Chapter Thirteen

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  I turn on the tv and then walk over to the trash shoot climbing into it. I fall down onto the trash in it and jump on until it falls. I land in a huge pile of trash and get up walking towards a box on the floor. I drag it towards the elevator lever and when I get it there I pull on the lever opening the doors a little. I squeeze through the small opening and turn on the tv. I climb on top of it and pull the lever. When I reach the floor I was on I pull the lever again and quickly warp through the tv, run and jump onto the lowering elevator, and then walk out onto the floor I could previously not get on. I walk down the hallway to my left and pull on a box with a creepy doll on it. As soon as the vent behind the box is uncovered I crawl through it and into a bathroom covered with electrified water.
  I climb onto the closed toilet seat and run and jump across the water to a safe area. I see the old woman Watcher staring at the tv and I turn off her tv. I run and jump onto the toilet seat as the woman gets electrocuted. The power goes off and her tv breaks. I go into the room and grab the stool that was beside her. I drag it over to the door and us it to jump up and open the door. When I let go of the door handle I fall into a dumpster full of trash and see a bunch of Watchers staring at a tv. I ignore them and crawl through a window into a store. I go around some shelves and grab ahold of the cart full of stuff.
  I drag it over to the ramp and go behind the cart to push it down the ramp. It rolls and hits a wall and rolls back towards the ramp. I crawl onto a shelf and run towards the cart jumping for it. I grab onto the edge and pull myself up not wanting to touch the electrified water. I jump onto a counter and drop down onto the safe floor behind it. I sit down to take a break even though I want to get Six back. I remember her last words to me before she got taken.

"I love you Mono..."

  I couldn't even say it back before she got taken. How I wish I had those precious seconds back to tell her the same. I feel tears prick my eyes but I wipe them away with the sleeve of my coat. "No point in crying Mono. Just get this over with. Maybe next time you can tell her." I sigh and stand up walking into the next room. I crawl up onto the desk and jump onto the shelf in front of me. I run and jump into a vent grate and crawl through it onto another shelf with the power switch to turn of the power. I look down at the now safe water and cart. "Why is everything so hard?" I jump down and pull the cart around a shelf and to the area where I have to use it to get to the tv.
  I test to make sure I can make the jump and then when I'm certain I can I run behind the counter, into the next room, climb on top of the desk, onto the shelf, and then jump through the vent. I turn back on the power jump onto the floor that's safe, and then crawl onto the shelf that I have to use to jump onto the cart. I run and jump onto the cart, then I run and jump to the shelf with the tv. I land safely in front of the tv and stand up ready to warp through it. When I do I fall onto a floor in front of a couch. I turn and jump onto the tv, and then jump onto a window seal. I jump onto a roof, and then down into the alleyway with all the Watchers. I go over to a store full of tvs and turn one on, then I go and turn off the tv that two Watchers are staring at they growl and go to the tv stores window staring at the tv.
  I turn this tv back on and warp through it. The tv in the store window breaks and I see the two Watchers in front of me. I run past a counter and jump through a hole in the wall and run past some tvs that are on that temporally distract the Watchers chasing me. I run behind some shelves that Watchers knock down behind me. I run to a tv and warp through it before the Watchers can catch me. I bust through a tv and break it as I land on the floor. I take a breath after that chase and stand up ready for what's next. I walk past a couch and climb up some exposed planks and fall down into the next room. I see the tv in the corner and remember what room this is.
  I go up to the tv and Six is there banging on the glass. I put my hands through the tv and grab hers. I start pulling her out when the Thin Man's hand shoots forward and grabs her yanking her back into the tv with a scream. I run away as the Thin Man warps through the tv and a axe falls off the wall. I grab it and break through the door in slow motion as the Thin Man makes things go slower. I drop the axe and run to some exposed boards and climb thro a hole in the wall out of immediate danger. I crawl through another hole, and climb up some more exposed boards into a vent. I walk under the floorboards waiting to hear the footsteps of the Thin Man.

Thak, thak, thak.

  I walk forward and become temporarily exposed as I walk under a hole in the floor. I walk forward and stay just behind another hole as the Thin Man looks into the hole looking for me. When he dissapears I crawl forward. I crawl through a vent and land in a small area with a big hole in the wall. I jump down and start dragging a stool across the floor as the Thin Man opens a door at the end of the hall. I jump up onto a desk and start pulling boards off of the wall exposing the hole. When the Thin Man gets close I crawl through and get away from him. I slide down a roof and onto a train car that's also slanted and slide towards a platform. I grab onto it and pull myself up into the train. "Right. Outrun him and then you'll be okay for a bit. You got this Mono." I say to myself encouragingly. I walk forward towards a slanted door that I'll use to jump through a window. I run up it and jump through the window.
  I turn to my right and start running as the Thin Man enters the train car. I run and turn to my left and jump to the next car, I continue running and jump onto some suitcases, run off of those and jump down onto the next train car. I run up a small makeshift ramp and pull onto the lever opening the door. I let go and run forward sliding under a door and pulling the lever separating my car from the Thin Man's. He teleports outside onto the small platform and watches as I roll away from him. I sit down and enjoy my time away from danger for a while. Suddenly the train car speeds up and before I can brace myself it stops quickly and I hit my head on the door and fall forwards off the platform onto the ground.

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