Chapter Six

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  We walk into the area before the kitchen. I tug Six towards the shelf thing with food on it. We push it towards the window and I start climbing it. Six is following behind me and I crawl through the window with Six right behind me. We climb up onto a shelf thing and I see the ladle on the ground to fight the Bullies with. I show it to her and she nods. I drop down and to my surprise she runs up to the Bully in front of use and starts fighting it.
  I pick up the ladle and swing it at the next Bully. Another one comes towards us and I successfully break that one's head too. Then the one missing and eye comes towards me and I knock it's head off with the ladle. "There a disguise." I say. I turn to see Six pop off the head of the Bully she was fighting. "I got one too." She picks up the head and places it over her own head.
  "Well how do I look?" She asks her voice echoing from inside the Bully's head. "Like a Bully." She punches my arm while holding the head up with one hand. "Ow. See what I mean!" I turn away from her and take my paper bag off to put on the Bully's head. When I put it on I turn back to Six. "You ready?" She nods and I crouch under a shelf walking forward into the cafeteria.
  It's as noisy as ever and I steer clear of the Bullies. After walking through most of the cafeteria I crouch under a table and wait for Six. She is by my side soon and we continue walking forward. I get out from under the table and see a Bully trying to push a pot of potatoes off of the table onto an unsuspecting Six. I drop my head and race over pushing the pit away from the edge of the table as Six crawls out. As soon as she's far enough away to be safe I turn and put on my head fast enough to feel safe.
  Me and Six walk into the hallway which is just as bad as the cafeteria but we won't have to watch out as much. We finally reach the door at the end and I slip through dropping my head and breaking it on the ground by accident. I find my bag in one of my pockets and put it back on as Six squeezes her way through the door. She drops her head as well and it breaks too. I point to the button on the walk above us. "Think you can boost me up?" I ask. She nods and goes over to the wall.
  I go over to her and she boosts me up so I can press the button. When I land back on the ground I grab Six's hand and slowly walk into the next room. I know the Teacher is just beyond the next doorway. I quietly tug Six toward the vent in the wall and we hide under the table right in front of the Teacher. The Teacher turns and goes to the other side of the room and I tug Six to the table in the middle of the back of the room. We barely make it into the shadows before the Teacher turns her head around like an owl.
  She turns her head back around and shuffles into the next room. Me and Six sneak in after her and hide under another table. Once she gets busy with something I go over to the drawers and climb up them. Six follows me and we hide behind some specimens in jars. When the Teacher turns around to place organs into the mold I creep over to some more jars with Six right behind me. I grab her hand to make sure she doesn't get caught behind.
  When the Teacher goes to put the heart in the mold I sneak across the table with Six right behind me and we hide behind more specimen jars. The Teacher goes and washes her hands and both me and Six jump across to the other table. We hide again and the Teacher goes and writes something on her chalkboard. I let go of Six's hand and jump into the window right in front of us. I fall to the ground and before I can get up Six falls on top of me.
  I push her off silently and start climbing the bookcase to get into the vent. When we're both in the vent I turn to Six. "Why did you fall on top of me?" I ask in a whisper. "I overshot the window." She admits. We crawl through the vent and when we come out the other side I see a hammer in front of us. I grab it and tell Six to stay here for now. I drag the hammer across the ground and I go around the Bully in front of me knowing that in a second a bucket will smash her head.


  A Bully comes running at me after the one gets obliterated by the bucket. I swing the hammer over my shoulder and hit him in the head. Another one comes running at me and I smash it's head too. "Hey! Six. Come on!" She runs up to my side and follows me as I walk down the long hallway. A female Bully jumps down from a locker in front of me and I smash her head. I turn around to go and hit the one that will be behind us but before I can do anything Six punches it's face in. We walk into the next hallway and a locker slams open behind us. "I got this." Says Six. She turns to take care of the Bully and I smash the head of one running towards us. I heard another smash and know Six took care of that Bully.
  We walk forward, barley dodging a bucket trap, into the bathroom Six would've been in if she had gotten caught. Instead of Six, two Bullies are tormenting another Bully. I go over and smash one head while Six punches the other Bully. For our own safety we leave the other Bully strung up. Me and Six jump on top of a cupboard and pull up a window together. "Hey Six. If you had gotten caught not only would I of done all that alone. But I woulda done it to save you." I admit as we pull open the window.
  She blushes but turns to me a small smile on her lips. "Same." I hug her and she returns it. "So. Ready to get out of here?" I ask. Six nods and we crawl out of the window. We walk across a narrow board together and into a room with a piano. I see the crank across the room and walk over to it. "Since I don't see a door maybe this will lift the piano and smash through the floor." I say to Six. She nods and I use the crank to lift the piano up until I hear the rope snap and the piano half falls through the floor.
  "Okay. Maybe it needs a push." I say climbing up onto the top and i start jumping. "Having all the fun without me?" Six asks as she climbs up next to me. We jump on the piano together and after two jumps we break through the floor. I climb down and see a Bully cutting up a frog with a key. "Hey. If you boost me up you can go and distract the Bully by running across the keys and I'll kill it and we can get out of here." I say. Six nods and boosts me up and into the garbage area with the Bully. I hide behind a board as I hear Six run across the broken piano keys. The Bully goes to the gate and screeches at Six.
  I grab the pipe and sneak up behind them and bust their head open. I grab ths key and call Six over. "A little help please?" She nods and we pull up the gate together. After I'm through we walk over to the door and I open it with the key. We walk in on a Bully drawing chalk eyes on the floor. I go over and grab the hammer, Six sneaks up behind it and smashes it's head into the floor. When she walks back over to me she shrugs. "I figured you'd miss." I drop the hammer and go over to the cupboard. I pull open the bottom drawer and we climb up the cupboard and drop down.
  I grab her hand and we walk up some stairs together. When we reach the cabinets and table I ask her to boost me up onto the table so I can push down the box so she can climb up here. Six boosts me up onto the table and I climb up onto the cabinet. "Watch out below!" I call as I push the box of books down. It hits the ground and from the vent behind me I can hear piano music playing. Six climbs up and grabs my hand as we crawl into the vent together.
  I let go of her hand and climb the ladder and wait for her at the top. When she crawls over the edge I grab her hand as we jump out of the vent together. I see the Teacher down below us playing the piano. "Okay wait here. I'll go down there and lower that platform-" I point to the platform above us. "- and you can jump onto it. When I come back up here we can escape through that vent together." I say. Six nods. "You sure you want to do this?" "I'm pretty sure this is the only way to do it." I climb down some shelves and land on the ground when the Teacher stops playing.
  She writes something down and goes back to playing. I go over to the crank and lower the platform. When Six jumps onto it the Teacher stops to write some more and starts playing again. I grab a rolling stool and pull it over to some shelves and climb up. I stop mid climb when the Teacher stops to write. When the piano music starts again I climb up and walk onto the platform with Six. I grab her hand and we walk to the other end and jump off.
  We pull open the vent and I hear the Teacher shriek. We crawl inside as fast as we can and push on another door. The Teacher shoves her head into the vent and chases us. We get to a ladder and I follow Six as fast as I can with the Teacher right behind me. We push open another door and finally we run towards the vent opening and slide down a slanted roof. I land in the garbage beside Six and turn to her my chest heaving. When I look up I see the Teacher's head going back inside of the vent and I lift my paper bag enough to smile at Six.
  She returns the smile and we climb out of the garbage. We walk away from the school leaving that nightmare behind.

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