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𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚖𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚎 -$𝟿,𝟶𝟶𝟶,𝟶𝟶𝟶
one of the most expensive cars in the world
batman i luv u<3

𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚖𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚎 -$𝟿,𝟶𝟶𝟶,𝟶𝟶𝟶one of the most expensive cars in the worldbatman i luv u<3

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was going strong. no one actually had a clue on why they despised each other so much, but it was there.

"y/n, me and q are up next. winner gets a reward!" wilbur happily exclaimed with a dopey smile.

"like what." y/n replied with no emotion, already knowing the bullshit answer.

"a kiss."


"on the cheek?"


"a hug?"

"i hope your brain combusts."

"a handshake?"

a head shake.

"a pinkie interlock?"

y/n laughed.

"a small finger nail clipping?"

"fuck it, sure."

wilbur looked overly delighted and quackity looked concerned.

"hold my glasses?" he threw the circular lenses at y/n and quackity settled for taking y/n's sunglasses and sliding them up his nose to rest at the bridge. he screwed on his baseball cap a little tighter and waved as he walked to his blue car.

wilbur stretched and loosened his belt, groaning as his neck popped. he dug in his pocket for his keys and got them out, a little knife charm dangling on them.

"you mind?" he held his keys to y/n's face.

"you don't mean..."

"i'll let you take my car on a cop chase."

y/n smiled wildly and spit on wilbur's keys. he glanced down with a crazed smile that matched y/n's and ran off to his white car.

"ay wilbur!"

"yeah babe?!"

"if you lose ill kill you!"

"you promise?!" wilbur yelled back with sick delight and his eyes were blown wide and his face flushed.

as soon as the gun shot echoed in the stadium, the cars were off the starting line.

as quackity drifted around the curve, he looked at y/n and they swore they saw him wink with a dazzling smirk.

wilbur was soon to follow, pretending to yawn as he drove with his knees. he laid back in his seat as he waved at y/n, wiggling his fingers in a mock to all the girls fawning over dream.

speaking of dream, he laid against the stone wall in the shade, sipping a beer with george, who looked bored.

"what's the matter george?" y/n asked as they squeezed between him and dream.

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