D is for Daddy

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"Dada, me don't wanna go in the storeeee" I whined as I dragged my feet.

"I can't leave you in the car." He chuckled, pulling me towards Target.

"I don't wanna walk. My legs hurt." I huffed.

"We haven't even walked that far." He said. "Stop complaining." 

"So? My legs still hurt." I told him.

"No they don't." He responded.

"How do you know? It's my body, you can't say how say how I feel." I stomped my foot.

He tapped my hand, making me shut up.

"We're not gonna be long. You can even get a toy." He said, making my eyes light up.

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhm. Now come on." He walked towards the carts. "You wanna go in the cart?" He looked back at me.

I nodded and he picked me up, putting me in the basket part.

"Come on, we have to get eggs first." He turned the cart around, pushing me into one of the isles.

He grabbed some eggs and butter and handed them to me. "Here, hold these."


"He's adorable." The lady at the cash register said to my daddy.

"What do you say, Jah?" He nudged my shoulder as I buried my head in his side.

"Thank you." I said in the smallest voice, making both of them laugh.

"Your total is $45.73" She said as daddy swiped his card, typing his pin.

"Do you want this in a bag?" She asked me, holding up the toy daddy said I could get.

I shook my head as she handed it to me.

"Have a nice day, y'all." She smiled, handing daddy the last bag.

"You too." He said, putting the rest of the bags in the cart.


"Ready?" He asked, lifting me out of the cart.

"Mhm." I nodded, playing with the panda stuffie in my lap.

"Strap in." He said, closing  my door.


"Jahseh?" Daddy peeked his head into my playroom.

"Yessss?" I asked, turning from the barbie house.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Um.....cake!" I exclaimed.

"No. You can't eat cake for dinner." He said.

"Then...I don't know." I looked down, playing with my fingers.

"Think of something. What do you like to eat at night?" He pushed.

"Pizza." I said, still looking down.

"Is that what you want?" He asked.

"Mhm." I looked up at him.

"Okay, then that's what we'll have." He said, making me smile.

"Okay!" I smiled, turning my attention back to my barbie house.


"I'm gonna give you one for now and if you feel like you want more, alright?" He asked, putting a slice of pizza on a blue, plastic plate.

"Okay." I nodded. 

"Be careful not to drop it." He handed me the plate.

We were gonna eat in the living room tonight cause we were gonna watch Moana.

I sat down on the long part of the couch, putting my plate on the table.

Daddy soon entered, with a plate and two cups. A glass and a sippy cup.

"That's a lot." I peered over at his plate.

"I know." He set it down, pulling me into his lap.

I picked up the remote and pressed unpause.

"You ever watched this movie?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Nope. You?" He asked.

"Once. But I loved it, so i'll watch it again." I giggled, turning back to the TV.


I felt someone lift me off the couch, carrying me somewhere.

I opened one eye and saw my daddy.

"W-What you doing?" I croaked out.

"You were sleep, i'm taking you to bed." He walked up the stairs.

"Was the movie done?" I asked.

"I finished it. It was good tho." He said, opening his room door.

He laid me on the bed, gently and covered me, kissing my forehead before walking around it and laying beside me.

He pulled me into his chest as we both dozed off to sleep.

Daddy's Little Prince//DDLBWhere stories live. Discover now