ᴍᴄʟᴀʀᴇɴ sᴀʙʀᴇ

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EDITED: August 5/6, 2021

𝙼𝚌𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗 𝚂𝚊𝚋𝚛𝚎 - $𝟹,𝟻𝟶𝟶,𝟶𝟶𝟶 (𝚎𝚜𝚝.)
one of the most expensive cars in the world

Crystal: she/her
Jazmine: she/her
Ava: any pronouns
Jared (not jared johnson, different person aka my mutual): any pronouns

Crystal: she/her Jazmine: she/herAva: any pronounsJared (not jared johnson, different person aka my mutual): any pronouns

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garage Karl told them to take the kids to, they didn't even have enough time to process where they were before they were jumping out of the car they were sitting in, opening the doors to the back seat to see the kids."

"y/n! you're-"

"where the hell is drista?! is she okay?! tell me she's-"

y/n was cut off as arms wrapped around their waist and they looked down to see a mop of dirty blonde hair.

"i'm fine. thank you thank you thank you." drista thanked over and over again, y/n patted her head.

"but are you okay?! he grabbed you and pointed a gun out you and and-"

"drista. i'm only worried about you. i can't feel anything...like seriously. i'm surprised i haven't fallen over. my legs feel like jello."

"shi- crap. uh let's go back to your car." and drista helped y/n over to the car so they could sit on the trunk of it.

"y/n! you're awake! how are you feeling?" tommy asked as ranboo and tubbo began walking over.

"i'm fine! did any of you guys get hurt?"

"no, but that guy sure did."

as in, yeah he is dead...but he's kind of a dart board in a VIP room of the casino...

rented out by Dream...

"what happened-"

and again, for the third time that night, the cool metal of a gun was pressed to y/n's head.

"you've gotta be fucking kidding me you intolerablere douchebag." y/n mumbled and waved the minors away.

"you guys go to the adults. i can handle this." y/n honestly almost sounded bored as the kids had wide eyes.

"listen to them. tell them to grab some money." the man spoke up from behind y/n.


"cause i work for Mr. B. even though he's dead, he has an heir. so we work for him and he wants the money."

the kids ran towards the adults and alerted them. guns were instantly pulled out as they were about to run over.

but a gunshot was heard.

and the agent fell.

"who the hell fired that?"

everyone denied and said 'no' and looked around.

suddenly someone came through an open window of the parking garage, dressed in all black.

they walked towards the man's body and checked his pulse.

"nice shot Ava, right in the frontal lobe. bullet should be in the center of the brain. blood is to a minimum, easy clean up." the person spoke into the communicator. it was slightly muffled by the black mask that covered their face.

"Crystal, i need you to help me get the body out of here and to the lab!"

the person called Crystal suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed the under arms of the body, the other person grabbed his feet so he was suspended in the air now.

"why do i always have to help you get the bodies, Jazmine?" Crystal complained as they began walking to the entrance of the parking garage.

"cause Ava is better at sniper shots. if it was close up, i would've asked you."

"that's fair. aren't we running out of room in the ice freezers to store more bodies?"

"i have to get rid of some anyway. those ones weren't good enough for research. did you tell Ava to bring the car around the front?"

"yeah, they should already be there."

"i can't wait to get something to eat-"

"excuse me?" Dream called from the place he stood, about 20 feet away from the girls who held the body. he was a little lost and genuinely confused.

"is there a problem sir?"

"uh, who are you and why did you kill that guy?"

"we're part of an anti-mafia organizations. we get rid of scum like these guys. and thanks for killing Mr. Bitch, his body is in my freezer now." the girl named Jazmine responded smoothly.

"you'll be seeing a lot more of us anytime these guys are around." Crystal added on as she switched the weight of the body on her arms seeing as his body was fucking heavy and fat.

"oh.. well thank you, and tell Ava we said thank you! is there something we should call you? like a cool nickname?"

"we get called the Trouble Trio. and sure man. we gotta go, see ya." and they disappeared with the body. an engine roared and got quieter, signifying their departure.

"holy shit that was a lot to take in."

"they're so cool." the kids mumbled a they stared at the door.

but a new pair of footsteps were also heard.

"hello everyone, don't mind me. just have to get materials from the crime scene..." a new person mumbled and walked to y/n's car.

"are you with them?" Dream asked as the person began scrubbing away small bits of blood and glass.

"i am. call me Jared. i'm not supposed to be working today. The Trouble Trio usually exchanges people so it's still a trio. like one of us have a day off while the other three make the trio. today i had to work because it was a close call on y/n's part. needed to act fast." Jared explained and yawned. they grabbed the kit he brought and began walking away.

"thank you!"

"no problem."

silence after she left.

"this is so weird what the hell."

"well at least we know we have some people to help us..."

"that's comforting." y/n admitted honestly. no more sneak attacks.

everyone say 'thank you, Trouble Trio/Group!'

everyone say 'thank you, Trouble Trio/Group!'

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bow down to my friends right now😐💕

bye my roses 🌹

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