Chapter Nine

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   I stare at Six as she confesses her feelings to me. It's funny. She's telling me she likes me in a hospital that could easily kill us. "I... Six I... I like you too." I manage to get out. She smiles and wraps her arms around me in a hug. "Now. Shall we continue?" She asks. I nod and she picks up the power core and follows me as I lead her to the next area of the hospital.

With those creepy ass mannequins.

  I point to the area where the power core goes in and she puts it in. The loud buzzer goes off and I turn to Six. "You look really pretty when your not hiding behind that hood of yours. She blushes but nods. "Thanks. You look good without your paper bag hiding your cute face." I smile and she walks over rubbing the spot on my cheek under the sooty smiley face. "If that damn face stays I'll be amazed." I laugh. "You wish! Remember the rain outside?" She sighs. "Yeah." I grab her hand and rub it with my thumb.
  "I never said my smile would wash away." She smiles at me. "You're such a dork." "I know." We walk pass some corn on a plate and a wheelchair. We walk into an area where I'm sure I'll have to leave Six behind. I don't think we can go through this together. We walk over to the door where she'll boost me up. "Look Six. My arm is hurt. I can't pull you up. So we'll part ways for now but I promise I'll come back." She looks sad and I step forward reaching out when she spins around and grabs the collar of my shirt. She pulls me close and kisses my cheek that doesn't have the smiley face on it.
  "That's your promise and it's for good luck." She goes over to the window and boosts me up. I fall down and look through the bars at her. She waves and I salute her. She giggles and I wave as well. I look at the mannequin standing in my way and sigh. I go and pull on the lever breaking the light overhead. I flick on my flashlight and point it at the floor. The mannequin starts walking towards me and I point my flashlight at it. It stops walking towards me freezing as my light touches it.
  I keep my light on it until I squeeze through the bars on the other side of the room.

One down and about a million more to go.

  I continue walking forward until I reach a hallway with three mannequins frozen by some light. I walk past them and walk into a dark hallway.

Two rooms. One I can just run through the other well I'll get to that when I get there.

  I turn off my flashlight because it's easier just to run and not even use the flashlight. When I enter the room I start running towards some beds and I hear shuffling off to my right. I ignore it and continue running I go around another mannequin that also comes to life and before either mannequin can catch me I slide under the beds. I flick on my flashlight and take a breath. "You can do this Mono. It's not that hard. Just three mannequins in this room." I mutter to myself as I crawl out from under the bed.
  I point my flashlight at the first mannequin who started to move until my light hit it. As I back away from it I hear movement off to my left and swing my flashlight around freezing another mannequin. As I continue backing away I hear the mannequin behind me start shambling forward. I quickly turn and shine the light on it. As I get behind it the other two mannequins shuffle into the range of my light and freeze as well. I continue backing away until on starts to move. I turn and run jumping through the broken door. I land on the floor hard and see the one mannequin reaching for me but it freezes in the light and I smile.
  I turn and walk towards a small shelf like thing with medical stuff on it. I climb up and climb into the vent above it and crawl through the vent.

Now the hallway with the hands.

