Chapter Eleven

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  When I wake up the fire is still going and I find Six snuggled up next to me her face buried in my chest. I smile softly and wrap my arms around her. Her eyes flutter open and she tilts her head up to look at me. "Hey Six." I murmur softly. She smiles and small smile and starts to stand up. I let go of her and stand up myself. "How about we get out of here?" I ask. She nods and we go over to the lever on the wall that calls the elevator. Six boosts me up and we wait for the elevator. When it comes I grab Six's hand and get on the elevator.
  The elevator goes up and me and Six wait for it to arrive at our destination. We get out of the elevator and turn left into a room with alot of frozen mannequins. We walk past them and into a small room were we climb up onto a shelf and we pull the window up. We crawl out into the streets of the Pale City and Six grabs my shoulders and turn me around. "Better get rid of this before the rain does." She wipes the resilient smiley face off my cheek and sighs. "Oh well." She grabs the edges of her hood pulling it back up to shelter her from the rain. I smile and grab her hand as we walk down an alleyway. We walk past some trash and walk out of the alleyway to find the clothes of a man waiting for a bus that will never show up.
  Me and Six look at it before heading off again. I turn on my flashlight so we can see I'm holding it in my broken wrist because it's easier this way. Sure it's hard to hold it in this hand but it's easier then holding Six's hand. As we walk inside we head up some stairs before coming across the hanging feet of a poor Watcher who lost their life. We continue up the stair and into a a room where a Watcher falls through the ceiling and runs into the next room. I hear a crash and remember he puts his head through the tv. As soon as me and Six enter that room she looks at his body and gently kicks his leg. "Six I think he's dead." I say as I climb up onto the tv and jump onto the windowsill my wrist starting to hurt again. Six follows me and jumps outside with me.
  "I know I was just checking." We hop up onto another roof and I start climbing the ladder and I jump onto another higher up roof. I wait for Six and we jump through the window together. It's dark so I turn on my flashlight and put it in my left hand. I grab Six's hand and we walk by a Watcher who is trying to watch tv through a door crack. We ignore him and go down a hallway seeing a woman Watcher staring at a staticky tv. We go into the next room and see a pile of clothes with dishes stacked next to them. Me and Six go over to a door and I have her boost me up so I can open it. We enter a bathroom and see a Watcher in the tub watching tv. I ignore him and crawl into the vent with Six right behind me.
  "So what I'm getting is they're addicted to watching tv." She says. I nod and we walk forward into a room with rubble in it. I grab Six's hand and we walk through a hole in the wall and I almost fall to my death from the sudden drop off. Six's grip on my hand tightens and she pulls me up. "Idoit." Is all she says before she jumps onto the elevator below us. I follow her and we run and jump onto a rock ledge. Then we hop onto the elevator. I pull the lever for the elevator to go up and wait at the opening. When we get past the rock ledge I jump onto it and salute Six as she looks down at me. I climb the boards in front of me and crawl through a hole in them. I turn and jump onto more boards and crawl through a hole in the wall getting onto the same floor as Six.
  She runs up to elevator bars and glares at me. "I thought I lost you!" She yells at me. "You better be glad there are bars between us right now or I would strangle you." I smile and shrug as I walk into the other room ignoring her when she tells me to come back. I pull open the desk drawer and grab the key going back to Six. "You better not abandon me!" She says. I detect a note of sadness enter her voice as she says that. I reach through the bars and put my hand on her cheek.
  "I will never abandon you Six." I say. I take my hand back and unlock the bars to the elevator. She runs out and tackles me to the ground in a hug. I hug her back and after a while she gets off of me. "Sorry I needed that." I smile and go into the elevator and pull the lever I quickly run out and see Six giving me a quizzical look. "There has to be something pulling that thing right? Well we need to get out of here." She just shrugs and I grab her hand pulling her over to the lever on the wall. "I need a hand." She smiles and boosts me up and I pull on the lever and quickly run over to the one elevator doorway. I see the elevator approach and I wave Six to follow me. We jump onto the elevator and get onto the floor above us.
  I turn to Six with a smug look on my face. "Told ya so." She just giggles and punches me lightly on the shoulder. We go over to some exposed boards in the wall and climb out of the place. We hop out onto a roof and grab Six's hand tugging her forward. We walk out from behind some trash and see the imposing Signal Tower. Me and Six look at it for a little before we jump down onto the other roof. We climb up the side of a shed like thing and onto another part of a roof. Six boosts me up onto a concrete thing and I use a pulley to bring a hanger over for Six to jump on.
  When she jumps on it I move the pulley in the other direction and jump down from my concrete thing when Six is safely across. She reaches out with her hand and I swallow the lump in my throat. "She'll catch me." I murmur. I run and jump, right before I fall to my death Six grabs my hand and pulls me up. I stand up and walk over to the ladder on the fire escape we're on and climb up it. I wait for Six and I have her boost me up so I can pull down the next ladder. When it lands I stumble back and Six puts her hands on my shoulders. "You okay?" I nod and climb up the ladder and wait for her at the top. Since the next ladder is broken we climb up a pipe for a gutter. We reach the top of the fire escape and crawl through a window and into the building. Naturally I grab Six's hand after turning on my flashlight. We walk forwards past an overturned file cabinet and we hear the place start creaking.
  We walk into another room and push down the door. We roll down and after we stand up we start running as the place crumbles behind us. The floor falls out in front of us and I fall as Six trips and gets stuck behind me. I hit the ground hard and darkness overtakes me.

  I wake up and see a light flickering. It's my flashlight. I push a board off of me and turn to see Six trapped underneath a couch. I run over to her as she wakes up and I grab her hands pulling her out from underneath the couch. We fall to the ground as the couch crushes the space where she was moments ago. I turn to her and she pulls down her hood smiling at me. "Thanks." I can't resist saying. "What are friends for?" She laughs and I give a small chuckle but she grabs her stomach and I get worried.
  "I'm fine. I'm just hurting a little from the couch." I nod accepting her reason and we walk towards the door. Instead of having Six boost me up I boost her up taking pity on her stomach hurting from almost being crushed. We walk into an all too familiar hallway and I remember what happens here. I turn to Six. "I have a bad feeling about this but listen to me. If we have to run grab my hand and follow me. Please." She nods and we walk into the room with the tv. Once again it turns on and I tune it as fast as possible wanting to make my escape with Six.
  When I get sucked into the hallway I walk down it not wanting to do this but I have to. I jump up and open the door for the Thin Man my older self and watch as he stands up. I get pulled out of the tv by Six too late and I watch in horror when he puts his hands on the screen and pushes through. I get up and grab Six's hand running into the other room the room filled with toys and drawings. Me and Six run underneath the bed and I wrap my arms around her protectively holding her tightly so as not to let my older self take her.

I. Will. Not. Let. Him. Take. Her.

Not again.

Not. Again.


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