Q is for Questions

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Jahseh's POV

"Oh my God. Oh my motherfuckin God-" I cursed, freaking out at the mess on the floor. Stokeley was gonna beat my ass! My heart rate went up as I picked up the shattered glass. There was NO chance of fixing this. It was the last thing he had recieved from his great grandmother. "Jahseh? I heard something fall. Are you okay?" He came down the stairs. I bit my lip and looked at him, I was trembling with fear from head to toe. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I-I don't know what happened! I was in the bathroom and I came out and this was broken! I-I think the wind knocked it over...?" I lied. He looked confused but he bought it. I think he was sad. "I don't understand...The window wasn't even open?" He muttered. "Maybe the h-house is haunted" I said.

Once more, he looked me up and down. But he STILL bought it. "I'm gonna clean this up okay? Please go put some shoes on because I don't want you to step on glass." He sighed. I nodded, running to the front hallway to get my slippers. I felt so guilty that I just didn't wanna be around him anymore. After that, I just stayed out of Stoke's way. I felt absolutely fucking terrible. I was nervous and it was showing. Every time he asked me something, I would start sweating. I couldn't talk to him without stuttering, I seemed so guilty. 

After a few hours of this, I had to come clean. I couldn't do this. I walked to my daddy's studio, I knew he was in there. I knocked on the door, seeing him turn around in the chair. "Um- I need to tell you something." I said, my heart pounding now. He nodded, waiting for me to talk. "Well uh- I um-" I stuttered before he cut me off. "You broke the vase." He blankly stated, I burst into tears. He just wrapped his arms around me, smiling as he kissed my head. "I know. I knew the whole time. You're not very subtle Jah." My daddy laughed.

I just continued to cry, I was embarrased now. "Jahseh you didn't have to lie about that. It wasn't that serious." He said. "I f-felt bad! That was your gift from your great grandma, I felt terrible." I hiccuped, still confused onto why he found this funny. "Jah can I tell you something?" He asked, laughing still. "What" I mumbled, my head still mashed into his chest. "That was not the vase from my great grandma. That vase is upstairs. In my room." He told me, making me pull away and look at him. 

Now, I just felt stupid. He just chuckled, shaking his head and wiping the tears from my eyes. "Why did you tell me now?" He asked. I shrugged, looking down. "Did you feel guilty?"My daddy looked down at me, I nodded. "You should have just told me." He frowned. "I-I didn't want you to be mad." I sniffled. 

Oh my goodness you guys.


Ik k haven't been here in a while, life has just been crazy.

Here's a lil update

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