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It's been a couple days since we've been here. Rowan obviously isn't healing, the blood is starting to dry up so it's slowing the bleeding... but it hasn't stopped. His skin is pale and his lips are starting to turn a shade of blue/purple. That bitch, Falco I think is her name... she took the spell off of us so we can talk. Thank god. That was annoying. 

We were all in the same room still. Kira was strapped to a table with needles poking out of her, a yellow liquid was being drained from her. I assume that's what they meant when they said she was special or whatever it was. I honestly can't remember. This wasn't supposed to happen. I promised him this wouldn't happen... Esme was still attached to a fence piece, Jess was in the same predicament Rowan was in, bad. She was still attached to a fence piece, as was Alex. Jace was sitting in a chair, he got into it with Falco and screwed himself over. There's a timer set that sends a very severe surge of electricity throughout the chair. I mean he can barely breathe right now, atleast that's what it sounds like, like he's wheezing. 

"Kira," Esme coughed, "Kira can you hear me."

"Yeah," she sighed, "I can hear you." 

"What can we do to get out of here?" she asked, "can anyone do anything?" Kira slowly shook her head. 

"I don't think so," she turned to the side, "none of us can move, we can't get out of what we're in. The shackles and chains are spelled, I can't use my magic or shift or anything." I watched as Esme straightened her head back out. "Kai!" Kira tiredly exclaimed, "how- how is he? How's Rowan?"

"I'm okay," Rowan wheezed, "I- I-"

"It's okay," I whispered as I looked at him, "you don't have to speak." I turned back to Kira real quick, "he's doing okay!" I didn't want to worry her. There was nothing she could do, there was nothing any of us could do. "I'm so sorry," I shook my head looking at him again, "I didn't mean for this to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen." 

"It- It's okay," he strained, "I'm okay. I can handle it." He was tired, exhausted. Suddenly the doors opened and in walked Cassie and Falco. I wonder if this is THE Cassie.. you know, Kira's adopted mom?

I watched as they walked over to Kira and pulled the needles from her arms and unchained her from the table. 

"Get off of me," she said tiredly, "s-stop. Stop!" I felt a large gust of wind, it felt like it was going to blow me over. Cassie and Falco flew backwards and Kira roared loudly. She held out her hand and I watched as Cassie started to rise in the air. Suddenly Kira started crying out and hit her knees, I saw the collar light up bright red. Falco stood with a remote in her hand, her finger firmly pressing the button. She wasn't letting off. Kira was screaming on the ground as it shocked her. I watched the blood start to drip from her nose and saliva started to just fall from her mouth. God they have to stop. That's enough. This is to much.

"Stop!" Jace yelled out as loud as her could, "please.. plea- ple..." I watched as his body tensed up and he screamed out. The chair sparked in random places around him as the timer hit zero.

"STOP!" I roared, "leave her alone! Stop this!" Kira started gasping for air and Falco was facing me. She started towards me as Cassie started towards Kira. 

"How strong are you?" she was only a couple inches from my face now. 

"I- I don't know," I shook my head, "I'm not really a fighter." 

"Now you are," she smiled. She walked behind me and freed me from the chains. I fell to the ground. "Don't try any funny business," she nodded, "wait here." She turned and walked over to Cassie, I did my best to listen in. "Cassie," she whispered, "I have an idea." 

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