Chapter Two

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  That sick sound of flesh ripping apart. It sends shivers down my spine. I turn to Six and she puts a finger to her lips. I nod and start walking forward trying not to make a sound. We walk behind the Hunter and towards the little doorway in the wall. When we reach me and Six push it open with a loud creak. We slide down a pile of stuff I would rather not find out what it is. And the Hunter shoves his door open and shoots the fence. I stand up and run towards a box my leg screaming in pain.
  Six slides behind the box right as the Hunter blows it to pieces. We run towards another box and we both dive for cover as the Hunter blows that one to pieces as well. We slide behind the final box and it gets blown to pieces as well. We run for the little cave and jump down right before the Hunter sees us. I catch my breath as my leg throbs with pain. I sit down and inspect it. Blood is seeping through Six's makeshift bandage but there's nothing we can do. "Hey. Bag boy!" I turn and glare at Six. "My name is Mono thank you very much!" I whisper yell at her. "My name's Six. Now that introductions are done let's sneak out while he's distracted." She says. I creep forward and subconsciously grab her hand.
  She doesn't say anything she just looks at me surprised. We creep forward past the Hunter and we scare a crow. I stop as he swings his lantern around. As soon as the beam is past us I creep forward some more. We reach the area with the hole and the Hunter walks towards us. I turn to Six and whisper into her ear. "Run towards the hole when I tell you to."
  I let go of her hand and as soon as the Hunter's lantern beam is out of the way I tell Six to run and she sprints towards the hole, I follow behind her. I run slower then her because of my injury but I manage to slide into the hole right after Six. I creep away from the opening and I see Six waiting for me patiently. "Hey." I say. I creep past her and crawl forward. We crawl out of the tunnel and we head towards a broken bridge.
  Six runs up to the edge and looks over it. "Hey! I think you can pull this side up and I can run across!" I go over to the rope and pull on it my leg screaming with pain as I do so. As soon as the bridge is level with the ground Six runs across and lands on the other side. I let go of the rope and walk to the edge of the bridge.
  Six leans over the gap and holds out a hand. "I'll catch you!" She yells. I take a few steps backwards to take a running start. As I leap across the gap she catches my hand and pulls me up. Instead of laying there I get up and start walking. She follows behind me and we walk past a bunch of cages. As we walk by some small hills I see the light from the Hunter's lantern and mentally curse myself. I forgot we have to run through this part and then wade through a disgusting swamp.
  I sigh and creep forward behind Six and hop down from the ledge. Six dashes for the house and I creep forward until the crow on top of the box in front of me flies away alerting the Hunter, I crouch behind the box and wait for it to explode. When it does I dash painfully for the house I stay behind the crate next to boards I can climb so I can climb while the Hunter is reloading. The crate  explodes and I start climbing my leg screaming at me to just give up. I climb behind a tv and the Hunter shoots it sending crashing down.
  I climb inside the house and dash across a board that Six is waiting for me on the other side of. As I'm almost across the board breaks and Six grabs my hand before I can fall. She pulls me up and as soon as I reach the safety of the floor the Hunter shoots at me. We run across the floor dodging holes and gunshots. Six jumps out of the window ahead of us and I follow her. I slide down a tin roof and splash down into the mucky stuff below. I hope this is water. I wade under the dock next to Six who looks relieved to see me.
  My paper bag and clothes are now covered with muck. Suddenly I hear I door get slammed against a wall and we hear the Hunter walk onto the boards above us. He makes a grumbling sound and walks away. As soon as we can't see him we wade through the muck and duck under a board to get under another part of the dock. As we wade I hear Six complaining behind me.
  "Stupid disgusting shit." I smile at her comment. I stop behind a stump as I see the Hunter's light reflect off of the muck. When it pans away from us I wade out into the open, as I see his light returning I take a deep breath and duck under the muck. I wade in the direction I hope is forward and only come up when I need air. When I come up I'm behind another stump. Six is still behind me thankfully.
  I turn to her. "Are you okay?" I whisper. She nods when all of a sudden my leg starts hurting really bad. Some muck must of seeped through the cloth and into my wound. I grit my teeth and hear the Hunter shamble off. I wade forward again and see the broken tree me and Six are supposed to knock over so we can wade undetected. I climb up onto the small patch of land and wave Six over.
  "We can knock this over to wade forward." I whisper. She nods and we push the tree until it starts falling. This alerts the Hunter and I drop behind the tree right before he shoots me. Six follows behind me again. As we get to the end of the log we duck under and come back up behind a tree stump where thankfully there's land. I crawl onto land where I can climb a bridge to get up onto more land.
  I turn to tell Six this but I can't find her. "Six!" I whisper yell. She comes up out of the muck in front of me. "Sorry. I just wanted to make sure." I give a small smile even though she can't see it through my bag and hold out a hand for her to get out with. She takes my hand and climbs out. When Six looks at her clothes she makes a disgusted face. "Yuck! I'll never get this out!" I shrug and start climbing the broken bridge. She follows behind me and when I reach the top a few crows fly away and I almost fall backwards with surprise.
  "STUPID CROWS!" I yell in a soft voice. I hear Six giggle behind me and it makes me smile. I get to the ledge of the little cliff like place we were on and sigh. One more chase sence and then we can kill this stupid Hunter. I hop down and mentally curse. More crows. More stupid crows. I decide to just run for the box up ahead. I breck out into a run and scare the crows away alerting the Hunter. Right before he can shot me or Six we slide behind the box.
  Soon it explodes and we run for the next one. As we hide behind the next on I see the shed right next to us. I grab Six's hand and right as the box explodes we dash inside. Six closes the door and latches the bottom latch even though my leg kills me I jump up onto the crate and pull the shotgun down. Six runs over and picks up the front half of the shot gun as the Hunter's head busts through the door. I grab the bottom half of the gun and aim it. I put my hand on the trigger and pull it.

  The gun goes off and me and Six are thrown backwards. My ears are ringing but we did it. We killed him. I sit up and see Six is shaking her head as if trying to clear it. Some boards fall off of the window and I motion for Six to follow me. We jump out of the window and head towards the beach. I see a door half buried in the sand. "Hey Six. Look. We can get away this way." I say as my hearing returns. She nods and we push the door into the sea and crawl onto it.
  We sit next to each other and as we ride on out little raft I take off Six's makeshift bandage. There's muck around and probably in my wound, so I scoop up seawater in my hands and splash it onto my wound in an attempt to clean it. I let out a cry of pain as it burns my cuts. Six is watching me with mild curiosity. "Are you okay?" I shake my head. "No. But it'll have to do for now." I look forwards into the mist and see the shadow of the Pale City get closer.
  I stand up and stare as the city emerges from the mist. "Holy shit!" Exclaims Six as she stands up too. We stare as our little raft gets closer to the city. When the door gets pushed up against the beach we stumble off of it and towards the open door. Six is right behind me as we enter the building and into the Pale City.

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