doing?" "There's some lose boards here. If we jump on them we can break them." She nods. "Ok on three. One... two..." "THREE!" Six shouts as she jumps. I jump and we break through the boards together. I smile at her even though she can't see it and grab her hand. "Come on. Let's go." I tug her behind me as we walk under the floorboards of the school.
  We crouch under a low part and when we stand back up Six touches my shoulder. I turn to her. "What?" "Well. I just wanted to say thank you. You saved me from ths Hunter and honestly I don't know how I would've got out of there without you." She says. I smile. "Any time Six. Any time." She pulls me into a hug and even though I'm surprised I hug her back. We continue walking forward and we come to a board where we have to go through one at a time.
  I go first and hold out my hand after she slips through. She takes it and follows behind me as we continue walking. We make it to the place where we have to jump down to get to the vent and I sigh as I hop down. My leg screams with the impact but I ignore it and hop down again. "Come on Six!" "You never wait!" She calls down as she jumps. I laugh softly as she lands beside me. "Whatever." I say. We walk up to the vent grate and pull it off together. We both stumble backwards and fall.
  I stand up and hold out my hand. She takes it and I help her stand up. I crawl into the vent and turn around waiting for her to follow. She crawls in and I take her hand as we crawl through. I make it to the vent opening and hop down having to let go of her hand. I hit the ground hard and it hurts my leg. I turn and see Six jump down. We walk up to the fallen over locker and crawl over it. I hear the growls of the Teacher and see her shadow. Her neck retracts and she closes the door.
  "Ew!" Says Six. I smile at her being grossed out by the Teacher. I grab her hand and we walk away from where we saw the Teacher's shadow. I see the bucket with the duck in it and realize we're getting to the area with the traps. We walk into the next room and I see the ball as bait. "Six stay right here please." I say as I put her next to the trashcan full of balled up paper. I go over to the raised floorboard and step on it. Suddenly a bucket swings down past me creating a breeze.
  "Holy shit! How did you know that was there?!" Asks Six walking up to me. I shrug. "I saw the raised floorboard and figured the ball was bait." She nods. "Fair. Do you think those are all over the school?" She asks. "I dunno." I reach out and Six takes my hand. We duck under the light fixture ignoring the dead body of a Bully and we crouch under a bunch of lockers. As we crawl out I see a bully dart into the next room. As we walk by lockers I see another raised floorboard and remember this one has two buckets.
  Without waiting I run across the floorboard and pull Six and myself beside some lockers. The one bucket swings down and then a half a second later the other one swings down. Six gasps and turns to me. "How did you know there'd be two?" I shrug. "I didn't I just didn't know where the bucket would swing down but this part looked safe." She nods. "Mm. Hm. Seems fair." We walk past the swaying buckets and down the hallway. I ignore the half open door because I know there's a bucket of shoes up there.
  We walk down the hallway and I see the toy monkey up ahead. I stop Six in front of the raised floorboard. "We need to get on top of those lockers. Stay here." I step on the floorboard and a locker falls in front of us. I walk up to it and crawl on top. This is the area close to where Six gets taken. I stop her as she climbs up. "Listen. Promise me that no matter what you will run right next to me and hold my hand." She rolls her eyes. "Okay why not. You've been right so far. I promise." I smile and jump onto the other lockers and jump down. Six is right behind me and I hold out my hand.
  She takes it without hesitation and we start walking forward. I see the table with the gouge marks in it and point that out to Six. "Okay when we walk forward we should duck. Because judging by those gouge marks something big will fall down." She nods. "Okay. Let's go." We walk forward crouching and the false board does nothing but I stop Six from standing up as the floorboard beneath us moves.
  A light fixture falls and hits the table hard. Six stares at it her eyes wide. "Wow." We crawl out from under the light and I let go if Six's hand to climb on top of the table. Six climb up beside me and I grab her hand. As we hop down I realize this is the hallway where I lose Six.

Not this time.

  I think. We walk forward and I see a hammer up ahead. "Six. Run with me now and whatever you do DON'T let go of my hand." She nods and we break out into a run. As we approach the hammer the locker falls.

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