Chapter Five

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  I feel Six's hand in mine and I smile. We're under the locker but we're together. I turn to her. "Ok. Let's get out from under here." We go to the wall of the locker and push it up with our combined strength. We emerge from under the locker only to see five Bullies surrounding us. Six puts her back to mine as we stare down the Bullies. Three of them have half heads but the other two have fully intact heads.
  One of the ones missing half a head jumps at me and I swing out my arm disconnecting the rest of their head from their body. Another half headed one jumps at me and I wrap my hands around it's throat. I break that part off and I turn to see Six punch one of the Bullies with a fully intact head. She breaks their head apart and turns to me her chest heaving.
  She killed three Bullies while I was occupied with my two. I smile even though she can't see it and we crawl over the locker together. There's another bully in front of us looking out into the other room. I pick up the hammer but Six takes it from my hands and goes up to the Bully smashing the hammer into his head. She turns to me. "Here. I just wanted to do that." I take the hammer handle and drag it behind me and Six follows beside me. I see a raised floorboard and a Bully in front of us tearing apart a frog in front of us.
  I set down the hammer quietly and point the floorboard out to Six. Then I point to the desk right next to it. She nods and grabs my hand. I count down on my fingers.


  We run towards the desk setting off the floorboard as we slide underneath. I hear the Bully's head get smashed to pieces by the bucket and turn to see Six smiling at me. "For someone who wears a bag on their head you're smart." I blush and I'm glad she can't see it. "Well I just happened to see it." We crawl out from under the desk and head towards the chair right beside a door. Six turns to the hammer we're leaving behind.
  "Won't we need that?" She asks. I shrug. "Even with our combined strength I don't see us getting that through the window." She nods and climbs up onto the chair holding out a hand for me. I take it and crawl through the window with Six following behind me. I realize we're walking towards the Teacher's classroom and I grab Six's hand. We walk forward until we get to the doorway.
  I put my finger to my lips as I hear the Teacher writing on the chalkboard. Six nods and we creep forward at the back of the classroom. I steer us behind a Bully's desk as the Teacher stops writing and consults her book before turning back to the chalkboard. We creep forward behind another desk and wait Six's grip on my hand tightens as we closer to the door. Finally we creep into the other room and I see a key on top of the shelf thing.
  I bring Six over to the box I'll have to hide in when the shelf falls. "Hide in here. I don't want to take any chances. I'll be right back after I get the key." Six goes to argue but I put my hand over her mouth. "Please?" She sighs. "Fine." She crawls into the box and sits down. "Thank you." I go over to the shelf and start climbing halfway up the shelf starts to tip and I jump off to the side. After it falls down I race over and grab the key before running towards Six and sliding into the box as I hear the Teacher walk over here.
I sit next to Six and grab her hand as the Teacher elongates her neck looking for us and grumbling when she can't find us. The Teacher retracts her neck and closes the door. Six lets go of a breath she was holding and turns to me. "That was the stupidest thing you've done so far!" I grin under my bag. "You know me." She punches my arm and sighs. "Yeah sadly I do." She says it in a joking manner and I crawl out of the box. "Come on. I think that elevator we passed as we walked towards the classroom will take this key." I grab Six's hand and pull her towards the now open vent that the Teacher opened when she closed the door.
  We creep through until we reach the door of the cupboard we're in. I slightly open the door and see the Teacher's legs close by. She smacks her ruler down on the desk of the Bully and then walks over to another desk. I creep out with Six behind me holding my hand. We creep behind the Teacher's desk and peek around the other side. She's busy with a Bully close by.
  When she walks over to a Bully farther away I tighten my grip on Six's hand and make a run for the door. As we dart out the Teacher shrieks and I speed up until my leg is burning with pain. I hear her teeth clamp shut on air behind us and we run towards the elevator. I let go of Six's hand and shove the key into the lock and open the doors as quickly as I can. I grab Six's hand and quickly duck into the elevator. The doors close and take us up and out of immediate danger.
Six turns to me grinning. "That was awesome!" I smile and shrug. "Eh. It was really fun. I don't think it woulda been as fun without you." It's true. Everytime I lost Six nothing was as fun as I just experienced. She makes avoiding danger fun. The doors open and we walk out into another room. This one has some shoes off the the side but I ignore them and walk into the adjoining room. Six is right beside me and we both see the Bully with the dunce cap on. He's drawing eyes on the floor with chalk.
  I turn to Six. "Okay. I see a rope around his neck. You go over there out of his reach and I'll get that pipe over there to smash his head with." She nods her head and runs over to the other side of the room while I sneak behind the Bully. "HEY IDOIT! OVER HERE!" She yells. The Bully looks up and runs towards her. Six is just out of his reach so he gets yanked back by the rope. I grab the metal pipe and creep up behind him as he stands up.
