H is for Health

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"Jah! Stop!" Stokeley wheezed, chasing the smaller boy up the stairs.

"No! I refuse!" He ran into his room, slamming the door.

Stokeley had been trying to get Jahseh to take his medicine all morning. 

Poor boy had a cold but he was being difficult.

He finally made it up the stairs, panting heavily.

"Jahseh-" He opened the door, seeing Jahseh's legs sticking out from under his bed.

He smirked. "Hmm....where could he be?" He said, making Jah giggle.

"Found you!" He pulled him from under the bed by his ankles.

"Stoppp" Jahseh whined, grabbing the comforter.

"You don't wanna get better?" He asked, lifting the smaller boy.

Jahseh began to squirm, trying to get Stokeley to put him down as he carried him down the stairs.


"Open." Stokeley held the syringe to Jahseh's mouth. He had the younger pinned to the couch as he hovered over him.

Jahseh began to shake his head, pushing his daddy's hands from his mouth.

"I'm not playin with you. Open your mouth." He gripped his chin, forcing the tip of the syringe in his mouth. Stokeley pushed the back of the syringe, emptying the nasty flavored liquid into Jahseh's mouth.

Jahseh started to scream as the liquid infected his taste buds, choking a bit.

"What happened? Is he okay?!" Mila, their maid came running in.

"He's fine. He just won't take the medicine." Stokeley stood up.

Jahseh hopped up off the couch, running into bathroom to spit it out.

"Don't you wanna get better?" She asked, sweetly. Suddenly, her eyebrows raised. "I have an idea." She said.


"Thanks, Mila." Stokeley sighed in relief. 

"No problem." She smiled, returning to the kitchen to finish the dishes.

"I got it, you can go take a break." He said. She nodded and walked off.

Stokeley checked the play room one more time before closing the door and leaving Jahseh in his toy heaven.


"What do you want to eat?"  Stokeley asked the smaller who had just been complaining that he was hungry.

"I don't know." He shrugged, turning his attention back to slime video he had been watching.

"Think of something." Stokeley urged.

"Um......chicken nuggets." The younger nonchalantly said.

"And a vegetable." Stokeley told him, causing Jah to groan and throw himself on the floor.

"Come onnnn" Stokeley chuckled, making his way over to the smaller.

"But whyyyy?" He whined. 

"Cause you can't eat only fried food. That's not healthy." Stokeley smirked, looking down at the smaller who was laying in front of him.

"Ewwww"  Jahseh exaggerated.

"Come on, short stack." Stokeley lifted the younger off of the living room floor.

"I don't want any vegetables" He pouted.

"I know." Stoke continued carrying him into the kitchen.


"If you eat them, you can have ice cream after." Stokeley pushed.

"Well I guess no ice cream." Jahseh sassed, pushing around the mixture of peas, green beans, carrots and broccoli on his plate.

"Jahseh, it's all good! Good for you too. See?" Stokeley tried, eating some of the vegetables. 

"I ate it so you can too." Stokeley told him, holding the fork up to the smaller's mouth. Jahseh only scrunched his face, turning his head. 

The older male sighed, setting the fork down. "I give up." He rested his head on the table.

"Good. Cause I don't even know why you tried." Jahseh got up from the table. 

"You little-" Stokeley got up from the table, chasing after Jahseh who began to scream and run.


"Really Jahseh?" Stokeley sighed, disappointed as Jahseh continued to throw up the vegetables on the floor.

"That was so nasty. I mad at you." He glared. He still had the nasal voice due to his cold.

"Jahseh, you did not need to-" He was cut off by Jahseh beginning to puke again.

Stokeley walked around, to the other side of the table to bring the smaller male to the bathroom.

They reached the bathroom and Stokeley sat the younger in front of the toilet.

He sat there for a little bit before leaning over the toilet and vomiting again.

"This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't forced the vegetables back up." Stokeley told him.

"I did not!" He yelled, hitting Stokeley in the chest. 

"Yes you did. But you know what? I'm not gonna argue with you. " Stokeley told him, bringing him to the sink to rinse his mouth. "What did I say about putting your hands on people?" He narrowed his eyes at him through the mirror.

"No hitting."  Jahseh stated, rolling his eyes.

"Wassup with this attitude? You need a nap?" Stokeley asked him.

He immediately shook his head.

"I think you do." Stokeley smirked, lifting the younger and carrying him out the room.

"No daddy! No!" He screeched, scratching Stokeley's arms.

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