its all fading

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i never thought i would be making this chapter. ever.

i don't know what to say i'm sorry.

the news, i've just heard has shocked me i've never dealt well with this stuff.

technoblade, is no longer with us. meaning he has passed away.

i, of course, just got news of this as soon as i updated.

it's heart breaking , to say the very very least.

he's graciously left behind a legacy. he raised so many kids. he's helped so many people. he's made people better.

he was fighting, and he fought strongly.

but, sadly, it can catch you when you're weak.

please go to his youtube channel and watch his father's video.

i have nothing to say that won't leave me sobbing and crying.

he's done so much for me. he's made me laugh, he's gotten me new friends, and taught me to just relax when it gets crazy.

cancer, running in my family, is something i can never escape. knowing that he was trying to suffer silently without worrying us just makes me sad

he worried about us, he worried about his friends, he worried about his family.

his dad, is so strong. i can see where techno gets it from.

i'm thankful for him, and his family for being so strong.

i hate to bring up my stupid stories but i just can't do it. this is an important matter and my little stories are dumb.

i don't know if i can continue writing knowing anything. looking at his name is just a painful reminder. even though it's his fictional character, i cant.

so, i'm at a loss. for the sake of him i don't feel right writing stupid shit.

honoring his memory, i will either heavily edit or just discontinue my books.

even editing will be difficult because it wouldn't feel right without him.

he really tried. he wanted to get better. he had his father, his mother, his sisters/brothers, his dog.

please don't start the "technoblade never dies" right now in my comments. it's too sensitive at the moment.

because he has to rest at some point, and i want to let him.

thank you, for all the support for my books and i really will miss writing about his character because it was so similar to him.

i didn't think it would ever come to this. but i'm lost. i won't be able to sleep peacefully tonight and wake up okay.

and hey.

just take care of yourselves.

for him

and for me.

i need you guys, you'll never know how much i care for you.

but i love you guys, so much. you're like family to me, you're like best friends to me. you know so much about me and i am perfectly fine with that.

youve helped me through so much in my life and now i must return the favor.

i will take care of you, i owe you that much.

i will be active on wattpad, possibly writing for other fandoms. i might leave this account and move to my other one. but i will probably just switch between them more often.

it's been nearly two years since i've been in this fandom.

but knowing tommy and wilbur and all of the other will wake up knowing a good friend isn't here will crush me.

technoblade has done so much for all of them, tommy and wilbur especially.

i should stop before i cry but it doesn't matter.

thanks for reading

sincerely, allister. the i is actually an l.

just thought you oughta remember me somehow .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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