L is for Lying

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Why does my daddy work? I hate when he goes to work and leaves me alone, bored.

I flipped through Hulu for like the 100th time and gave up. I turned off the TV and got up to look for my phone. 

I found it on the dresser in my room and texted Symere, asking if he could come over to swim. 

Daddy had a pool but I don't know why we haven't gone in it. 

Mere 🐼❤

I texted him back and asked if his daddy could drop him off. In less than a minute, he answered.

I was excited.


"Mere? I know we're not supposed to but.....you want to go into the cellar downstairs and get some stuff drink while we're in the pool?" I asked him.

He nodded eagerly. "Let's be bad!" He exclaimed. 

I grabbed his hand and led him downstairs.

We got some red wine and I grabbed two glasses as he carried the bottle.

He took off his jumper and revealed his pink, see through,  one piece bathing suit.

I took of my shorts and stepped in the pool. 


We were in the pool for about three hours and I was starting to get drunk. I was hungry too.

"Symere." I swam over to him.

"Yes?" He slurred.

"Wh-" I hiccuped. "W-What do you w-want to eat?" I asked,  finishing my question this time.

"I-I don't know" He said.

"Let's get some....pizza." I decided.

"Okay." He shrugged.

I got out and looked for my phone. I started to walk inside when he stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked. 

I turned around and saw him holding my phone.

 "Oh. Oops." I forgot we had it out here to take pictures.

I grabbed it and called Papa Johns. I ordered a large pizza with pepperoni and pineapples (I don't care what anyone says, IT SMACKS. Judge me, I dare you 😭) and some garlic knots.


It had now been six hours and we were sooo drunk, ohhh my lordddd. I couldn't walk in a straight line and I wanted more pizza. Luckily, we didn't finish it. As I was stumbling to get some more pizza off the island, I saw daddy start to walk in.

"Fuck." I cussed under my breath. He looked at me like I had 7 heads.

"Hey baby. How was your day?" He asked, setting his bag down.

I just smiled, not wanting him to smell the alcohol on my breath.

"You look sexy as fuck in your bathing suit. I picked the right one." He bit his lip, slapping my ass.

I kept my mouth closed.

"I'll be right back." He said, letting go of me. I spun on my heels, attempting to walk back outside but I fell, landing right on my face.

"Yo baby, you good?!" He asked, panicking as he helped me up.

I started giggling. I don't know why, I just did.

"I'm okay" I slurred, brushing myself off.

"Are you drunk?!" He asked, angrily.

I looked up at him. "No." I slurred.

"You lyin to me?" He obviously knew I was.


He looked PISSED.

"Why the- drinking unsupervised and lying. I got sum for yo ass." He clenched his fists.

"Stay here and don't move!" He dragged me over to the couch.

I sat down and stared at the wall. Oh God.

Soon, he was dragging Symere inside by his wrist, placing him next to me.

"Don't fucking move." He pointed at both of us, before pulling his phone out and calling someone.

Daddy's Little Prince//DDLBWhere stories live. Discover now