Broken Ben

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Ben sat on the floor in the prison cell with tears falling down from his eyes as he thought of all the horrible things did because of Vilgax.

Ben still couldn't believe that he had been working for the monster who took his parents away from him, a power hungry mad man who didn't care about anyone or anything.

Vilgax manipulate and used him, he was his greatest tool, a tool he used to bring tremendous suffering and misery across the cosmos.

Ben hated Vilgax for all the horrible things he made him do but he hated himself listen and obeying his orders with a second.

Ben looked at the broken pieces of the Omnitrix, the one thing that made him feel powerful and fearless broken into what seemed like a million pieces.

The remembered what Azmth said about him.

"The Omnitrix was never meant to be wielded by an irresponsible child like you. It was a weapon meant to bring peace across the cosmos and you turned it into a tool for destruction and because of that you do not deserve to wield the Omnitrix"

Azmth was right he didn't deserve the Omnitrix, he never did, he was just the kid who got lucky enough to find it.

Ben was now alone powerless with Vilgax planning to invade Earth and he could do nothing to stop.

Ben then began to think about the fact the he might never see his loved once again, his cousin Gwen, his grandpa Max and even Hope.

Thinking about that filled Ben with more sadness.

Ben just wished he could see Hope again.

She was the only one who really knew and understood him and his pain.

She only true friend he ever had.

Ben remember the magic pink ball Hope gave.

"If you ever need my help or a friend you can use that to summon me".

Ben brought the ball out of his pocket and then whispered softly "Hope".

And with that the ball flashed with a blinding light and a few moments later Hope was standing in front of Ben.

"Hey Ben how are you..." Before she could complete her sentence Ben rushed to her and hugged her.

Hope a bit shock hugged Ben back before they pulled away from the hug.

She looked at Ben's eyes noticing that they looked tired and wore with tears still sipping out of them.

She also noticed that the Omnitrix was no longer on Ben's wrist.

"Ben what happened, where's you watch" asked Hope.

Ben then pointed at the broken pieces of the Omnitrix on the floor.

Hope looked shocked and surprised upon seeing the broken pieces.

"How did this happen" asked Hope.

"It's a long story " said Ben.

"I got time" said Hope.

Ben just sighed before he began to tell Hope everything, how met the creator of the Omnitrix and discovered Vilgax was the person who killed his parents, how he went to confront Vilgax only for him to destroy the Omnitrix and lock him up in the cell.

"Wow" was all Hope could say upon hearing everything Ben said.

"Yeah, I know.  Now that monster is on his way to Earth and I'm here powerful and rotting in this cell" said Ben with a deep sigh.

"So what are you going to do" asked Hope.

"What can I,  without the Omnitrix o just a pathetic kid" said Ben.

Looked at Ben, he looked lost, helpless and broken, like a part of him was missing.

She then went to Ben, looked him straight in the eye and said "I know how you feel Ben. You lost something important, something that made you feel powerful and without it you feel lost, broken and in complete".

"I don't feel this way because I lost the Omnitrix, feel this because I lost what was never mine to began with. The Omnitrix wasn't meant for me it was meant for my dad, he was the one that was meant wield it, I was just luck enough to find it" said Ben.

Hope hated seeing Ben so sad and broken feeling like he had lost everything and had nothing left.

"Really, you just going to stay here and wallow in self pity while  a mad man is on his way to Earth to conquer it" said Hope.

"What can I do Hope, without my Omnitrix I'm..." Was cut off mid sentence by Hope saying "your Ben and your the braves person I know. You are strong, clever and resourceful and it wasn't because of the Omnitrix, it's because of you".

Hope then held Ben's hand.

"The Omnitrix didn't make you special Ben, you already were just by being you" said Hope.

Ben then smiled at Hope before he wiped away his tears.

"You are right Hope, the Omnitrix my be gone but I'm still here and there is no way I going to let that monster called Vilgax take home planet for himself" said Ben.

Hope smiled, happy to see the old Ben she knew and loved was back.

"Do you have a plan Agent 10" asked Hope.

"Just one but you may not like it" said Ben.

Back at the Plumber HQ a portal opened up.

Gwen and the rest of the Plumbers surrounded the portal, ready to attack anything that comes out of it.

Ben and Hope then stepped out of the portal.

Gwen looked at her cousin for the first time in years, recognizing him only by the green eyes they both share.

"Hey dweeb" said Ben with a smile on his face.

"Ben" said Gwen shocked and unable to believe it was really him.

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