Chapter Three

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  As we walk inside the building I see the clothes hanging in the tv. It's disturbing because a person had to be in that tv before the signal tower took their body away. I try my best to ignore it as I walk past. "Shit, what happened to that guy?" Asks Six. "Uh I dunno." I reply even though I definitely know why. I hop through the window and start crossing the street I hear Six jump through the window behind me.
  "Hey wait up!" She calls I stop outside the diner's window waiting for her to catch up. She sprints over to me and I crawl through the window. My leg is aching but it's not as bad as before. I wait on the other side of the window for her. She hops down and I grab her hand tugging her behind me. We walk through the diner and into the small hallway. I let go of Six's hand to slip through the doorway and into the room with the all the tvs piled on top of one another.
  "Hey I think I can go through that window if you boost me up." I say pointing to the small window to high to reach without Six. She nods and goes in front of the window cupping her hands. I step into her hands and let her boost me up and over. I see the noose and pulley system that I have to use to get to the upper floors to get Six up here as well. I climb on top of the tv and jump holding onto the noose for dear life.
  I start swinging back and forth getting momentum to push the tv down.


One hit...damn this hurts my leg...


Two more...


  The rope gets pulled up swiftly as the tv falls. When the rope stops with a jerk I swing some and when I have enough momentum I let go landing on my feet. My right leg is shooting pain but I walk towards the little ledge to push the tv off to bring Six up. Surprisingly when I look down she's not on the tv. Instead she's standing beside the pile of tvs looking up at me. "Are you okay?" She calls up.
  "I'm fine. Get on the tv that's at the top of the pile. I think I can pull you up by pushing this tv off." I call down. She nods and climbs on top of the tv. I go over to the other tv and push it off the ledge my leg screaming as I put even more pressure on it. Six's tv flies up and past my ledge and to the next floor. I go back and climb the stairs until I reach the broken part. Six is standing there waiting for me.
  "Come on. I'll catch you!" I run and jump towards her. She catches my hand easily and pulls me up and onto the floor. "You okay?" She asks. I nod and stand up walking up the stairs. In no time we reach the broken board we have to walk over. I hold out my arms for balance as we walk and hop over the small gap. I turn and wait for Six as she easily clears the gap herself. I grab her hand and climb up the stairs. We walk through the half boarded up doorway and we see the clothes of someone hanging from a noose.
  "Oh my gosh!" Says Six. I ignore it as best as I can and I sigh as I see the partially broken door I have to slip through. This part I hate the most. I let go of Six's hand to slip through the door. The tv on the other side turns on and I cover my ears as I walk slowly towards it. I reach it and put my hand on the screen to tune the signal. I tune it as fast as I can and soon I'm sucked into the hallway.
  I walk slowly towards the door and about a forth of the way down the hallway I get pulled back out by Six. "What the hell was that?!" She asks turning to me. I rub the back of my head as best as I can and shrug. "I dunno." I say. I go over to the window and hop onto the sill. I look down and sigh hopping down onto the full dumpster. My leg is still hurting when Six drops down beside me. She turns to me and holds out her hand.
  I smile behind my paper bag and grab her hand as we hop down. We walk towards to chain link fence together. "Do you think we can climb it?" She asks. I shake my head. "Let's try moving this dumpster. Maybe there's a hole or something." I say gesturing to the dumpster. She nods and grabs onto the bar on the bottom. I go next to her and we pull the dumpster away from the fence revealing the hole I know is there.
  When it's far enough away for us the slip through the fence I go through first and look up at the school with its creepy eye clock. Six is beside me and grabs my hand as she looks at the school as well. "Creepy." She mutters. All I can think is I can't let her be taken by the bullies this time.

Maybe if I keep her from getting caught I can build some trust with her...


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