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EDITED: August 5/5, 2021

Pagani Huayra - $3,700,000 (est. )
one of the most expensive cars in the world

 )one of the most expensive cars in the world

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when everyone finally settled down. everyone felt like they went through that in more than 4 hours. it felt like three days already passed.

"since we're protected by those nice people, i guess we don't have to be hazardous anymore... y/n, do you wanna go to a big race tomorrow? everyone's coming!"

is what karl said when he was the first to speak up. they were all sitting in a circle of silence until karl suddenly excited shouted.

"karl they just got to know us-"

"my credit score is probably worse than death, so let's go." y/n said blankly and hopped in their car as karl cheered.

"where are you going?"

"i want breakfast."

"where at?"

"i don't know, man. i gotta see-"

"not denny's. we are not going to denny's." dream shuddered and demanded.


george and sapnap got in y/n's car, seeing as they were too tired to drive.

"y/n your back seat is comfy." sapnap yawned as he laid down and stretched out. george rolled his eyes from the front seat and leaned back to close his eyes.

y/n also yawned and started the car and pulled out, three other cars following theirs.

it took five minutes to drive into regular town, and y/n was dozing off.

the car swerved and y/n jumped up to correct it, but began dozing off again.

a cold hand landed on their leg and they startled and saw george staring, worried.

"are you okay?"

"mm, i'm just tired..."

"how about we pull over and you get rest, mk darling?"

(everyone reading this is in the george appreciation club.)


"i know i know, but sleep would be better." george lightly chuckled.

"yeah doll, please pull over. i almost fell off the seat." sapnap teased and yawned and sat up.

"right or left?"


and y/n put on their blinker and nicely turned into a random parking lot. the other cars followed and pulled right beside theirs.

"you guys okay?"

"y/n almost fell asleep so we decided to rest."

"god damn it... everyone who doesn't have their cars, get in mine. we're gonna go get them so we can all sleep."

"where's drista?"

"she's sleeping in the trunk. she likes it there."

george's eyes widened as he glanced at dream's car.

"fuck, i don't wanna drive back here." sapnap complained and slammed his head on the seat.

"i'll got get it." y/n mumbled with closed eyes

"doll, you almost fell asleep on the way here. you don't need to do that for me."

"but your seat covers look comfy and i wanna sleep there."

sapnap chuckled and mentally noted to look out for seat covers that y/n likes.

"are you sure?"

"yes mapsam, i will safely bring back your beloved." y/n cheered in tired enthusiasm and sapnap lost it at the name he was called. he laughed as y/n smiled and exited the car.

"take me away dream! but not too long cause i want breakfast."

dream tried to make the drive in alyssa's car as fast as possible so people wouldn't fall asleep.

he parked as everyone filed out slowly and started their cars.

y/n gently did everything in the car, even gear shifting slowly as to not damage it.

when they got back, and they checked everyone was there, they panicked as they saw that y/n wasn't out.

but it's okay, y/n fell asleep in the driver seat as soon as they parked.

sapnap chuckled and gently moved the sleepy body to the back seat, laying a blanket over them.

"thank you snackmab." y/n shook his hand before falling asleep again, and everyone laughed.

everyone went back to their cars to lay down, the minors dog piled in the back of puffy's car so they were all a tangle of random limbs.

sapnap opted for laying in y/n's car, well not before checking everything out.

seeing as it was very clean, there wasn't much about it.

he checked the glove box, but there were only napkins and... what's that foil thing?

sapnap smirked and pocketed it, saving it for later.

no, it's not a condom.

it's a ketchup packet.

it's okay, some of us want some nuggies too.

damn i kinda do right now.

thanks sapnap, how inspiring.

i loved waking up early in the morning as it rained and my mother dearest took me to a shitty fast food place and let me get a little meal

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i loved waking up early in the morning as it rained and my mother dearest took me to a shitty fast food place and let me get a little meal.

didn't i promise and eren y. picture of me?

here you go.

u can see my blurry cartilage piercing

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u can see my blurry cartilage piercing

bye bye~~

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