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I ripped the chains off of her and ran from the basement. I ran to the woods and looked for the cave, "Kira can you hear me?" 

Her head dangled as I ran. She hasn't said anything to me since I got her out. 

"Damnit," I breathed heavily as I set her on the ground, "damnit! The cloaking spell." I knelt down beside her and took the tape from her mouth and eyes, and knocked off the remaining greenery on her body, "why aren't you healing? Can you hear me?"

"Jace? Jace! Oh my god," Her eyes were filled with tears, "how did you?" she squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath, "I- it hurts Jace."

Her breathing was harsh and rapid, she struggled to breathe calmly. The blood just kept flowing from her wounds, "Kira I need you to help me help you okay? I need to know what to do."

She shook her head slowly as the tears fell down her face, "ju- just st-stay here. I can't move. E-everything hurts. Venom."

"I know," I grabbed her hand firmly, "I'm going to make it go away okay?"

Watching her lie on the ground and wince at each and every motion broke my heart. I felt her pain start to transfer into me and I winced as I took it all in.

"St-stop," she whispered, "you-you're hurting yourself."

Once it was done I let go of her hand, "it's okay. I'm okay. I need you to be okay. I have to trigger your healing." She slowly nodded her head, "I'm sorry okay? This is going to hurt so much worse but whatever he had on you, it is prolonging it. You need something while you're away from the toxins."

"Just do it," she closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry," I stated again while grabbing her wrist, "I'm so sorry. It will heal I promise you."

I snapped her wrist and she screamed out. I wrapped her in my arms tightly afterwards as she cried into my shoulder.

"Why isn't it working?" I asked frantically, "Kira what's happening to you? What did he do to you?"

"Black- black root," she cried, "and fire thorn. They last for hours," she sniffled, "it'll go away, it just takes time."

"You couldn't say that before?" I looked at her.

"I'm sorry," she shook her head, "I - It's so hard to talk and - and to breathe. I'm sorry."

"Okay," I whispered, "alright. Let me take it from you-

"It won't work fully," she whispered, "only some."

"Then I will continue," I nodded, "I won't stop until you're okay."

I grabbed her arm and closed my eyes. I held her close to me as I continuously made sure to take the pain away from her. I felt her fall asleep in my arms, it made me smile. I never took my hand off of her though. I leaned myself against a tree and adjusted her in my lap. She sat between my legs, her head on my left arm. My right hand was holding her left arm and I watched as her pain kept flowing into me. It just wasn't running out, it wasn't stopping.
I set her down for a second, reaching for my phone and then picked her head back up.

Me: Alex, I need your help. Jessica's help.

Alex: what is it?

Me: Remember that cave?

Alex: yes. What happened?

Me: Kira, I can't heal her. She's sleeping right now, I've been consistently taking her pain. I can't heal her. She will be okay, Atleast that's what she said. I just need food, I need to have something here for when she wakes up but I can't leave her here.

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