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The alarm went off on my phone and I rolled over. Jace is still missing, I have not been able to find anything on him yet. No spells have worked or anything, I'm at a loss. I walked downstairs, making food for Grace. Shortly after, Grace and Justin walk down the stairs and she eats her breakfast.

"Ready for school?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded her head, "yes! Yes! I am ready! Kira are you picking me up today?"

"Yeah," I smiled, "yeah I can pick you up today."

"What you don't want me?" Justin asked playfully.

"Nooooo," she exaggerated, "I want Kira!" I started laughing as Justin pushed himself back into the chair and crossed his arms, pretending to be mad.

"Fine," he pouted, "I didn't want to pick you up anyways." Grace gasped and turned to him. The two of us immediately burst into laughter. "Get your stuff ready when you're done," he smirked as he stood, "and we will head out." She finished eating and ran around, grabbing all of her things.

The two of them walked out the door and I went upstairs. I grabbed another one of Jace's shirts and went downstairs. I set up the candles and snapped my fingers, they all lit up. I grabbed the stones and cut my hand a bit, allowing the blood to drop onto the map. I grabbed his shirt and spoke the words. The flames grew larger and when they went out I looked, nothing. I let out a sigh, "I'm going to find you, I promise." I tossed the shirt in the dirty laundry and cleaned everything up, "I just need a sign, something. I have been searching high and low for weeks, what happened to him!" I slammed my hand on the counter.

I started sweeping and mopping the floors and not soon after that my phone started ringing. I walked over, "unknown caller?" I answered the phone, "hello?"

"Hello Kira," a raspy voice said over the phone, "how are you?"

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Kira!" I heard someone yelling in the background, "Kira! Please.. please hear me."

"I hear you," I whispered, "I hear you! Who are you? Who am I talking to?"

"At first I felt really bad for doing what I did," the person spoke calmly, "but after a couple hours, I didn't feel that bad anymore. Now, doing what we, I'm doing, I don't regret it at all. Happy hunting Kira."

"No!" I yelled, "do not hang up!" The line started beeping and I pulled the phone away quickly. Everything felt like slow motion though. I set everything up and snapped my fingers, lighting all my candles. I grabbed his shirt again and tossed the phone on the map, "Haec linea track, iterare verba, invenire unam, et da mihi signum. Haec linea track, iterare verba, invenire unam, et da mihi signum. Haec linea track, iterare verba, invenire unam, et da mihi signum!"

The candles went out and I moved everything off the map, a perfect hole was placed in the map, the missing piece gravitating towards the ground. I grabbed it. "Telska?" I asked aloud, "what the hell is he doing in Telska?" I grabbed my phone again and called Justin.

"Hello?" he answered almost immediately.

"Justin I think I know where Jace is," my heart was pounding, "I think I might know, atleast I think I know the area."

"Well?" he questioned, "Where?"

"Telska," I sighed, "can you think of anything in Telska?"

"Telska?" he repeated, "what the hell? That's like a 12 hour drive, what's he doing there? I have no clue what in that state, I've never been."

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