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Justin walked in first, I cloaked myself and headed in behind him. Immediately he just started taking down people, which wasn't part of the plan. I let him continue and I looked around. My eyes snapped to Jace and immediately I started running to him.

I felt a surge of power hit me and it blasted me backwards. When I hit the hall, I hit the ground and it was extremely hard to catch my breath. I stood up slowly, and the witch started walking towards me. I threw out my hands at the same time she did, our magic colliding and not long after mine overtook hers. She flew backwards, hitting the wall and falling to the ground.

I heard Justin cry, I turned quickly. A different witch had him in the air, he was back in his human form and when she dropped him he stayed on the ground, "Justin! No!"

John walked out from behind a door, "well well well if it isn't Kira. It's good to have you back."

"I'm taking him with me," I growled.

"I don't think you are," he shook his head, "you see, as this point those headphones have been one for I think over 12 hours or so, and that collar, it's been on for a few minutes now. He's currently giving out, you see, when his legs give out it will hang him, so even if you get him out, he'll most likely be dead."

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" I turned to Justin and lifted my hand in the air, lifting him up with it. He started to spin and as guards shot their guns, I deflected all their bullets. He turned back to wolf form, this time he had a barrier around him. The guns won't work against him, they'll bounce off of him and the witches magic has to be stronger than mine to break it with magic.

I looked back at John, his eyes widened in horror.

"What are you doing!" He turned around and yelled out, "come out here and do something!"

Who is he yelling at? I looked all around trying to figure it out and suddenly I made eye contact with them.


"What?" I asked. Immediately I felt tears in my eyes, I blinked them away, "what are you doing here!"

"I'm sorry," she threw her hands forward. I redirected her magic into the wall behind me and walked closer to her.

"I trusted you!" I screamed. I raised my hands, lifting everyone around me into the air. I slammed my hands back down, everyone followed.

Only Cassie, John, Justin, Jace and another witch remained standing.

"Please don't make this harder than it has to be," she shook her head, "please just hear us out."

"Hear your out?" I laughed, "hear you out!? You betrayed me! You took Jace!" Jace. I turned and started running to him. I was inches from him when she was able to catch me off guard and lift me to the air, stopping all my movement.

"No!" I cried, "Cassie! Please! Please he's dying!"

I turned and saw Justin leap onto the other witch, she cried out as he tore into her. Cassie turned her attention immediately, "no!"

She dropped me and turned to him, picking him up.

"No!" I snapped loudly. I threw my left hand forward, throwing her into a closed door. I watched at the door blew off it's hinges and landed on the ground. My jaw dropped and I looked at my hands and back at Cassie.

I started running back towards Jace. I could hear John yelling something in the background but I wasn't focused enough to understand what he was saying.

The headphones were on, the collar was still on and his legs had given out a minute or so ago. I cut the rope, catching him and laying him on the ground. I grabbed the collar and ripped it from his neck and took the headphones off.

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