Home sweet home

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Ben wondered the street of Bellwood, his home town for a while.

The city had not change that much and he could still recognize streets from his childhood.

As he roamed the door streets at night he heard the sounds of a kid crying out of help.

Ben followed the sound to a small dark alley were he saw a girl being mugged.

"Hand over the purse beautiful and nobody gets hurt" said the muggers as he pointed a gun to the girls face.

"Let her go" said Ben.

The muggers then turned around and saw Ben standing behind him.

"Who are you supposed to be, some kind of tough guy" said the mugger.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, I said let her go" said Ben not intimidated by the mugger and his gun.

"Listen kid, I don't feel like wasting my bullets on you so I suggest you mind your own business and keep walking before things get ugly for you" said the mugger.

Ben then calmly walked to the mugger and looked him in the eye without any form of fear and said "I won't repeat it again, let her go".

The mugger then placed the gun on Ben's head and said "I'm warning you for the last time kid, walk away".

Ben just smiled before he grabbed arm the mugger used to hold the gun and twisted it causing him to let go of the gun as he screamed in pain.

"Hey lady, I suggest you leave now because I'm about to something to this man that you probably won't want to see" said Ben.

The girl then ran away from the alley as fast a she possibly could.

"Now where were we" said Ben as he turned back to the mugger.

The mugger quickly grabbed his gun and fired a few bullets at Ben but Ben was too quick and dodged all his bullets.

Ben then kicked him which sent him flying straight to the wall.

Ben grabbed the mugger and pinned him to the wall.

"Please, don't hurt me. I'll give you anything" said the mugger as he begged Ben to spare him.

Ben looked at him and what he was wearing and said "nice cloths".

A few moments later Ben came out of the alley with a new set on clothes.

The mugger was busy lying unconscious next to a dumpster in the alley in his underwear

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The mugger was busy lying unconscious next to a dumpster in the alley in his underwear.

Ben made his way to a familiar neighborhood.

He continued walking until he reached a small abandoned house.

Ben sighed as he looked at house recognizing it as it was his former home before he lost his parents.

Ben reached for the door handle and discovered that it was locked.

He transforms into an Ectonurite (ghost freak) and fused through the walls into the house.

He figured this would be the last place of the plumber would think to look for him plus he missed his old home.

He looked as an old dust covered picture of him and his parents from when he was younger.

"I wish you guys where. I miss the way you would always yell at me dad and you home made pies mom" said Ben, tears began to fall down from his eyes as memories of his parents before they died came flooding back.

He then remembered who Max told him about his.

"They were murdered"

Ben then held his parents picture and said "I promise you mom and dad I will find the person that did this and make them suffer".

Ben said that bitterly, driven now by his anger pain how find the person that took him parents away from him and make them suffer a fate much worse than death.

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