C is for Cookie

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I woke up in a blue bunny onesie. I was confused, I don't remember anything that happened after I fell asleep in the car yesterday.

I found out I was on a couch. I sat up straight and rubbed my eyes.

"Daddy?!" I called for him.

But someone else came in. It was a girl.

"Who are you?" I asked. "You're not my daddy." I pouted.

"Morning, Jahseh. I'm Twyla, your daddy's sister. I'm gonna babysit-" I cut her off.

"Why do I need a babysitter? I'm big! Where is my daddy?" I crossed my arms.

"Lemme finish. I'm here cause your daddy had to work and he couldn't bring you with him. He usually can bring you but he wanted you to get used to your new house." She explained. Ohhhh, that makes sense.

"Okay nice to meet you...?" 

"Auntie is fine." 

"Nice to meet you, auntie. Do you know where the kitchen is? I'm starving." I stood up.

"Mhm, come on." She held my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"What does prince Jahseh want to eat?" She asked, sitting me down.

"Mmm......pancakes." I said.

She smiled and started making them. She was really nice, I hope she stays around longer.

She set a plate with two star shaped pancakes in front of me. Along with a green and purple sippy cup. I thanked her and started to eat them.


Auntie showed me the whole house even tho I was waiting for daddy but she insisted.

I was currently laying on the plush blue rug in my play room, building with some legos.

It was really nice in here. I loved it a lot.

There was even a TV.

"Jahseh?" I heard Twyla say.

"Hm?" I turned around.

"Your daddy's home." She smiled.

I stood up and she grabbed my hand, pulling me to the living room.

"Hi daddy." I smiled. 

"Hey, baby. How was your day?" He asked, setting his stuff down and picking me up.

"It was good." I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm glad. Did you get to see the house?" He asked, carrying me upstairs.

"Yeah." I responded.

I was happy. And to my luck, this was only the beginning to my happiness.





Wowwww double update???

T E   A M O    

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