O is for Overwhelmed

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"Jahseh, I said you could bring one." Stokeley stopped the smaller male in the doorway. "Yeah but...it wouldn't be fair." He plainly stated and shrugged, trying to exit the house. "To who?" Stokeley was truly confused, the two had agreed on one toy. "Them!" He gestured to the three bears, two baby dolls and his elephant stuffie. "See- no. Put them back." Stokeley pushed him back into the house. 

"But why?" Jahseh pouted. "Because I said. We agreed on one toy, now go put them back." Stoke told him again. The younger huffed and stomped back into the house. "Love you tho!" Stokeley shouted from the door way. "Yeah right." Jah muttered under his breath. He threw all the other toys in the room, except a brown teddy bear. 

The two were finally in the car - where were they headed? To Stokeley's parents house. The four of them were supposed to spend their Sunday afternoon together. Jahseh sat in the back seat, occupied by the animal restaurant app on his IPad. "Baby, we're here. Come on." Jahseh looked up to see that they were parked in a driveway of a seashell colored home.

He unstrapped himself and picked up his bear in one hand, holding his iPad in the other. Stokeley took the IPad out of his hand before picking him up. Jahseh happily wrapped his legs around his daddy's waist. Stokeley's mom already opened the door, she waited for the two in the doorway. 

The two sat at the dinner table, joined by Stokeley's family. They were all conversing and reminiscing, getting to know Jahseh. Jahseh we being grumpy, he didn't wanna sit at the table. He furiously played with the buttons on his knitted jumper.

"Jahseh? You alright, hun?" Stoke's grandma asked him. He ignored her, messing with his buttons still. "Stop being rude and answer her." Stokeley whispered in his ear. Jahseh rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath.

"I'm sorry grandma, he has an attitude." He apologized. About everyone in his family knew he was a little.

Jahseh reached for his cup, which Stokeley moved and Jahseh slapped his hand. The cup knocked over and spilled the purple drink on the tablecloth.

Everyone gasped while Stokeley looked furious. "What the fuck?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"  Jahseh yelled at him. Stokeley immediately stood up from the table, grabbing him by his arm.

"Get the fuck up." Stokeley growled.  Jahseh tried to pull away from him but Stokeley had a grip on his bicep and dragged him out of the dining room.

"Why the hell would you do some dumb shit like that?!" Stokeley had a strong grip on the younger's neck. Jahseh only looked up at him, lust clouding his eyes.

"It wasn't my fault." He choked out. "So who's was it?" Stokeley asked. "Y-Yours." He said, Stokeley's eyes turned dark. "No. It wasn't. But you know what is gonna be my fault?"



Love u bebes 💋

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