G is for Goulbourne

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"8....9....10! Ready or not! Here I come!" Stokeley said, getting up from his spot on the floor, looking for his baby.

"Where are you, Jahseh?" He asked, hearing faint giggles from the closet. 

He opened the closet door, looking behind all the racks off clothing, behind the dresser, until he stopped in front of the large mirror.

"Found you!" He said, pulling Jahseh from behind the mirror. 

The smaller screamed, wiggling out of Stokeley's grip and running downstairs.

"Jah, that's cheating!" He laughed, following behind him.

Jahseh continued to run, not paying attention and ended up tumbling own the steps, landing flat on his back.

He didn't notice there was a lady in front of him.

It wasn't Twyla, so who?

"Momma? What you doin here?" Stokeley asked as he reached the bottom of the steps, picking Jahseh up off the ground.

"I was on this side so I decided to stop by. Who's this?" She asked, looking at Jahseh.

"Ma, this is my....boyfriend, Jahseh. Jahseh this is my mom." He introduced the two.

"H-Hi." Jahseh looked down, messing with the hem of his shirt.

"He's so cute!" She reached up, pinching his cheek causing him to giggle, slightly.

"Momma, don't be weird." Stokeley whined, smacking her hand. 

(At that moment he knew, he fucked up)

"Boy! Don't do that like I won't beat yo ass in front of your lil boyfriend!" She slapped him in the back of his head, repeatedly.

She finally stopped and turned her attention to Jahseh. "Hi Jahseh. I'm Monica." She held her hand out. The smaller boy took her hand, not expecting her to pull him into a bone crushing, hug.

"Okay! Okay!" Stokeley pulled her away from him.

"Daddy, stop acting like that to your mom, that's rude." Jahseh said, softly.

"At least your boyfriend has some respect." She pursed her lips, looking Stokeley up and down.

"Well anyway,  I better get going. Bye cutie." She hugged Jahseh before hugging Stokeley.


"She liked you. I think she likes you better than me and I've known her my whole life." Stokeley shook his head, making Jahseh giggle.

"I'm dead ass!" 

"No she doesn't. You're her son." He shook his head, chuckling lightly.

"So? Come on we have to go clean up." He lifted the smaller male off the couch, carrying him upstairs.


Jahseh giggled as he was splashing around in the water, playing with some bath toys.

"Turn around." Stokeley told him, Jahseh turned around in the water, his back facing Stokeley.

He gently scrubbed the boy's back before Jahseh hissed, pushing Stokeley's hand.

"What? What happened?"He asked, moving his hand.

"I hurt myself." Jahseh shrugged.

"How'd you do that?" Stokeley asked, setting the rag down.

"W-When I fell down the stairs earlier." He continued playing with the toys.

Stokeley examined the spot, seeing a small, purple bruise on the skin.

He washed over it, even more gently than before.


"I'm sleepy" Jahseh reached up for Stokeley, who slightly smiled and lifted the boy off the floor.

He carried him to the large sized crib in his bedroom, laying him down gently.

"I love you, baby boy." He kissed his forehead. 

"I love you too, daddy." He smiled, sleepily.

Daddy's Little Prince//DDLBWhere stories live. Discover now