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I can feel that we're close, I feel like I can feel him. "There," I pointed.

"This is the run down abandoned town that he must have been talking about," Kira nodded as we walked closer. I turned towards the woods and started walking into them. As we walked deeper I saw some buildings and then others walking about.

"We're here," I stopped walking, "I need you guys to stay back here. I have to find him. We cant go in together. Please."

"You're sure?" Kira asked, "100%?"

I nodded my head, "I'll scream or the whispers will tell me what to do." I turned back around and tossed the hood over my head. Thankfully it's dark and I'm in black. I leapt into the trees and jumped from branch to branch. I'll know what house I was in when I see it.


I jumped down quietly and slowly walked around to the back door. I listened for others and when I heard no one, I opened the door.

I heard screams coming from behind another door, I opened and walked down the stairs. I saw hallways and rooms upon rooms. The cries echoed throughout.

"It's impossible to track down here," I whispered, "okay. Follow your gut." I turned and walked down the second hallway. I could smell everyone behind the doors as I made my way through, they must be prisoners of some sort, like I was.

The screams continued. It has to be Justins, I just.. I know it is. I stood still and shifted, allowing everything to kick in. His screams got louder but clearer and I walked through the halls some more, making random turns. I'm not even sure I know where I'm at anymore.

"When should we take him to him?" I heard voices. I stopped to listen.

"I don't know yet," another said, "Valor is taking pretty good care of him right now though. Im surprised he took it that far honestly, didn't think he had it in him. Supposedly, he getting him to crack because he made him think everyone's dead. Isn't that sick?"

"Yeah," the other sighed, "I wish I wasn't made to do this. I feel so bad for all these people." I shifted back to human and when they walked around the corner they jumped.

"Wait wait I don't wanna hurt you," I shook my head, "remember me? I remember you. Who were you talking about? Who's Valor with?"

They drew their guns quickly, "why shouldn't we kill you where you stand?"

"Please," I shook my head, "he's- he- I just heard you say you feel bad." I saw their stance soften. "Just distract Valor. That's all. Get him away from the room."

"What in it for us?" They asked.

"I won't kill you right now," I nodded, "you have five seconds." I started counting in my head. 5...4...3... I grabbed their heads and snapped their necks. I pulled their bodies behind a door and shut it before walking back down the hall. "Should have answered faster," I whispered. I continued to make my way throughout the halls.

"Why won't you just stop!" I heard Valor screaming, "they're dead. You have nothing else!" I followed it and turned the corner, making my way to the room he was in. Justin's screams were loud as they cut through the steel doors.

I opened it extremely slow and peeked my head around. Valors back was turned to me as he continued to slice through Justins skin with a whip. He continuously was screaming so loudly it was almost ear piercing. The room was ice cold, it felt like ... I don't know how cold it was. It hurt to breathe. His hands were purple and blue, his hair looked frozen.

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