P is for Pleasure

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I sat on the counter, swinging my legs and waiting for my daddy. I was already dressed and ready to leave but he was still getting ready. And he said I was gonna take longer.


I was wearing a blue mini skirt with a matching sweater and timbs I also had on a few chokers to pull the whole outfit together.

"Okay, I'm done." He announced, making his way down the stairs. I immediately looked up.

I really haven't been in head space recently, which is weird. I tried not to think much about it because it would cause me to over think.

Honestly, I think it's because Stokeley makes me happy as an adult.

Not just sexually, he actually makes me feel content. I'm not entirely sure but that's what I'm ruling out on.

"Hi my prince." Daddy smiled, I instantly returned it. I reached out and hugged him, a lot tighter than I intended. He noticed and looked down at me.

"You alright?" He asked. I nodded and continued to hold onto him. "I'm sorry, you just make me really happy." I answered. I could feel the vibrations of me talking in his chest.

"You make me happy too." He told me, lifting my chin. He leaned down gave me a kiss.

Our sweet and chaste kiss quickly turned into a sensual one. My lips were slightly parted as our tongues clashed together. He easily took dominance over me.

Stokeley tapped my thigh, signaling for me to jump. I did, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He started gripping and rubbing all over my ass. I moaned breathlessly when he smacked it a few times, leaving a stinging sensation.

Eventually, I got out of my trance and realized he was carrying me upstairs.

"I-I thought we were-" He shushed me instantly. His hands were still on my ass and I started kissing on his neck.

I made a few love bites and moved up, nibbling slightly on his ear. When we reached his bedroom, he tossed me onto his bed and took his shirt off.

I stared and I'm pretty sure I was drooling. His eyes caught mine and they were clouded with lust, making me bite my lip. Before I knew it, he was hovering over me.

My face was now red and my pussy was throbbing. "You're so pretty kitten." He mumbled, kissing down my neck. I moaned, feeling him stop to run his tongue over my now hard nipples. Stokeley started licking and sucking on them as if milk was gonna come out.

I arched my back off the bed, causing him to hold onto my hips to keep me down. "F-Fuck daaddyyy" I stuttered, moaning uncontrollably. He stopped and kissed down my stomach before stopping at the waistband of my panties. I whined as he pulled them off, my juices sticking to the cloth.

"I gotchu all hot and bothered huh?" He chuckled, kissing my inner thigh. I mewled, wanting him to stop teasing me. Stoke made a few marks on my thigh before finally looking at my pulsing heat. He blew on my clit, making me whine again. "Daddy please." I whimpered.

"Please what princess? What do you want me to do?" He asked. I whimpered again, growing wetter. "I can't help you if you don't say anything." He told me. "P-Please touch me." I begged, rolling my hips.

That's all I had to say before I felt his tongue running up and down my folds. I choked out a moan. His tongue made it's way in between my lips, in search for my clit. When he found it, he started sucking and sloppily licking on it. My body heated up even more. I was being very loud but I couldn't help it.

Stokeley's tongue ran lower and stopped at my opening. His tongue slithered into my opening. I started grinding my hips into his face, matching the strokes he made with his tongue. I could feel it wiggling and licking at my walls.

Before I knew it, I came, shaking hard. Stoke laid a kiss on my clit before coming up and kissing me. I moaned, tasting myself on his lips and tongue.

After that, he got up and positioned himself between my legs and slowly entered me. I moaned, still not used to the length or girth.

I fucking loved this.


Sorry for taking so long with the updates.

I love u guys 😘

Thank u for putting up with me :)

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