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I woke up the next morning, the light was shining in through the windows. I heard rustling in the kitchen and turned around slowly.

"Hey there!" a man said, "you guys have fun last night?"

I stood slowly and walked into the kitchen, "you must be Alex's dad. I'm Kira," I stuck out my hand, "it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry me and her came over. W-

"It's okay," he nodded, "I'd rather it be here than out drinking and driving. You kids need to stay safe out there, we have a murder case on our hands. I can't go into much detail but we found a body in the woods last night, just keep your eyes peeled. Now I am going to go upstairs and lay down for a few," he started to walk away and I made my way back over to Jace, "oh and it's nice to meet you too Kira."

He walked up the stairs and down the hall. I heard a door shut and I curled back up into Jace's lap. I smiled as I remembered the bit of what I heard him thinking. I am going to find a way to get us a place to ourselves. Maybe I can find a place for the four of us.

Jace started to move around, I set my hand on his cheek as his eyes started to open, "good-morning handsome."

"Good-morning beautiful," he smiled while sitting up and setting his hand on the side of my head, "how'd you sleep?"

"I slept good," I nodded, "it seems to be that way when I'm with you though."

"It's only happened twice," he started to laugh.

"I know," I smiled, "and both those times I have slept better than I have for the many many years I have been alive."

"Really?" he asked.

"Really," I nodded, "it's a peacefulness that I can't quite explain." 

He kissed my forehead and stood up, "Alex, yo! Wake up!"

He shot up, making Jessica wake up too.

"What time is it?" he scurried around.

"Your dads home," I nodded, "we talked. He's upstairs?"

"Wait," he sounded confused, "he talked to you? Didn't kick you out?"

"No," I laughed, "he said he would rather us be here than out doing stupid shit."

Alex started smiling, "oh thank god. Okay what's the plan today? Breakfast? Anything?"

I looked over at Jace as he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm good for anything."

"What did you guys find last night?" I asked.

Jace snapped his attention to me as did Alex, "well it isn't a regular murder. The body was completely mauled and disembodied."

"What could do that?" I asked looking at them both, "it wasn't another one of us?"

"Well I think it may be," Jace admitted, "but I'm gonna find them."

"How?" I asked.

"Well we are wolves," he laughed, "and you, you're a witch and vampire too so, I think it may be easier than we think."

I nodded, "okay fair enough. When do we start looking?"

"I think whenever we can," Alex added, "the police are already scouring the town looking for any potential suspects."

"I actually have to get back home," Jessica interrupted, "I'm sorry guys! I will try and help next time, if there is a next time."

"I'll take you home," Alex stated as he walked to the kitchen, "I'll drive you home."

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