Chapter Twelve

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  I hold Six close to me as the Thin Man enters the room. Six takes one look and buries her face into my shoulder. The Thin Man stands in the doorway trying to find Six. My future self must be confused as to why he can't find Six. Then I feel something tug on Six. It's strong. Suddenly I'm playing tug of war with the Thin Man. The reward is Six. I hold onto her arms as the Thin man has her legs in his power. "I'M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE HER!" I scream at him planting my feet against the floor and pulling on Six. Tears are streaming down her face. "Mono! Don't let go!" I grit my teeth and keep ahold of her. "DON'T WORRY SIX! I'M NOT GOING TO LET HIM TAKE YOU!" I feel a strong pull and I'm almost lifted off the ground. My grip on her arms slip and all I'm holding onto is her hands.
  "MONO!" I continue tugging on her hands even though it's useless. My wrist is killing me but I won't let go. I'm going to lose her again. That thought puts more strength in me and I pull on her hands even harder. I feel her fingers slipping out of my hands. "NO!" I scream. Six looks at our hands and looks back up at me with a sad smile on her face. "I love you Mono..." I lose my grip on her hands and the Thin Man leaves with her. I sit there tears falling to the ground.

I lost her again.

  I wipe my eyes on the sleeve of my coat and stand up. "I. Want. Six. Back." I say. I walk stiffly to the tv in the other room and put my hands against it. I feel my body warp and go through the tv. I fall out of another tv breaking it and land hard on a mattress. I lay there for awhile staring up at the broken tv. But eventually I stand up and crawl onto a cupboard. I start climbing a bookshelf and crawl up onto a chair on top. I climb onto the arm of the chair and jump onto the floor above me. I walk around the big hole towards a tv that's on. Again I warp through it. I land on the ground next to a pulley and move the tv towards another roof.
  I use some trash to jump up and grab ahold of the door handle above me. The door falls down and I go over to the tv warping through it again and landing on the roof I moved the other tv to. I climb the ladder next to me and crawl through a hole in the wall to a room with a bed in it. I go through the other hole in the other wall and jump down onto the roof below me. I jump down onto another roof and walk across and partially broken board to yet another roof. I run and jump onto an AC unit and walk on the pipe connecting it to another AC unit. I jump across a gap and grab onto a hook making it swing. I swing back and use my momentum to throw me forward onto another AC unit. Unfortunately this one did not take me landing on it too nicely and makes a creaking sound as it starts to fall.
  "HoLY SHIT!" I start running and jump onto another AC unit and run across it. I hop down onto a board and run across it into a window. I hop down onto the ground putting my hands on my knees to take a breath. "Another thing changed. That NEVER happened before." I say to myself. I look up and see the tv across the too big gap for me to jump. I go over and crawl down the ladder to see the big chair with pants in it with the remote and tv in front of it. I pick up the remote and turn of the tv and warp through it. I land in front of the other tv and turn walking through the doorway to my left. I hop down some boxes and remember I'm in the post office.
  I jump down into the small tear through the floor and crawl through the vent in the wall. I come out the other side to see a tv that's turned off and a cart with boxes on it. Sighing I go over to the cart and start pulling on it. I move it to where I can jump on top of it when I jump over the hole in the floor. I turn on the tv an warp through it to the other tv in the other room. This time instead of jumping into the floor I grab onto a lamp and swing across to the other side of the floor. I run into the next room and crawl on top of a chair and onto the desk like area in front of it and into the room with a hole in the floor.
  I run and jump onto my cart of boxes, then I jump onto the other side of the floor. I climb some boxes and grab onto the hanger that I'll ride to my next destination. "And let's go." I say softly taking my feet of the box and riding the hanger to my next destination. I bust through some closed shutters and land on the floor. I push open the door in front of me and walk around the chair to see a woman Watcher staring at the tv. I go past her into the kitchen and go out onto her balcony and turn on the tv out side of her window over the sink. Then I go back into the living room and hide behind the chair as I turn off her tv. She growls but goes into the kitchen to watch more tv.
  I turn the tv back on and warp through it. I land on the roof in front of her window and look at her ugly face. "How about you stop watching tv some much and do the dishes that are piling up in the living room?" I say to her. I turn around and turn off her tv in spite. She growls and turns walking back into the living room. "Worth it." I say as I shrug. I walk across the board onto another roof, I climb a ladder onto a higher roof, walk across another board leaning against something, and jump onto another roof. I climb a trellis like thing and see a male Watcher watching tv.
  "Oh right. This guy." I turn and turn on the tv behind me and then sadly turn off this guy's tv. He growls and turns running towards the other tv. He steps into oblivion and falls to his death. I grimace and turn back on his tv. I climb up onto the table it's on and warp through the tv. The other tv breaks and I roll across the roof. I roll over the edge but grab onto it for dear life. I pull myself up not wanting to have the same fate as the Watcher. I walk into a bathroom and hop through the hole in the wall onto a roof. I walk across the roof, jump onto a bed going through the wall for some reason, and onto another roof. I jump up and grab onto a hanger and ride it to another roof. I let go and fall down onto the roof. I walk up some rubble onto a higher part of the roof and walk behind Watchers who start falling off the edge of the roof giving their bodies to the Signal Tower.
  I jump through a hole in the roof and land on a chair not wanting to watch the Watchers commit mass suicide. I jumo through a window onto a small balcony and push the tv connected by a rope off. The balcony disconnects from the wall a little and the metal makes a groaning sounds. I don't like that sound. I quickly jump back through the window, turn on the tv, and warp through it as fast as possible. I shoot out of the other tv and grab other the window ledge as the balcony gives on last groan before breaking from the wall and falling past me creating a strong wind as it falls.
  I hear a crash from down below I figure the balcony landed in the street. I pull myself up and through the window into a room with water on the floor. "This room." I go over to a boarded up door and pull a board off. I can hear groaning from a Watcher as it bangs on the door. I pull the other board off and run towards the small indent in the wall. The door bursts open behind me and I hear a startled grunt come from the Watcher I hop up into the indent in the wall and pull the lever electrocuting the Wacher as it walks through the water.
  Once it's dead I pull the lever making the water safe again. The Watcher is smoking as I walk past it. I go into the next room walking down a short hallway and come across a tv in a chair, a open elevator shaft, and the trash shoot. "Okay Mono. You got this." I say to myself.

Tv warping sounds

  Hey guys. Yup I'm back again. I think I'm getting better at this. Arm starts glitching. Probably not good but anyways. Another shoutout. zheril_Arizu10 they've supported the book alot as well. I also promised them a shoutout and they said it was cool. Idk if they were being modest or what but I'm still giving them a shoutout. zheril_Arizu10 this is for you. Well anyways I better go before my arm gets worse. Thank you all for reading and cya next time.

TV clicks off and mysterious person dissapears yet again.

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