Chapter Fifteen

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  I walk forward and so does Six. She reaches for her music box and pulls it closer. She scoots back away from me. I sigh. "Hey Six." I call. She scoots forward still holding her music box. I go around her and see the hammer I have to use to break her music box. I look over my shoulder feeling bad for what I have to do. I pick up the hammer and drag it across the ground to her music box. "I'm sorry Six but I have to do this." I swing the hammer over my shoulder and slam it down on the music box. There's a big booming sound and me and Six are thrown back. I'm cast into a dark room for a minute but I find myself back in Six's room. I see all the toys piled up in her room are melting. I stand up and run as she screams behind me chasing me. I run out of her doorway and run down the hall through a door into an inter joining hallway. I run down that one and teleport through a door. I jump over a break in the floorboards the shows some flesh, the true Signal Tower. I run up a small ramp Six screaming and hitting the floor behind me. I jump through a vent and crawl under a table as Six finds her way into the room. She searches for me for a bit and then leaves through a door.
  I follow her and teleport through the door into another hallway. I go over to a door with a axe sticking out of it and I jump up pulling the axe down. I pick up the handle of the axe and hit the door until it breaks. I teleport through the door on the last swing and fall with the axe landing in front of me. I stand up, pick up the handle of the axe, and turn towards the door. "HEY SIX!" She screams and runs over as I teleport through the door. I appear on the other side of the room and quickly run over and hit her music box. There's another boom and I find myself in the dark room again. I stand up and walk to my right running into a door with a axe in it. I jump up and pull the axe down. I pick it up and break through the door teleporting back to Six. The room is shaking violently. I pick up the axe and run into the door I just came through. "HEY SIX!"
  She screams and chases after me but I'm on the other side of the room. After she realizes I'm not there she goes back to her music box. I go up to the door and before I teleport through I yell at her again. She screams and I teleport through and run up the incline and to another door. "HEY!" I scream as I run through the door. She goes over to that door and I run up to the music box as her back is turned and hit it again. I'm thrown into the dark room again and I search for the door again ready to get this over with. When I find the door I pull down the axe and bust through the door. I fall to the ground and when I stand up I remember that my axe is up by Six.
  I jump up onto the higher ground and run into a door beside Six. She chases after me needing no yell and I teleport to the other side of the room. I grab the axe and run towards the other door as Six turns around and chases after me again. I yell at her and she comes to the other side of the room and I teleport through the door and run to the other door. "HEY!" I yell as I run through. She screams and run towards that door and I run up behind her and hit her music box. There's another boom and I'm thrown to the ground. When I open my eyes Six's music box is half broken casting purple light everywhere and playing the music. It's no longer the sweet melody it was before. It's now broken and distorted.
  I go over to the axe invaded into the ground as Six slowly reaches out and grabs her music box. I pull out the axe and slowly approach. When I get close I call out to Six. "Hey!" She pulls her hands away from the music box and I walk forward and hit it again. Me and Six get thrown back as her music box breaks. I stand up quickly and grab the axe again and go over to her music box and swing the axe breaking the box. I get thrown back again and when I sit up there a purple glow coming from the wall behind Six. She sits up and looks at me. She's back to normal. We look at each other and stand before the wall of flesh and eyeballs starts to move. We both look at it and start to run.
  We run through a small hole in the wall and start running down a hallway. Six gets ahead of me but right now all I care about is out running the wall of flesh. We jump over a gap in the floor and across some concrete being lifted up by flesh. Six jumps and runs across a broken door. I follow suit and I follow her as she jumps through the doorway and onto the bridge. I jump and hit the ground as the wall of flesh pushes against the doorframe. Six starts running across the bridge and I stand up and follow her. She makes it to the other side and the bridge breaks behind me. I run towards her the bridge falling apart as I run. I reach the end of my section and jump across the gap. Six reaches out and grabs my hand.

Here we are. This fateful scene.

  Six holds me as I dangle from her grasp. She pushes down her hood and I can see her eyes. "Mono..." I look down at the black abyss and back up at her. "Six. Please." She looks me in the eyes. "You look so much like him." Her eyes hold no more warmth, just coldness. "Please Six." I do something I've never done before. I grab onto her arm with my other hand. "Six. Pull me up please." She looks at me sadly. "I'm sorry Mono." Before she can pull her arm out of my grasp I have to say one thing. One final thing before this starts over again. One thing she might just remember.
  "I love you Six." I say as tears hit the corners of my eyes. She looks at me with tears in her own eyes as she pulls her arm out of my grasp and I fall. She pulls up her hood and turns walking away from the edge of the bridge and into the portal behind her. Tears fly upwards as fall. "I'll always love you Six..." I murmur as I fall into the darkness below me.

  When I wake up I'm laying on a floor of flesh. I sigh and stand up looking upwards. "I'll always love you Six." I murmur again and start walking forwards. When I reach my chair on the pile of flesh I slowly walk up to it and crawl onto it. I sit down and put my face into my knees crying. I hear the disgusting sound of the flesh as it gets closer, and closer, until it just disappears. I take my face out of my knees and see I'm in that room with nothing in it. I pull my knees up again and cry some more. When I'm done I wipe my eyes on the sleeve of my coat and sit there with my knees up to my chest starting the long wait.
Always thinking in my head.

I love you Six no matter what you do.

Tv warping sounds

Hi guys it's me again. I am sad to say that Kill Me Again has ended. Thsi is the end of this book. Pay attention to the word THIS. Yes that is right. I will be posting another book. It has the same plot and is going to be from Six's POV as she adventures throught the Maw. So I hope you guys will keep your eyes peeled for my next book. I have yet to name it. But I will post an update and give y'all the name soon. Anyways one last shoutout to the supporters of this book. Yaboy6 and zheril_Arizu10. They've supported the book and honestly I love seeing how they commented and/or voted on the book. Anyways thanks for reading, keep your eyes open for the next book, and cya!

Mysterious person waves hand as the tv clicks off.

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