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At this point I've come to the conclusion that we're all home. I could hear everyone around me but I couldn't move or talk, it's like I'm paralyzed or something. I couldn't even open my eyes, couldn't move my lips or fingers. NOTHING. I felt like my body was going to explode, I could feel the detoxifying potion working but it didn't feel as good as I had hoped.

"Me and Alex I think are gonna go home," I heard Jess say, "please call me if anything changes." Each of them said their goodbyes and the front door opened and shut. I felt Jace's hands grab onto mine and he sat down beside me. He smelled so good, it was calming just being around him.

"Okay so you and Rowan will be upstairs together," Esme said, "right?"

"Y- you're sure?" Kai asked her. Gosh why isn't

"Were you guys sleeping separated while we were all gone?" Esme laughed, "exactly. It's fine. We're all adults here, well, almost. Basically, minus Grace."

"I'm gonna take her upstairs," Jace said. I could feel him stand beside me.

"Okay," she sighed, "wake me up if anything happens. If you need to."

"I will," his hands gently made their way under me and wrapped around me. He picked me up slowly and I leaned into him. He was warm, he was so comfortable. He was able to open the door and he made his way across our room, laying me down on the bed and pulling the blankets over me. I heard our door shut and felt him climb in bed with me. He started to run his hands through my hair, "you know I love you? So much. I didn't think it was possible to care about someone so much. I'm not showing it, but I am freaking out right now. I don't know if you're gonna wake up, when you'll wake up... I don't know if I'm gonna be able to talk to you again. God seeing you like that, seeing you so helpless and hurt, it lit a fire in me. I've seen you beat up, seen you close to death... but I haven't ever seen you like that, like this."

I feel horrible. I wish I could just hug him, that's all I want. I started to focus strictly on my hand. I tried to picture me moving my fingers in my mind. Still it wasn't working.

"Please wake up," he pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around me, "please be okay." I felt his lips press against my cheek and forehead. I was smiling on the inside, I swear it love.

"Come on," I jumped up on the bed, "come here." He slowly shut the door behind him and walked over to me smiling. He climbed onto the bed and I turned on the TV before laying down beside him.

"You're sure it's okay that I'm here?" he asked me randomly, "I mean... so many people came here today. It was a full house and I just felt so out of place. I mean... who else is a human? It's only me. In a house of wolves and vampires and- and witches."

"You remember Jessica and Alex?" I asked, "Alex was a human. There was a fight or something and he was bitten. I don't know, I don't remember all the details. Justin told me about it. We're all different, hell, me, Esme and Kira aren't supposed to be alive right now. Me and Esme were born off the grid, no one knew about us till recently. Kira, if I'm not mistaken she was supposed to be killed but Jess's mom saved her from that." I could tell nothing I was saying was helping. I just don't know what to tell him... I want him here, he isn't out of place or- or the black sheep of us... he's just one of us. He's part of us.

"I still don't think I belong here," he shook his head, "I-"

"Then where will you go?" I asked, "you'll just live on the streets? No. Absolutely not. You're welcome here, you can stay here. We have room, we have the food... we have everything here right now."

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