N is for Nasty

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I've been wide awake since 5 am. I could hear the sounds of my baby boy crying ever since I sent him to bed.

God, I hope he doesn't think I hate him. I covered my ears with a pillow, forcing myself not to go into his room. I loved him to death but I had to be serious with him. I wasn't gon let him run me.

He learned his lesson, so he said but I'm positive he did. I thought an going in there, before my phone started vibrating.

Jordan 🐍
Don't you dare go into that room.
I know how much you want to but DO NOT.
I mean it Stoke.

Almost as if he was reading my mind. I shut my phone off and turned on my side, trying to drown out his soft sobbing.


3 hours passed and he was still crying. I got up and walked into the hallway, stopping in front of his room door.

I exhaled and slowly turned the doorknob. His soft cries stopped as he sat up.

"Daddy?" I heard his soft voice.

"No. I'm not here to play, we gonna talk." I pulled the chair from his table and put it in front of his bed.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked.

He looked down, playing with his fingers.

"I'm talking to you." I said.

"I-I don't know." He mumbled.

"That's not a valid answer. Imma ask you again, why did you do it?"

"Cause- I wanted to have some fun." He said.

"You couldn't have done something more safe?" I narrowed my eyebrows. "What if you drowned?"

His eyes started to water. "I-I'm sorry, daddy."

I picked him up out of his bed and placed him on my lap. "It's okay princess, just don't do shit like that ever again. Promise?" I stuck my pinky out to him.

"I pwomise." He locked his pinky with mine.

"Good." I knew the right thing to set the mood. "I'm bored. What should we do today, baby boy?"

"We can watch a movie!" He jumped up. "But, don't you have work?" He asked.

"Not today. I took today off." I told him as he smiled widely. "What do you wanna watch?"

"Can we watch......Big hero 6?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Okay."


I think he was doing this on purpose. He was moving around on my lap and he kept brushing against my dick.

I wasn't hard until now. He noticed and smirked, straddling my lap. "Let's play a game, daddy." He whispered in my ear.

Before I knew it, I was hovering over him, kissing and biting on his neck. He moaned at the sudden attack on his neck.

I pulled him up as we started kissing roughly, he was trying to fight for dominance.


He moaned into my mouth as I gripped his thigh, pinching it slightly.

I knew how bad he wanted me to fuck him but I wanted to play with him a little bit.

"Please daddy." He whined.

"Please what?" I asked, rubbing his thigh.

"Please fuck me." He moaned out.

"You such a lil slut. I fucked you last night, you can barely walk."

"So whatttt." He whined. "It's not like I have to go anywhere. I'm grounded, remember?" He rolled his eyes.

"And that's why you're not getting any." I pecked his lips, standing up straight.

"Wait- that's not fair! I'm sorry!" He grabbed my arm, trying to pull me back. I was deadass dragging him. He didn't seem to care.


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