K is for Kiss My Ass

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What's the point of working? Why can't people just get money, from doing nothing?

I've been sitting here for seven hundred hours. I was just antsy.

"Seh?" I heard, cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Whattttt." I groaned, dramatically throwing my body over the arm of the couch.

"Is that how we answer people?" He looked down at me.

I just rolled my eyes. It's his fault!

"Yes, daddy?" I answered, properly this time.

"I'm almost done. Then we can go home, yeah?"

I scowled, turning away from him.

"Keep testin me, like I won't check you right here." He leaned down to my height.

I didn't know what to say to that. I started mumbling something under my breath.

"Ian hear you. Speak up." He gripped my chin, tightly.

"Nothing." I muttered, looking down.


"I can't believe you- why would you do sum like that?" Daddy kept scolding me as we were driving home.

"It wasn't on purpose" I whined.

"I watched you PURPOSELY push the cup over." He told me, stopping at a red light.

Apparently, I 'purposefully' knocked over a cup of iced coffee, on daddy's producer's computer monitor.

"You can think about your actions while I figure out what imma do with you." He started driving again.

Then, I said it.

I actually didn't mean for that to come out.

"And YOU, can kiss my ass." I shot back, my hands immediately flew up to cover my mouth.

He hit the brakes, hard.

"What'd you say?" He asked, not even turning around to face me

"I said, you can kiss my ass." I repeated, mentally slapping myself.

'Stop talking!' I thought.

He didn't say anything. He just started laughing. It wasn't the type of laughter to join in on, tho.


"As soon as we get in this house, you take yo ass upstairs and stay in that room, until I think you deserve to come out." He dragged me to the front by my arm

"You're hurting me." I whined, trying to get him to release me.

"No I'm not. Now shut up." He spoke, through gritted teeth.

I scoffed. Rude.

He finally got the door open and pulled me inside, slamming the door.

I just stood there.

"Why you still standing here? Go!" He pointed to the staircase.

"But daddy, I'm sor-" I tried to apologize, before he cut me off.

"Go. Now." He stated, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Ugh, I hate you! I hate you, so fuckin much!" I yelled, stomping my foot.

This? This is only part of the plan.

What'd City girls say? Act up to get snatched up!

Just imagine what happens when this pays off.

I should order a wheel chair from now.


Well, I pushed over every piece of furniture I could get my hands on.

The room looked a mess! In the middle of it all, was me.

I sat on the floor, crying into my hands. Now, I felt bad.

All daddy tried to do was make me happy. Of course, I had to fuck it up.

Just the thought of it, made me cry harder.


My eyes were now bloodshot, I was drained and now weak.

I was no longer sitting up, I was laying on my side, softly sobbing.

The door opened but I ignored it.

"You ready to apologize now?" I heard from behind me.

I didn't say anything.

"Jahseh, I'm talking to you."


"Ight." He sighed. "You can stay in here till you're ready to apologize. Just know you won't be doing anything else." He said, closing the door.


I quietly stepped into the studio, standing behind him.

Gripping the knife tightly, I raised my hand.

"See you in hell, bitch." I spat, aiming right for his neck.



I quietly stepped into the studio, standing behind him.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I laid my head on top of his.

"You ready to apologize now?" He asked.

"Yes." I mumbled. "I'm sorry for spilling the water on the computer and I'm sorry for cussing at you." I apologized.

"Good. I accept your apology." He said, before handing me his phone.

I looked at him, dumbfounded. I know this nigga ain't serious.

"Whyyy" I whined, dramatically throwing my arms up.

"Can't you call him?" I looked up, giving him the best puppy eyes.

"Am I the one who poured water on his stuff?" He asked, looking down at me.

"No." I rolled my eyes, which he caught.

"Okay then. And I hope they fall out too." He said, as I took the phone from him.


After I apologized to daddy's producer, I got my phone taken away and we had a talk about my behavior.

Little does he know, everything went in one ear and out the other.

Now I have no phone and no way to text Symere.

And it's not like I can ask if he can come over, cause I'm somewhat grounded.

So now, I have to sit in the house and do whatever it is that grounded or people do.

Fuck me and my big ass mouth.

Hi again!!!

This is short, Ik

I'm working on a final ending for Feelin U

Cz y'all deserve it 😊

I have a bunch of drafts for this tho

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