The beginning of summer

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The bell rung and then every single kid in school raced off, run as fast as they could.

It was the beginning of summer break and every kid in school wear excited to leave school for the summer, well every kid except Benjamin Kirby Tennyson.

You see Ben was not really happy about summer break or anything else for that matter because he lost his parents in a car accident a few days ago.

His parents went out one night.

They told him they had to go to work, it was argent and they would be back soon but they never came back and the next day Ben's grandpa Max came over and told his parents were dead.

Ben was only ten and he was now an orphan.

Max brought took him in after that.

Max tried his best to help Ben heal but Ben just grew cold and distant away from everybody.

His playful nature was now replaced with a sad and isolated one.

After school Max came to pick Ben up in the rust bucket.

"Hey kiddo" said Max.

"Hey grandpa" said Ben with a cold and lifeless expression on his face before he entered the rust bucket.

Max just sighed and nodded his head.

Ben had been staying with Max in the rust bucket since his parents died.

Max thought it would be better that way and would help Ben heal.

Ben was now lying on his bed with his headphones on, listening to music on his mp3.

"Hey Ben" said Max as he drove the rust bucket.

Ben did not hear him because of his headphones and just ignores him.

"BEN!!!" Screamed Max.

Ben the heard him and took of his headphones.

"Yes grandpa" said Ben.

"I think we should go on a trip around the country this summer" said Max.

"Sounds great grandpa" said Ben without an ounce excitement in him.

"Good, then it will just be me, you and your cousin Gwen this summer" said Max.

"Wait what!!!!" Said Ben shocked.

"Gwen's coming too" said Ben angrily and a bit annoyed

"Yes, is that a problem" ask Max in a serious tone.

"No, it's just that she is a bit of a dweeb some times" said Ben.

Max just sighed at what Ben just said.

The real reason Max even planned this trip was because of Ben.

He hope this trip was just what Ben needed to bring him back to the lovable, playful and at times mischievous boy he once was.

Later Max went to Gwen's house to pick up Gwen.

Then the three of them were off.

After driving for while Max decided to stop and set up camp in the woods, thinking a little time outdoors would the the kids some good.

Ben, Gwen and grandpa sat around camp fire near the rust bucket

Ben was busy Playing a game in his mini game console and Gwen was reading a book

"Turn down the volume of that stupid game I'm trying to read" said Gwen who could not concentrate on her book because of the sounds of the game console.

Ben just ignored her and continue playing his game and that enraged and annoyed Gwen greatly.

Gwen filled with anger and annoyance slammed the game console of Ben's hands causing it to fall down hard to the ground and break.

"You shouldn't have done that Gwen now apologize to Nen"said Max.

"Look I'm sorry for doing that Ben but you had it coming" said Gwen.

Ben then looked down at the game console and remembered how his parents gave him the console for his birthday before they died.

Tears then began to fall down from his eyes.

That game console was the last gift his parents and now it was gone.

"Calm down you big cry baby it's just a stupid game you could always get another one" said Gwen.

" No I can't get another one just like I can't get another mom and dad" said Ben as even more years fall down from his eyes.

Gwen could see her cousin was in Serious pain and felt bad for what she said.

" Ben I..." Before Gwen could open her mouth to apologize Ben said " I hate you Gwen".

Ben the ran away deep inside the forest

"I'll go after him" said Max.

"Grandpa wait, I'm coming too" said Gwen.

" Alright then but stay close who knows what's out there in the woods" said Max.

Ben ran as fast a his could, wanting to get away as far away from Gwen as possible.

Ben, exhausted and tired stopped running and sat down next to a tree.

The began to think about his parents, remembering the last memory he had with them before they died.

Those memories just brought him his pain.

Ben then screamed as loud as he could as he could not bare the pain any more.

When Ben stop screaming he saw a shooting star high up in the sky.

He then closed his eyes and made a wish.

"I wish this pain would stop and my parents were here"

Ben then opened his and sighed as nothing has changed and his parents were still dead.

Ben the noticed the shutting star was getting bigger and bigger until he realized, it wasn't a shooting star, it was something else and it was headed straight for him.

Ben quickly got out of the was before the thing could hit him.

Once it crashed on the forest Ben went to see what it was.

It was an alien pod.

Ben went towards it and then it opened up, revealing a watch like device inside.

Ben reach out his hand towards the device and then it jumped out of the pod and fuses with his wrist.

"What on earth" said Ben before he tried to remove it but the watch didn't want to come off.

He the accidentally pressed a small button on the device and a dial pops out of it.

On the dial was some kind of fire alien.

Ben then tried to put the dial back in and then a flash of green light from the watch surrounded him and them...

To be continued

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