I is for Irking My Nerves (😂)

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"Daddyyyyyy" Jahseh dragged out, dramatically draping himself over Stoke's lap.

"I'm almost done, relax." Stokeley smiled at the smaller, who only huffed and rolled his eyes. He was tired of hearing that.

Stokeley had promised to bring Jahseh to the mall today, just to walk around, maybe peek into a few shops.

"You keep saying that!!" He whined.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm wrapping it up, okay?" He sat the pouting little upright, on his lap.

"Promise?" Jah stuck his pinky out.

"I promise." Stokeley locked his pinky with the smaller's.

"Fine. I'll be in the living room, waiting like I've been doing for like, seven thousand minutes!" Jahseh yelled the last part as he exited the room, making Stokeley shake his head.


"You keep buying me shoes. I don't need anymore shoes, daddy." Jahseh honestly told Stokeley, who'd asked if he wanted to go into the Nike store.

The two had been in the mall for at least two hours and they hadn't bought anything.

"The toy store! Can we go in, please?" Jah stopped dead in his tracks, staring into the window of the toy store.

"No, we have to go return something." Stokeley tried to pull him past the store but Jahseh stayed in his spot.

"Jah, come on, please don't act like that." Stokeley sighed as Jahseh scrunched his face, standing still in his spot.

"I wanna go in the toy store!" He stomped his foot.

"No. We can come back-"


Stokeley sighed, pushing the cart as he dragged himself behind Jahseh. Jahseh simply ignored him, he was in heaven.

He kept throwing random toys into the shopping cart.

Suddenly, Stoke had an urge to pee. "Jah, sit on the bench real quick. I'm going for the bathroom, I'll be right back." Stokeley told him, making the younger nod.

Stokeley disappeared behind a few shelves as Jahseh sat quietly, playing his new game he had downloaded on his daddy's phone.

Out the corner of his eye, he saw a rotating shelf with a whole bunch of colorful stuffies on it. He put the phone down and ran toward the shelf.

First, Jahseh played with two, which quickly turned into seven and before he knew it, he had pulled all of the stuffed animals off of the shelf.

"JAHSEH!" He heard, cutting him out of his thoughts. He squeaked and dropped all of the stuffies he was holding.

Stokeley snatched him up off the floor and put him in the cart. "What the fuck did I tell you?" He asked him as Jahseh poked his bottom lip out.

"They wanted to come with us!" He protested.

"I told yo ass not to fuckin move!" He yelled at him, getting the attention of the cashier.

"Is there a problem, sir?" She walked over to the mess. She laughed a little bit, shaking her head as she realized what had happened.

"Headspace?" She looked up at a frustrated Stokeley, who only nodded.

She bent down and picked up the toys off the floor and put them back on the shelf as Jahseh mugged her.


"I swear to God, Jahseh you bout to make me take my belt off and whoop you right here." Stokeley looked down at the smaller who continued to scream and cry as his daddy tried to strap him in.

He was still crying for the toys after Stokeley put them all back.

Jah eventually grew tired of the flailing and screaming so, he laid limp and continued to sob, softly.

Stokeley thought he had started to calm down, feeling it was okay to drive how. "As soon as we get home, you're taking a nap." He looked at him through the mirror.

That only made the smaller male begin to scream again, crying harder. He kicked the back of Stokeley's seat with so much force, it caused Stokeley to swerve.

Immediately, the drivers behind him started to blow him up for the unexpected swerving.

At this point, Stoke was pissed. Why was Jahseh acting like this?


"I'm not sleepy!!!" Jahseh screeched as Stokeley ignored him and continued to cover him up. He turned off the light and closed the door, exiting the room.

The cries grew faint as he walked down the hallway.

He decided to go look over his lyrics, for some final touches.

After about 20 minutes, the crying stopped.

He peeked into the baby blue colored nursery to see that Jahseh was fast asleep.

Poor boy drained himself, with all that crying and screaming.

This is just what he needed.

This was cute!!!

I'm approving of my writing more.

This is dedicated to the lovely jahski

Love you much!!!

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