A is for Alone

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"I love you so much baby boy!" The same words replayed in Jahseh's head as he packed his bags, sobbing.

His old daddy decided he didn't love him anymore. He told him he better be gone before he got home. How nice.

The two had been together for 2 years. Kimetrius knew everything, how to get him into headspace, how to make him happy, and most importantly, all the names of his plushies.

Jahseh thought he was the one. The one daddy he was looking for.

"Ah well, better stop crying." He thought, wiping his face.

He decided to go back to the auction house. It's a house for littles, who need mommies or daddies. They sign a contract, agreeing to be adopted by a mommy or a daddy. If you're lucky, your mommy or daddy will love you a lot. If not, you'll be in the same boat as Jahseh.

Kimetrius told him he'd called an uber to get him. 

Jahseh took one last walk through the house, stopping by the trophy case.

"This dumb ass trophy." He picked up the most admired one and through it at the wall, causing it to shatter.

He found a piece of paper and decided to write him a note.

'Dear Kimetrius, you're a bitch, I hate you. You look like Donald Trump's ballsack. 

The uber came to the door and helped Jahseh with his bags.

"Where to?" The driver asked. 

He pulled up the address and pointed to it, the driver nodded and sped off.



"Jah, wake up." I felt someone poke my cheek.

"Go awayyy." I whined, turning on my side.

"Wake up!" I felt another body on top of mine.

I opened one eye to see my best friend, Symere laying on top of me.

"What the hell, Symere?" I asked, groggily. 

"If you woulda woken up, I wouldn't have to lay on you." He stuck his tongue out.

He's so fucking cute! If I was a daddy, I would make him my little.

"What's so important that we have to wake up at..." I looked over at the clock. "8:32 am?" 

"I want to take you to the mall and get you new clothes for the auction tonight! We HAVE to find you a new daddy!" He told me.

 "Why are you so worried about me? Don't you need a daddy?" I asked him.

"I do but you need one more than me. I'm tired of you crying yourself to sleep." He slightly rolled his eyes, making me frown.

I thought about it for a little bit until he said.

"We can get ice cream!" 

"Okay, i'll come. Only cause I REALLY want some ice cream." 


We've been at the mall for three hours and I haven't found ANYTHING!

"Mere, I can't find anything and my toes hurttt." I whined, dragging my feet. "Can we go?" 

"Nope! One more store! We gotta check it!" He pulled me to the store.

As soon as we walked in, I saw it. It was BEAUTIFUL! 

I walked towards it and checked the size

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I walked towards it and checked the size. Yup, my size.

"Symere! This is it! I want this one!" I exclaimed. A lot of people in the store looked at me like I had 10 heads. I blushed, picking up the dress.

"Oh wow. Jahseh, that's beautiful! It's perfect!" He gasped as we walked to the register.

I wasn't looking and I bumped into a guy, causing me to fall and land on my ass. 

Two guys behind him started to laugh as my bottom lip quivered. I was hurt and embarrassed.

"Shut the fuck up, it's not funny." He turned to them before turning back to me. "Are you okay?" He spoke softly, extending his hand.

I took his hand and he pulled me up.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No worries, it was only a tap." He brushed himself off.

Rude. He actin like I have germs or something. I gave him a dirty look and he gave me THE look that would make any sub dripping wet. 

I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs together. Now it made me wonder, he could be a dom.

I've never seen him at an auction tho. If I did, I would've remembered his beautiful face. God, it's so.....so....so perfect. Every inch of him looked perfect.

He was wearing a muscle tank top and some shorts. Fuck, he's so fine.

I heard Symere giggling behind me. I turned and looked at him funny, asking him why he was laughing.

"Jahseh, you said that out loud!" He started laughing even harder, making my face heat up and turn red. I looked down, staring at my shoes. I know he's staring. 

"That's a nice dress, Jahseh. What's the occasion?" He asked. The way my name rolled off his tongue was just....whew.

"It's for uh...it's um.....i-it's for t-the littles a-auction tonight." I muttered.

He looked me in the eyes and licked his lips. "I'll see you there, Jahseh." He smirked, walking off.

I almost collapsed right in the middle of the mall.


I wanted to write a ddlb book.

Hope y'all enjoy this!

L O V E  Y O U  A L L!!!

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