Chapter Ten

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  The Doctor is an ugly man. I can't even tell if he's a man. He has a bald bulbous head, he's fat no denying it, and his top lip is pulled back from his teeth. It's disgusting. Six grips my hand harder and I squeeze it. As soon as the Doctor crawls away on the ceiling we sneak forward and crawl up onto another shelf. The Doctor is messing with a body. It has no arm, no legs, and no head. Me and Six sneak past him and crawl through the vent in the wall and under some beds. The Doctor crawls in and starts messing with his... patients. As soon as he crawls away me and Six sneak under some more beds and behind a overturned cart.
  Me and Six sneak around while the Doctor is distracted and towards some toys at the far end of the hall with the Doctor in it. I go and pick up a block with an eye on it and crawl back under the bed. Me and Six make our way back to a upright cart, while Six hides under it I toss the block at the button on the wall and I run and slide back under the cart grabbing Six's hand. As the Doctor crawls into the other room Six sticks out her tongue at him and I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. When the Doctor crawls away I laugh softly and Six smiles at me.
  We crawl out from under the cart and we walk into the next room and climb some shelves into a vent and onto the ceiling. As we walk the Doctor crawls in and crawls below us. I turn to Six and grab her hand. We walk out of the vent and onto an open roof. We walk over to a hole in the roof and hop down onto a shelf, then a human shaped bag, and then onto the ground. I see a door that needs a key and I see the slab with the disgusting rotten flesh in it. "Hey Six. Maybe if I crawl in that and you push me we can find the key we need." She nods and I crawl in. She pushes the slab into the next room and I thankfully crawl out.
  I go over and pull the slab partially down so I can climb onto it to get the key. I pull a slab out and crawl on top of it. I jump onto another one and run and jump onto a door. It swings shut and I walk across the table to the slab I pulled out earlier and crawl onto it. I climb up onto the shelf and hop down. I get the key and go back into the slab box. "Alright Six pull me back." She pulls me back and follows me to the door. I open it with the key and we walk inside. I immediately turn to my left and climb a shelving unit Six is following behind me trusting me. I run and jump onto the top of a shelf and Six is beside me in seconds.
  We run and jump onto another shelf and crawl into a vent. Six grabs my arm before I can approach the ladder in front of us. "Hey Mono. Where did you get those scratches?" She lightly touches my cheek where the scratches are. "Oh. A stupid mannequin." She nods and we continue forward. I start climbing the ladder with Six behind me. I push a grate up and away and wait for Six. We crawl through a vent and under a sink as the Doctor washes his hands. As he crawls away we crawl under his table and under a table beside it.
  The Doctor grabs a saw and goes over to a patient he has out. Me and Six go over to a vent in the wall and I whisper to her. "Boost me up and then wait here. I'll be right back I promise." She nods and boosts me up and through the small window. I see the patient on life support and feel bad for what I'm about to do.

Then again maybe it's for the best. He's probably in misery.

  I climb up a ladder and walk over to the lever on the wall. And I jump down grabbing onto it. The life support turns off and I run under the bed. The Docter comes crawling in fast and turns the life support back on. He goes and takes care of the patient and I run out with Six joining me as I run back into the room. I pull out a slab and climb up onto another slab and grab the power core. Me and Six run into the next room and I put the power core in earning a loud buzz that alerts the Doctor.
  "Run!" I scream. We run through the slowly opening door as the Doctor crawls after us. We slide under a shelf and continue running as the shelf falls. We run up a small ramp and jump onto a shelf and run away as that shelf falls. We run into another hallway and up another ramp and onto a shelf then we hop down and run under the shelves in front of it as the Doctor knocks them down. We slide under some beds and crawl forward. The beds get crushed as the Doctor crawls after us some more. We run towards the incinerator and I jump inside and fall under the bed they put the body on.
  It starts to collapse as the Doctor crawls onto it. I push the grate and Six pulls on it. I get out and Six closes the door locking the Doctor inside. I pull on the lever and earn a muffled scream as he dies. Six sits down and puts out her hands warming herself. I sit next to her enjoying the warmth of the fire. She turns to me and smiles. "That was a very brave thing to do Mono." I smile and rub my neck. I've done that a million times and she never complemented me once. She lays her hand on my shoulder and sighs. "Can we just sit here and forget about everything else?" She asks. I smile and laugh a little. "I dunno. Do you wanna stay in the killer hospital? The place that kills instead of heals?" She smiles and laughs.
  "You're pretty funny." I smile and grab her hand. "Yeah." She scoots closer to me and closes her eyes. "Can we sleep for a while?" She asks yawning. I yawn myself realizing how tired I am. "Yeah. Let's rest up. We may have some more monsters to take care of later." We curl up next to each other on the floor and fall asleep holding hands in front of the fire.

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