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As Agent 10 flew the ship to Earth different thought went through Max's mind.

"Where is this kid taking me and why hasn't he finished me off yet. He was probably ordered by Vilgax to take somewhere, to torture me" said Max in his mind.

Agent 10 wasn't even paying attention to Max and just focusing on piloting the ship.

Max, seeing that Agent 10 was not paying attention to him tried to reach for his blaster.

"Don't even think about it old man" said Agent 10 without even turning to look at Max's direct.

Max then left his blaster alone knowing that even if he could reach it he still wouldn't be able to beat Agent 10 or escape.

He had heard so many stories about him and knew just how dangerous he was.

He was so dangerous that even the most powerful and dangerous alien races across the universe have heard and fear his name.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt" said Agent 10.

Max did not know but immediately he heard what he said his mind calmed down.

"Where are you taking me" asked Max.

Agent 10 then turned to Max and said "home".

Agent 10 then turned on the hyper drive and sent the ship flying at light speed.

Max looked at Agent 10 and couldn't sense anything evil about him.

Sure he worked for Vilgax, the most dangerous and ruthless being in the galaxy and had conquered countless planets in his name but still Max couldn't see anything that was truly evil about him.

Agent 10 looked more like a lost kid that a bad guy.

"Why are you doing this kid" asked Max.

Agent 10 gave him no reply.

"Vilgax is a ruthless power hungry monster who cares about no body but himself" said Max.

Agent 10 still remained silent.

Max said nothing after that and a quiet silence filled the air around them.

After a few minutes of silence Agent finally broke the silence by saying "it's the only way".

"What?" Said Max.

"Working with Vilgax is the only to deal with my pain" said Agent.

"What pain?" Asked Max.

"I lost my parents when I was younger and I miss them a lot. When they left me I felt broken and lone, enduring a pain no body could understand" said Agent 10 with tears falling down from his eyes underneath his helmet.

"I understand your pain all too well. In all years I've had my fair share of loss and pain from my partners to my family" said Max with a deep sigh that filled him with sadness as he remembered the painful memories of those he had lost including his son and grandson.

"Does the pain ever go away" asked Agent 10.

"Nope, but it gets bearable when you are around people who truly care about you" said Max.

Agent 10 then smile slightly underneath his helmet.

"I was told power is the only thing that can help with pain" said Ben.

"That's a lie son, power doesn't help with pain because no matter how much power you have the pain will still make you feel empty inside" said Max

"You are wise for an old man" said Agent 10.

"With age comes wisdom" said Max.

Ben then smiled underneath his helmet.

He had missed his grandpa and his advice.

The ship then stopped moving at light.

They had reached their destination, Earth.

Ben froze up upon looking at Earth as memories of his time on Earth came flooding back to him.

"Hey are you okay" asked Max noticing Agent 10 was lost on his thoughts.

"I'm fine, come on old man, let's get you home" said Agent 10 before he flew his ship straight for Earth.

Ben10 : I'm no heroWhere stories live. Discover now