J is for Juice

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Stokeley was awoken by
some small hands, poking around his face. He opened one eye, being met with a pair of big brown eyes. Smiling, he pulled the smaller closer to him, kissing all over Jahseh's face. 

"S-Stop! Stokeley, s-stop!" He said, in between laughs. He continued to squirm in his daddy's grip as he continued to kiss his face and neck.

Stokeley's kisses began to turn into sucking and biting, causing Jah to gasp in surprise.

Jahseh let out a broken moan, causing Stokeley to smirk. He had found his sweet spot.

He began sucking on it, harder as Jahseh's body began to heat up.

The soft whines and moans pouring from the smaller male's mouth, as Stokeley slid his hand up the smaller's chest, pinching his nipple, slightly.

Proud of the purple and red bruises, Stokeley pulled away from the younger's neck.

"Good morning." He smiled, seeing the smaller running his finger along the love bites.

Jahseh began to curl into Stokeley's side, causing Stokeley to know he wanted something.

"What do you want?" He chuckled as the younger looked up at him.

"Can I have juice, now?" He asked, tracing the designs on the black and white, striped comforter.

Nodding, Stokeley got out of the bed, picking Jahseh up afterwards.

The pair exited the room, walking down the stairs. Well, one of them walked. Jahseh being the prince he was, was carried down the stairs.


"Jahseh, I said no. You can have water, though." Stokeley told the younger, who proceeded to whine and throw the blue and yellow, sippy cup.

"Jahsehhhh." Stokeley groaned, trying to get him off the ground but he only rolled from underneath Stoke's reach.

It had been an hour and half after breakfast and Jahseh – who finished all his juice from breakfast, was told he couldn't have anymore.

"You can't act like this every time I say no." Stoke looked down at Jahseh, who started to wail loudly.

Sighing, Stokeley picked the smaller up, off the floor. "Why are you being so difficult?" He asked, calmly.

"I d-don't want w-water." He hiccuped, trying to remove himself from Stokeley's grip.

"Okay, then you're not having anything else." Stokeley shrugged, proceeding to carry Jah upstairs and get him ready for a nap. They both needed it, Jahseh the most.

Once they got to the bedroom, Jahseh immediately began to whine again. "I'm not tiredddd." He whined, clutching onto Stokeley's shirt, as he tried to lay him down.

"Yes you are." Stokeley removed the smaller's hands, covering him up.


Jahseh had finally fallen asleep, at least that's what Stokeley thought. Stoke was actually the first one to fall asleep. Jahseh slowly climbed out of the bed, heading towards the stairs.

After 5 minutes of contemplating on how to get down, he chose the banister. He climbed up the side a bit, before he threw one leg over the banister, sliding down it.

When he reached the floor, he ran into the kitchen, immediately open the fridge. Standing on his toes, he pulled the large jug of fruit punch off of the top shelf.

Well tried to, anyway. Apparently, it was stuck. He pulled, for a good 4 minutes, before getting frustrated. "Ugh! You stupid-" he didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, as the juice, the jug, and him, came crashing down.


Stokeley was awoken by the sounds of loud crashing and a shriek of terror. Robbers was the first thing that came to mind, causing him to turn. Seeing that Jah wasn't there, panicked him more. He ran down the stairs, not bothering to put his shirt back on.

As soon as he got downstairs, he was met with a red substance that made his heart drop to his stomach. He couldn't even form words. "Seh?" He finally called out.

"Y-Yes?" A tiny voice responded, relieving Stokeley.

On the other hand, Jahseh was not happy to see his daddy. He didn't want to get in trouble.

"What's this on the floor?" Stokeley asked, Jahseh's heartbeat sped up.

He slowly looked up at his daddy. "It's- It's juice." He said, feeling like he wanted to just lay down and fold.

The room fell silent, only the ticking of the clock could be heard. The tension in the room, was very thick.

"You went back and disobeyed me, after I specifically told you no?" Stokeley finally spoke, stepping closer to the younger.

The room was still, before Jah slowly nodded.

Stokeley let out a humorless chuckle, as Jahseh's eyes filled up with tears.

"Alright,so. This is how this gon go. You're gonna sit on the couch, while I clean this up. Move, and that's your ass." He spoke firmly, causing the smaller male, to nod and walk over to the couch, where he was told to sit.


About 15 minutes had passed, and Stokeley was finally done. "Get up." He tapped the younger's thigh. Jahseh immediately complied, standing up as Stokeley sat down. He placed his hand on Jah's lower back, bending him over his lap.

Jahseh's eyes widened, as he tried to push himself up. He knew what was happening and he wasn't gonna just sit there and let it.

"What'd I say about moving?" Stokeley forced him back over his lap. The rough action causing the younger to squeak.

"N-No!" Jah began squirming in Stokeley's grip. "Daddy, I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" He tried sliding off, only to be pulled back into his previous position.

"I know." Stokeley responded, nonchalantly. He slowly slid the shorts and panties, off of the smaller who began to squirm again.

Jah began to whimper as Stokeley's hand was now resting on his ass. There was no getting out of this, now. He bit his lip, bracing himself for the first hit.

Stokeley raised his hand, landing it harshly on the younger's ass. The impact caused Jah to jolt forward.

Stoke repeated the action, picking up his pace, just to get it over with.


Jahseh laid limp across Stokeley's lap, sobbing softly. He tired himself out, trying to move.

His behind was now a light red, littered in handprints. "I'm almost done, princess." Stokeley reassured, hearing the younger hiccup, occasionally.

Stoke hated punishments but it needed to be done. He wasn't gonna sit here and let Jah run things. That was his job.
He loved his baby, to death but he had to be firm.

Stokeley finally delivered the last hit, rubbing Jah's reddened arse in a circular motion. "You know I love you, right?" He sat the younger upright, on his lap.

Jahseh sniffled, nodding. "And I didn't do it to be mean. You can't walk around here, not listening to me. I've let you slide, a few times but I don't want you getting too comfortable with that shit. It's not funny and it ain't cute. It's not gonna keep happening you hear me?" Stokeley asked.

"Y-Yes, daddy. I-I'm sorry." He apologized. "It's alright." Stokeley wrapped his arms around the smaller frame. They sat like that for a few minutes, before he felt something seeping through the jeans fabric. He began to smirk as Jahseh's face became a crimson red.

"Yo ass enjoyed that, didn't you?" He asked, making Jahseh hide his face, in embarrassment.

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