I raise the pipe up over my head and smash it down onto his head. He falls to the ground lifeless and Six sprints over to me. "That was fun. Now what?" I drag the pipe over to the broken door and slam the pipe against it breaking it more. I do that about two more times and then I drop the pipe. Me and Six go into the closet with more dunce caps. We climb up the drawers onto the cupboard and we crawl into the vent. I go first and reach behind me for Six's hand. She grabs it and we crawl through the vent together.
  We reach the area where we have to jump and pull ourselves up onto the next level.
I let go of her hand to do this and I crawl forward a little and turn around to face her. I can hear the Teacher hitting a Bully with her ruler in the next room. Six pulls herself up onto this level of the vent and I reach for her hand. We go to the edge of the vent and hop down together. Two bottles fall as we hit the board and I push Six in front of me towards the box.
  I push her in as I hear the bottles break and the Teacher shriek. I crawl in beside Six and hold her hand. After the Teacher looks around she retracts her head and goes back to punishing the Bully. We crawl out together and across one board I turn onto the other board and let go of Six's hand to pick up the jar in front of us. I carry it and put it down in front of the box we would've had to hide in if we had knocked it over.
  I go over to the handkerchiefs tied together and start climbing them with Six right behind me. I pull myself up onto the beam and hold out my hand for Six to take. She takes it and pulls herself up. I point to a box for her to crawl into while I push the board over. She shakes her head and follows me stubbornly. I roll my eyes and walk over to the board.
  We both push it over but before I can turn and run Six grabs my hand and drags me behind her as she runs across the board and into the vent. I pull myself into the vent and glare at her. "That could've went wrong!" She just shrugs and continues forward. Suddenly she falls and I scramble forward only to fall as well. We land at the bottom of the vent in a heap and she glares at me.
  "Ow! Why are you so heavy?" I shrug and crawl off of her. "Sorry." I turn and walk towards the little ladder in the vent. I hear Six follow behind me as I climb the ladder. I pull myself up and I crawl towards the vent opening but I turn around and wait for Six. She pulls herself up and I hold out my hand. Six takes it and we hop out of the vent together.
  We land on a bookshelf with books piled up next to us. We turn and jump off of the bookshelf onto the ground as I hear the Teacher walk in. Me and Six walk over to the rollable ladder and pull it towards a bookshelf. When the ladder can go no farther I climb up and onto a clear spot on the bookshelf. I wait for Six and take her hand. I know the Teacher will chase after us in this part so I hop down onto the other bookshelf and when I see the books on the edge start to fall I take off running with Six following behind me.
  I hear the Teacher bust through some books and she starts chasing us. I jump on top of the higher shelf and reach out for Six she jumps and I pull her up as the Teacher's head slams into the area where Six was. Me and Six duck into some shelves where the Teacher can't get us and stop to breathe. Six turns to me and mouths. 'Thank you' I nod and take her hand again pulling her along as we walk. We turn and see two towering piles of books in front of us. I jump onto one of them and Six is right behind me. She lands beside me and follows me as I navigate around this pile and jump onto the other pile.
  She jumps next to me and some books fall I quickly motion for her to follow as they hit the ground. We move to the right as the Teacher looks around. I motion for us to go left as the Teacher checks the right side as well. We hang on until I hear the door close. "Ok. Come on we can get down now." We climb to where we can hop off and onto the floor. I hop off first and Six follows me.
  I head over to the door. This is the part where I would usually drag a box of books over to open the door. But I have Six with me. "Can you boost me up so I can open the door?" I ask her. She nods and boosts me up to the handle of the door. It swings open and I hop down. Six grabs my hand and we walk forward. We walk past a smoking trash can and into a big area with stairs. I head up the stairs and go to the right to the chess piece puzzle room.
  I see the head to the tower but instead of putting it on the chess piece in front of the door I have Six boost me up again. I open the door but I go back for the tower head. Six has found the diagram for the chess puzzle. I go and put the tower head where it goes, then I grab the bishop heand and put it where it goes. "Six. Can you help my get the queen's head?" She comes over and boosts me up I drop it down and Six puts it on the last chess piece.
  I drop down and climb the tower piece and climb onto the table and pull the lamp. The bookshelves open and Six goes and grabs the key. After I hop down she hands it to me and I put it in my pocket. I grab her hand and we walk downstairs and to the locked door. "Ready?" I ask. She nods and I unlock the door. I grab her hand and we walk into the next room.

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