Chapter Seven

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  I notice rain is pouring down on us and Six is shivering. "Six? Are you cold?" "Mhm." I can hear her teeth chattering. I grab her hand and we walk a little faster. We come across a dumpster that we have to knock the lid down so we can jump onto the rock ledge. I tell Six that we can probably find something to keep her warm and dry if we move the dumpster towards the ledge. She nods and we move it so the lid closes and then we move it as close as we can get to the ledge. I get onto the ledge first and when I turn around I see Six jump and grab onto the ledge but one of her hands slip and I reach out pulling her up before she falls.
  "There you go." I say. We walk past a creepy building with a sewer grate that looks like a mouth and two windows that look like eyes. We find our way into the room with Six's raincoat in the middle of the floor. "Hey Six. Maybe this'll keep you dry." I say to her. She nods and pulls it on. She pulls up the hood and turns to me. "Much better." She goes over to the closed door and holds out her hands to boost me up. I let her boost me up and I hang onto the door handle as the door swings open.
  We walk over to a window and jump through it. I see the tv on the dumpster and the board against the chain link fence. Six boosts me up onto the dumpster and I crawl up onto the tv. Then I jump onto the roof of some building and walk across hopping down onto some trash. I sprint over to the board and push it down so Six can get in here with me. "Took you long enough." She says in a teasing tone. I shrug and jump up onto the trash pile and walk over to the closed vent.
  "Ready?" I ask as she climbs up. She nods and helps me pull it open. We walk inside and I instinctively grab her hand. Suddenly I step onto nothing and fall down the vent with Six landing on top of me. "Ow!" We both groan. Six stands up and helps me stand up as well. We crawl out of the vent and I grab her hand when we emerge from the vent. In front of us is the hospital. We walk up the stairs slowly and crawl through a window inside.

  When we get inside we walk forward and crouch under a bed. We continue forward always holding hands because let's face it. The hospital is creepy. We come to some doors and push them open I almost fall into the abyss but Six catches me and pulls me to safety. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" She yells at me punching me in the arm. I can't help but smile and I'm thankful for my paper bag so she can't see it. "Sorry I almost died." I say getting up. I jump onto the hanging bed and the jump onto the bed hanging vertically. I climb that bed and jump onto a bed connected to the other bed by ropes. I jump onto some handkerchiefs tied together and climb them. I look down and see Six right behind me.
  I jump onto a bed, run and jump onto another bed, and jump onto a final bed before pulling myself up and onto the regular floor. I see Six's hands grab onto the floor and I pull her up without hesitation. She smiles at me from under the shadow of her raincoat. "Thanks." "Eh. What are friends for?" I take the power core out of the wall and walk across the hallway that is now dimly lit by the power core itself. I put it into a outlet and doors open in front of me and Six. We hold hands and fall in together.
  I say fall because I forgot about the broken elevator and we both were expecting a floor. I run over to the vent grate and with Six's help I pull it off the way. I feel the elevator shift and I shove Six inside the vent I go to get inside the vent but suddenly the cable snaps and I'm falling with the elevator. "MONO!" Six's hand shoots out of the vent and wraps around my wrist. I feel my wrist snap. Six pulls me into the vent and I let go of her hand to examine my wrist.
  I try to move it around but it hurts every time I do so. "Shit! Sorry Mono." Six mumbles tugging on her raincoat hood. I reach out with my other hand and push her hood down to look her in the eyes. In the dim light of the vent I see she's crying. "Oh Six. You didn't hurt me. I'll be fine. Besides there has to bandages here. We're in a hospital for crying out loud." I hear her giggle. She looks at me with red rimmed eyes. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" "If I'm not you can punch me as many times as you want and I won't complain."
  She smiles. "Deal." I hold out my good hand and she shakes it. We walk through the vent and when we hop out of it I see a light on the floor. My flashlight. I go over and pick it up with my left hand. I turn it off and then back on. I turn to Six and she holds up her hands in front of her face. "Hey! You're going to blind me!" I giggle and see some bandages nearby. "Hey look! Can you help me wrap up my wrist?" I ask pointing to the bandages with my flashlight.
  Six nods and sprints over to get them. I sit on the floor and when Six comes back over I shine the light on my wrist. "Okay. Try to hold it straight." "The light or my wrist?" I ask. "Both." She starts wrapping my wrist up gingerly and when she's done she tears the bandages apart with her teeth. She tucks the extra bit under some more bandage. "Thanks." I say. She smiles. "What are friends for? Isn't that right?" I smile at her quoting me. "Yep." We walk out of the room and down a hallway. I wince at the thought of another tv trip. Especially with a sprained possibly broken wrist.
  I walk into the lobby area and turn off my flashlight as the tv turns on. I cover my ears and walk towards the tv. I tune the signal quickly not wanting to spend any extra minutes doing this then I have to. When I get sucked into the tv I walk slowly towards the door and halfway down I get pulled out by Six. We fall to the ground together and she looks at me. "Are you okay?" I nod and we look around. I suddenly notice all the mannequins staring at the tv.

Damn those are creepy.

  Six turns to me. "I'm ready for whatever comes next." I nod. "Yep. I'm ready. Together." I grab her hand and move my bag so she can see my smile. She smiles back and I feel like we can get through this together.

Tv warping sounds

  Hi guys! Bet you weren't expecting me! Especially the way I came in. I'm still getting used to this whole tv teleportation thing to be honest I didn't think I'd make it through.
Anyways the reason I'm here is do a quick shoutout to a supporter of the book. Yaboy6. He's a huge supporter of the book. I just wanted to thank him and I did promise him a shoutout in my next chapter sooo. Yaboy6 this is for you. Thank you all for reading and cya next time.

Tv clicks off and mysterious person dissapears.

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