  I think as I fall onto the bed. I jump down off the bed and turn on my flashlight. As I walk out of the room I look down the hallway and sigh. "Let's do this." I start running and hands bust out of the doors on either side of the hallway. I dodge them and turn down another hallway as the door behind me busts open. I continue running and shine my light onto a mannequin crawling towards me. I keep running keeping my light on them. I run under some beds and turn around to shine my light onto another mannequin crawling towards me. I run towards the shelves that I can climb up and turn off my flashlight shoving it into my pocket as I climb away from immediate danger.
  Then the mannequins do something they've never done before. They try to climb after me. "WHAT THE HELL!" I scream as I climb on top of the shelves. I feel them start to lean forward with the weight of the mannequins trying to climb after me. I turn and jump into the vent as the shelves falls forward onto the mannequins. I turn around and turn on my flashlight to look at the wreckage below. The shelves fell onto all the mannequins pinning them down and probably crushing a few.
  "What the hell was that? They've never tried to climb after me before." This is weird. I shake it off and crawl through the vent towards the shower room. As I jump out of the vent I remember about the mannequin in the other room. "That thing. Right." I turn around and jump up pulling on the lever that turns on the light. I see a box of soap in front of me and three bars of soap on the floor. I pick one up and go over to the button on the wall. I toss the soap at it and the door opens with a loud buzz.
  I go back over to the lever and turn the lights off. I turn on my flashlight and walk into the room with the mannequin in the wheelchair. It stands up and I shine my light at it freezing it in it's tracks. I back away and when I get into the room with the lever I turn and run. I jump and grab the lever turning on the lights and freezing the mannequin right before it grabs me. I go into the other room and push the wheelchair up to the door with the window. I climb up into the window and take a breath. "This is the last room. Then you'll be done with these creepy mannequins." I say as I jump down.
  I turn on my flashlight and start running. Mannequins start to move and I swing my flashlight around wildly trying to stop them I get close to the boards that I can crawl under and risk a glance behind me. I see a mannequin reach out and it's fingers scratch my cheek. I continue running and slide under the boards. The mannequins reach through the boards trying to reach me but they freeze in the light. I turn and see Six sitting on the floor next to a bucket and a sponge. I go over to a stool and climb up it pulling the lever that will give me the power core in the wall. The lights flicker and the power core shoots out of the wall landing on the ground.
  "Mono?" I hear Six call my name. She must've seen the lights flashing and heard the power core hit the ground. I pick it up and carry it while walking over to Six. "Hi. Look what I brought you." She smiles as I toss it up and into the shoot so she can open the door for me. Suddenly the lights flicker again. I hear the breaking sound of glass as the room is plunged into darkness. I see the soft glow of the power core as Six pulls it through the shoot. Then I hear a sound that makes my blood run cold.


  I turn and flick on my flashlight to see all the mannequins bust through the boards. They freeze in my light.

Another thing changed. What's going on?

  I think as I keep my flashlight on the mannequins. I hear the distinctive buzz of the door as it opens. "Six. When I take my flashlight off of the mannequins and run towards the door, take the power core out of the wall. I'll make it. Don't worry." "What are you talking about Mono?" "Just promise me!" I'm scared so I'm starting to yell. "Ok. I trust you." I smile at that. I turn and run as I hear the mannequins come back to life behind me. I hear the door buzz again and I slide through the tiny gap as it closes.
  Six runs up to me with the power core in her hands casting a glow on her face. Suddenly the mannequins don't seem so scary anymore. I smile at her and she smiles back. "Thank you for trusting me." I say. She nods. I turn and see the mannequins reaching through the bars for us and I stick out my tongue at them. Six giggles behind me and I turn another smile on my face. "Your such a child." She says. I shrug and we walk out of the hallway into the room with the elevator. I grab the power core and watch as another door closes securing our safety.
  We walk to the elevator and put the two power cores in. I go over and pull on the lever bringing the elevator up. I grab Six's hand and we walk inside. The doors close and I can't resist saying something. "Going down." Six just shakes her head and I smile. "What I thought it was funny." The doors open to a dark hallway and I turn on my flashlight. We walk down the long dark hallway and turn to the left. We make it to a doorway with a cloth hanging down and I let go of Six's hand to climb up and over to the other side.

Right the room with TWO hands. We can do this.

  I start walking forward with Six beside me when we both see the pipe in the middle of the floor. Six walks up to it and I hear a banging sound come from the bottom door thing. I run over and press my back against it trying to keep it closed but a hand slips out. Six picks up the pipe and when the hand scuttles out she hits it. I try to keep this hand at bay but it won't stay that way for long. She hits it again and I can't hold this hand at bay anymore. I run over to the boarded up door and start pulling at the boards.

Crunch!... Crunch!

  "One down!" Six yells behind me. I smile as I pull off one board. I continue pulling on another when I hear another crunch. "One more hit." I murmur to myself as I pull of the second board.


  Six walks up to me and helps me pull of the board. "You were great at killing those hands." I complement. She smiles and rubs the back of her head. "Thanks." I smile and take her hand as we crawl through the door to the room with the faces on the wall.

Next up is the Doctor.

  I think bitterly. We walk through a door to a room with a bunch of shelves and I can hear the Doctor banging against them. I put my finger to my lips for Six to know to stay quiet as we crawl under a shelf and see the ugly bastard.

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