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EDITED: August 6/7, 2021

Bentley Bacalar: $1.9 Million
one of the most expensive cars in the world

9 Millionone of the most expensive cars in the world

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quackity said blankly as he stared at the car that was in bad shape.

three hours before this, y/n woke up. dream was already making breakfast as drista was yawning at the table. he was wearing a white apron over his black tank top and gray sweatpants as the radio played some old 80s tune.

he made a lot of different items to choose from. eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, fruit salad, and more.

sapnap, karl, and quackity were sitting on the couch while watching cartoons with tubbo. ranboo was slung over the recliner, falling asleep again.

the girls were drinking coffee outside, tommy included. except he had chocolate milk.

callahan was sitting beside drista, drawing in a disney princess coloring book. drista glanced over once in a while and gave him a thumbs up.

wilbur and technoblade were eating at the table while arm wrestling. the wins were tied.

"if you're not eating then we're leaving!" dream called, and everyone began cleaning up and heading to their cars.

y/n decided to get in alyssa's car with drista. seeing's ether car wasn't doing too hot.

speaking of their car...

the driver and passenger side window was shattered, the windshield was cracked, the back windows were cracked, and the front was totaled.

this would take a bit.

"clean up the inside, glass and other shit." and the car was lowered to the ground and the boys got to work.

y/n looked around at the car, cringing at the damage.

wilbur popped the hood and tommy peaked over his shoulder.

"not too bad. the serpentine belt needs replaced."

ranboo jogged over and handed it to wilbur. he was handed certain tools by tommy as he got to work.

quackity and technoblade unpackaged windows and began replacing them carefully.

sapnap was under the car, making sure everything was okay.

karl was making sure everything in the car was working. after wilbur was done, he started the car and revved the engine. sapnap was safely out before so he didn't get hurt or anything.

"check the windows!"

they worked, thankfully.

callahan was teaching tubbo to braid hair, using the girls as models. tubbo's tongue stick out in concentration as he focused on piggy's hair.

callahan already had drista and alyssa's hair done in french braids. he was currently helping hannah with her half space buns.

tubbo sighed and gave up. puffy patted his hand in reassurance and whispered something to him. he nodded, deteirmiend ans walked over to y/n.

"can i paint your nails? i'm good at that!"

y/n smiled and nodded. callahan dug in his pocket and got out a bottle of nail polish. he handed it to tubbo.

ranboo peaked over tubbo's shoulder at y/n's nails as the polish was neatly applied. he nodded and y/n nodded back.

ranboo shook his head.

y/n copied it.

he scrunched his nose.

y/n copied again.

he stuck out his tongue.

y/n did that too.

he touched his nose with his tongue.

y/n tried to copy that.

"what are you two dummies doing?" techno glanced over.

wilbur looked up and laughed.

"i won."

"you cheated."

"ah? what's that? a sore loser?"

y/n stuck their tongue out at him in a mocking manner.

ranboo copied.

"now don't start that again!" tommy shouted and ranboo cackled.

"so y/n, are you going to that race with us?"

"do i have to drive in it?"

"no, we'll even take you."

"sounds cool."

quackity nodded, a big grin on his face.

george shut the hood of the car. sapnap rolled out from under the car again. dream finished polishing the windows and stuff. quackity got in the car and backed it out, turning it around.

he barely had time to back up before a purple flash came by. it stoppped suddenly in the garage.

the window rolled down to show a grinning karl.

dream rolled his eyes and lightly slapped his forehead as he walked by. karl protested.

"karl. your hands."

he looked down and they were a bloody mess.

he shrugged and ripped two pieces of his flannel off, tying them around his hands.

puffy's eye twitched.


karl gulped and got out of the car and began sprinting.

"tagst right you idiot! run! i'll still catch you."

karl only sprinted faster.

puffy sighed and noticed everyone glancing at her.


they looked away, whistling and busting themselves with something.

puffy laughed as she noticed ranboo put a lamp shade on his head to hide.

puffy laughed as she noticed ranboo put a lamp shade on his head to hide

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