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EDITED: August 6/7, 2021

𝙺𝚘𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐 𝙶𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊: $𝟷,𝟾𝟶𝟶,𝟶𝟶𝟶
one of the most expensive cars in the world

𝙺𝚘𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚜𝚎𝚐𝚐 𝙶𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚊: $𝟷,𝟾𝟶𝟶,𝟶𝟶𝟶one of the most expensive cars in the world

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"are you ready to drive your car?"

"can i be bribed?"

"you're...asking to be bribed?"

"duh, now gimme an offer."

"uh, i'll take you to your favorite store and you can have anything with a spending limit of a thousand dollars."

"woah big man, that was way more than i expected, but deal!"


y/n hopped in the car as quackity sat in the passenger seat.

"buckle up, i'm gonna get my money's worth."

y/n sped off as quackity held onto the handle that was on the inner roof of the car

"were you even scared?" quackity asked as he stared out the window.

"not really, but now that i'm being paid to do this, then i'm not even a little bit scared anymore."

quackity chuckled and gave y/n a fist bump.

"you'd be a real good gambler."

"take me to the casino then."

"you busy tonight?"

"i haven't been at my house for the past three days. of course i'm not."

y/n sped up the car making quackity jerk forward and grip the handle tighter.

"you know how you said you weren't scared?"

"yeah why?"

"well i'm scared now."

y/n laughed and drifted, doing a complete 180 degree turn.

"wait...i wanna try something..."

so quackity and y/n changed seats, quackity now driving.

he turned the car around to where it was back before y/n did the turn.

quackity put it in reverse and turned his head back, an arm resting in the back of y/n's seat.

"what the hell."

"i've been wanting to try this...karl said your tires were prefect for this." so he began driving backwards, speeding up as he made his way back to the garage.

"this violates many safety precautions" y/n said sarcastically as quackity lightly chuckled under his breath.

as soon as they got to the open door of the garage, quackity drifted backwards and spun the car so it faced forwards.

karl ran out and his little ponytail blew a bit in the wind. quackity stepped out of the car with a proud smirk as karl leaned down to view the tire marks and tires.

"i told you man! the tires are barely tore and the mark it left was insane!" karl said as he did a handshake with big q.

y/n stepped out and walked back into the garage to grab a drink. they sat beside alyssa and niki who were talking happily together.

"and i said that if i didn't build a multimillion dollar car, i would've became a serial killer!" niki said way too enthusiastically.

"well girl how much is your car worth, i'm getting kinda nervous..." alyssa said with wide eyes, staring at niki with a scared expression.

"y/n! crew boys have a race tonight, leading with sapnap. he'll be racing, and you can come if you want!" dream walked over and grabbed a beer, popping off the cap of the glass bottle and taking a swig.

hannah made the 'i'm watching you' sign at dream who nodded his head with a smile. she smiled in return and began her 'conversation' with callahan.

"sure! sounds fun!"

"and y/n, sleepy bois have one tomorrow and you can come along! wilbur spoke up as he was sitting on a cooler, rebandaging his hands.

"i'll be there!"

dream was smiling widely as he talked about something funny with the other two girls, but stopped when he felt blood trickle down his chin.

"shit..." he ripped his mask off and lowered his head so his hair covered his eyes. he held a had to his lip as blood poured on his fingers.

"dream, where did that come from?"

a cut was on his lip that he accidentally reopened when he smiled. it was now bleeding and he was just looking at the blood on his hands with a sad face.

"man, this sucks. it takes so long to clean up."

he spit out blood when some got in his mouth. his teeth were covered in red when checked in the mirror of the car.

y/n was now confused. wilbur had bloody hands. sapnap had a cut on his head. george had a crooked nose that started bleeding at random hours.

what the hell did they do now.


"i didnt mean it i swear! the guy was asking for it!" dream immediately started defending himself as y/n raised a brow.

"the boys decided to help and it got a little messy. but don't worry, pretty sure they won't be coming back."

sapnap snorted out a laugh that he tried to cover with a cough. he looked away and took a sip of his beer as dream glared at him.

y/n just held the classic 'i shouldn't ask anymore' face. which was laced with disappointment.

"okay. i'll go home to get changed and showered for the race tonight. i expect you to win sapnap." y/n got up and headed to their car.

"of course, anything for you doll."

sapnap did a 'cheers' motion and then knocked down the rest of his beer.

what a southern boy...

lame chapter i promise the next one will be exciting my hotties </3

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lame chapter i promise the next one will be exciting my hotties </3

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