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I slowly started to blink awake. I was laying on a metal table. I sat up slowly and looked around as memories rushed to my mind. 


I went to stand but felt like I had no muscle in my legs. 

"I got ya," Esme caught me right before I hit the ground. I started smiling and wrapped my arms around her. She stood up and I pushed myself back on the table. She stood in front of me. 

"What time is it?" I asked. 

"Almost ten," she nodded, "are you hungry?" 

"Starving," I nodded, "I smell the food upstairs. It smells so good." 

"Do you want to try walking again?" she asked. I nodded my head and she grabbed my hand as I stepped down. I walked with her up the stairs and into the kitchen. 

"Justin!" Grace yelled as she ran to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist. 

"Hey kiddo," I picked her up, "ready for bed? It's past your time." 

She let out a loud sigh, "do I have to?" 

"You have school tomorrow," I laughed, "yes, you have to. Head up there, I'll be there soon." Esme walked over to the microwave and grabbed a plate as Grace ran up the stairs. 

"Glad to see you're okay," Kira walked in and hugged me, "how you feeling?" Jace stood and followed her. 

"Good," I nodded, "thank you. I- I'm sorry for earlier. I felt like I couldn't control it, it just happened. I feel real bad about it." 

"It's okay," she smiled, "things happen. In all fairness, wolves hate being poked with needles. It happens. It's okay. I'm okay."

"I'm not okay with it," Jace stepped in. I put my head down, "you could have seriously hurt her."

"Jace baby seriously it's fine," Kira grabbed his arm and shook her head, "it's okay." 

"No," he shook his head, "you should have had more control." 

"I know," I sighed, "do you want me to say sorry again? I will. I feel bad about it Jace."

"You could have hurt people!" he snapped at me, "then what would you have done?" 

"Hey cut him some slack," Esme stepped in, "he-"

"Esme it's okay," I cut her off, "it's fine."

"No," she shook her head, "he knew what happened. He knew something was wrong. That's why Kira asked YOU to come down there to HOLD him so what did happen wouldn't happen. Don't get mad-"

"Know your place," Jace cut her off, "you barely know any of us. You don't have-"

"Don't talk to her like that," I snapped at him, cutting him off, "you don't talk to her that way." The air around us was tight, things were tense. I stared at Jace and he stayed glaring at me. I could feel Esme's eyes on me and was watching Kira look back and forth between me and Jace. 

"Okay guys," Kira stepped in, "Jace I said it was okay which means it is okay. I'm the one he hit, I'm the only one who gets to say if it's okay or not and it is. So stop okay? It was an accident. Come on, it's getting late." 

"Can you stay here?" I turned to Esme. I turned you back to Kira, "can she stay the night?" 

"I shouldn't," Esme shook her head, "I um- I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"I don't think that's a good idea," Jace shook his head. Kira looked up at him and slowly, gently hit his arm. 

"Stop with this attitude right now," she growled, "it's out of hand. It isn't needed." She turned and looked at me and Esme, "door stays open if you stay here. I don't want to wake up to an-"

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