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There are so many things running through my head right now. I tried to kill one of his pack members, she completely fucked me up in the process (which I rightfully deserved). Then while I was running and trying to hide somewhere and old friend of mine pops up and decides that I have some special powers all of a sudden... and tries to kill me. Luckily Justin got there, but what I watched terrified me almost. 

I know he was protecting me but his eyes, they turned red. What does that mean? 

He pressured me into going to see Kira. I'm nervous, I don't know what to expect. He said they'll understand, but I'm going to a house mainly full of wolves. I could see the house as we got closer and he slowed down. I gently climbed off his back and watched as he shifted into a human. He helped me up and I cried out, gripping my other side. 

I looked down, slowly lifting my shirt to see whatever is wrong with me has spread across my entire stomach. Justin's eyes widened and he scooped me up. He's like a prince charming. I leaned my head against his chest, taking in his warmth. 

"Kira!" he said aloud as he opened the door, "Kira I need your help! Right now!" I watched as two others ran around the corner, the same girl and boy from earlier. Jessica and Alex I believe are their names.

"What the hell?" she asked, "what's she doing here?"

"Where is Kira?" Justin asked, "go get her right now."

"Get her out of here!" Jessica yelled at Justin, "she shouldn't-"

"Stop!" he roared loudly. I covered my ears. "Where is Kira! Kira!" 

"She's gone," Alex jumped in, "Jessica please, just stop for a second. She's hurt." 

"She tried to kill me!" she snapped. 

"I didn't know," I winced, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I saw him and saw he was a vampire and I thought you were hurting him. I didn't-" I grabbed my body again and another rush of pain covered me. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone," I shook my head, "I-"

"You're fine," Justin cut me off, "you don't need to explain right now." He walked past her and followed Alex down a set of stairs. 

"Here," Alex said, "lay her down here. I'll call Kira right now." Justin laid me down on the table.

"Kira," I heard him start talking, "where are you?" Justin walked over and took the phone from his hands, "Kira I need you to come home right now."

I did my best to listen. 

"Please just come home," he said once more, "I'll explain when you get here. Just hurry." He hung up and gave the phone back to Alex. 

"So uh you care to explain?" Alex asked. 

"I- I'm Esme," I coughed, "I'm sorry about earlier." He looked at me and gave me a small smile. 

"It's okay," he nodded, "Jess will come to terms and understand the motive. Just focus on relaxing right now." I looked over at Justin, he grabbed my hand and held it in his. I smiled. 

"I met her a few weeks ago," he started to say, "I was out running around and we got into it for a minute because I was on her land." He looked over at me and started to smile, "but then I couldn't hurt her. Something came over me and I couldn't do anything to hurt her. Then we basically became friends. I've told her all about you guys, I know I haven't said anything to you guys yet but I was just trying to wait for the perfect time." He turned back to Alex, "but then this happened and she got hurt, and when I found her this other vampire was going to kill her but I got to him first. That's when I saw this." He walked over and lifted up my shirt slowly. 

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