Chapter Fourteen

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  I shake my head painfully as I sit up. Every bone in my body hurts. And my hip took the brunt of the fall. I stand up and realize my remote is broken. That doesn't matter though. I put a hand on my hip and walk forwards. I see a dark form of Six in front of me. She turns and walks away fading. Then her dark form is balancing on the train tracks before fading away again. Then she's sitting on a concrete ledge waiting as I climb up before she fades away. I start walking towards some stairs and see her dark form walking up them and fades away at the top. I go up to a ladder and start slowly climbing up it taking pity on my hip. Water falls down onto me as I near the top. I push up a manhole cover and stand on the Pale City street right in front of the Signal Tower. I stand there as the Thin Man appears in front of me. The city warps when he appears. I fall to my knees not ready to battle him. I clench my fists as he approaches.
  I stand back up and hold out my hand using my powers against him. He holds out his hand fighting back with his powers as well. My powers over take him and he falls back. He's back up again and I aim for his hand knowing his secret. Everytime he moves his hand I move mine. I over power him again and he falls back again. We do this again and he falls onto his back. He tries to stand up but he's done. He fades away and I stand up. "You deserved it." I say. I warp the city and bring myself closer to the Signal Tower by moving the street I'm on. When I reach the Signal Tower the door opens bathing me in purple light. "Time to find Six." I say as I walk inside.

  I walk down the hallway I had to walk down to let out the Thin Man as I hear music from Six's music box. When I near the door it opens for me. I stop to take a quick look around and then walk towards the open door. It closes as I near but one on the right of me opens spilling out Six's music. I go towards that door and teleport through it. I appear on a platform in front of some stairs. As I walk up the stairs Six's music gets louder. I teleport through the door at the top of the stairs. I come out another door and see a door at the end of the hallway and walk towards it Six's music growing louder. I teleport through the door and end up in the same hallway. I go to that door again and hear Six's music. I teleport through it and end up in the same hallway again only with Six's music behind me. I turn and go through that door.
  I appear on the other side of the hallway and go towards the door I just went through. I hear Six's music and make my way through. I find myself in a longer hallway and walk past an open door not hearing Six's music. I come across a door that's halfway peeled back from it's frame a go through it as Six's music plays. I find myself in a hallway with only one door open and I go through that door. I'm on another platform with stairs and start walking up them. "Come on Six. Where are you?" I walk through the door at the top of the stairs hoping I'm getting closer to Six. I find myself in the room with four doors. I walk towards the one at the bottom left of the hallway and walk through it.
  I teleport to the top right door and walk across the hallway pushing the door in front of me open that way I can go through the door connected to it. I walk through and teleport to the door I just opened and I walk across the hall and wak through the doorway as I hear Six's music. I find myself on another platform with stairs and walk up them. I teleport into the next room. I see this is the room with a lot of doors and before I teleport anywhere I push the plank of wood down so I can cross across the gap in the room when needed. I then head for the door that was right across from the door I teleported through. I end up all the way on the other side of the room. I run across the plank of wood I knocked over and into the door on my right. I end up across the gap again and run to the door right on the edge of the gap and teleport through it. I find myself on another stair platform and walk up the stairs wishing Six were closer.
  I stop at the top of the stairs and take a breath. "I believe I'm close Six." I mutter as I walk through the doorway. I teleport into a hallway with a partially open door at the end. "Six." I murmur as I walk towards the door. I slip through the door and see a giant version of Six's music box. And behind it is Six, in her monster form.

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