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I woke up as the sun was just starting to rise and rolled over to look at Kira. She slept peacefully, I kissed her cheek and got out of bed slowly. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I relieved myself and then got in the shower. I closed my eyes and ran my hands on my face.

"No!" Kira started screaming, "no! Stop! Stop!"

I got out of the shower and quickly wrapped a towel around my waist. I ran to her, her eyes were squeezed shut and she was flipping out.

"Kira," I grabbed her hand, "Baby it's okay. I'm right- " I felt my eyes glaze over and I saw her in a cage. A witch was holding her body tightly against the bars. Ron walked over and grabbed a needle, injecting her with the red liquid inside. I watched as her eyes turned different colors. Alex walked up to the cage and got in, he locked the door.

"Kira please don't," he started to beg, "please don't hurt me."

"Please don't make me do this. Please get him out of here!" Kira screamed at Ron, "Ron please get him out of here!" The tears fell down her cheeks and I watched as she gripped to the bars tightly trying to resist.

"Do it Kira!" Ron started to yell, "Kill him!"

I watched as she did exactly as he said. It was sad, you could tell she was trying so hard to stop but just couldn't. After words she fell to the ground and started screaming. I watched her teeth grow and her eyes turned blue when she opened them. The witch pulled her back against the bars and Jessica was the next that walked in. It happened so fast.

I watched her kill Jessica, and then Justin. I watched him inject more into her as she fought to get away from him. When Jonathon walked in that cage disguised as me, she trembled in the corner of that cage trying to contain and control herself.

"Get out!" she roared, "Jace get out of here! I can't! Jace go!"

"He can't get out!" Ron laughed at her, "and you won't be able to stop. Let her go."

The witch put her hands at her sides and Kira was no longer restrained.

"Jace you have to hurt me. You have to fight me!" she cried as she turned her back to him, me.

She begged him to shift until she couldn't anymore. She attacked me and drained me. She sat on the ground and cried as she held onto who she thought was me. I covered my mouth with my hand and watched as they took him from the cage.

Everything shifted and went black. After a few seconds my vision came back, "I must me in her memories. She has to be sharing them with me or something."

She was laying on a table. Ron walked in through the doors, "alright wake her up." The witch snapped her fingers and Kira started to look around slowly.

"Goodmorning sunshine!" Ron walked up to her, "how are you feeling this morning? We are going to put some cameras in you today."

"No," she said groggily, "please, no."

He grabbed her throat, "you don't tell me no. You just do as I say."

He let go and grabbed a knife, cutting into her. She screamed out in pain and I watched as Ron inserted a camera into her. He grabbed a piece of metal with a bright orange end. He held it to her skin. She screamed out and instantly I smelt the melting of her skin. Her cries echoed and I couldn't watch anymore.

"You handled that really well," Ron said, "now for the best one." He walked to the front of her. "This is going to hurt a bit," he said, "ready? Witch, immobilize."

I watched as Kira's chest started moving up and down faster as her breathing rose. He grabbed his tools and started carving into her skull.

"Stop!" she screamed, "please!" the drill whirred in the background and I had to turn around. I covered my ears and then she went completely quiet. I turned back around and the memory changed again.

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