It's Hero Time (part 2)

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Vilgax arrives at Earth with his army ready to invade Earth.

The plumbers were ready for him, they all blasted off in there ships to attack Vilgax's invading ships.

Vilgax saw this coming even though he was shock at the fact that the plumbers seemed to be prepared for his arrival.

He ordered his army to wipe them all out

Ben, Gwen and Hope in a small ship made there way to the mother ship where Vilgax was busy watching the battle between his army and the Plumbers.

"So what is the plan again" asked Hope.

"Vilgax's ship was designed with an anti matter canon capable of destroying anything including a planet" said Ben.

"An anti matter canon, how unearth did Vilgax get that" asked Gwen.

"I might have built it for him" said Ben.

"What!?!" Said Gwen shocked and surprised unable to believe that Ben, her own cousin, someone who had never got a grad higher than a C built an anti matter canon.

"How unearth did you build an anti matter canon" asked Gwen.

"Well when you had a device that can turn you in to an Alien like a Galvin you tend to be able to do incredible and unbelievable things like build an anti matter canon" said Ben.

Gwen just looked at Ben, still unable to believe that he actually made an anti matter canon.

"Okay, the squid face warlord has a weapon capable of destroying a planet any ideas on how to stop him from using it" asked Hope.

"Oh I have some ideas" said Ben with a sinister looking smile.

"Ben, what are you thinking" asked Gwen knowing from there childhood whenever Ben had that smile on his face he was about to do something reckless and at times idiotic.

"Hold on to something Dweeb, it's going to be a bumpy ride" said Ben before he increased the ship's speed head straight for Vilgax's ship.

Vilgax saw Ben's ship approaching from the ship's monitors.

"My lord what should we do about the approaching ship" asked one of Vilgax's minions.

"Eradicate it" said Vilgax.

The minions then fired the ship's blasters blasting and completely destroying the ship.

Hope managed to teleport them in to Vilgax's ship while he was distracted.

"Good plan using our ship as a distraction while Hope used her powers to teleport us into Vilgax's ship" said Gwen.

" I'm just glad that we aren't dead, for a moment there I thought you were leading us to a suicide mission" said Hope.

Ben just stood there looking at his wrist where his Omnitrix used to be.

He was thinking about Vilgax and how he took everything from him and made him a monster he could use to terrorise countless worlds.

He wanted, no, needed to make Vilgax pay for everything.

"Go, the anti matter engine is not too far from here. When you get to it destroy the anti matter containment unit. You will have about 10 minutes to leave before it explodes" said Ben.

"What about you" asked Hope.

"Have to go get some payback" said Ben.

As Ben was about to leave he was stopped by Gwen saying, "what do you mean by payback".

"I'm going to face the mad man who took everything from me and made me a monster that helped him conquer countless worlds. What do your think" said Ben with anger, bitterness and hatred in his voice.

Gwen and Hope understood from the way he spoke Ben did just want to stop Vilgax, he wanted to end him.

"Don't do this Ben we can stop Vilgax and imprison him in a place where he can't hurt anyone else" said Gwen trying to stop Ben from going down a dark path he can never return from.

"What if he escapes from this prison and continues wreaking havoc across the cosmos, what then Gwen" asked Ben.

"We will find a way to stop" said Gwen.

"And what if you can't and you along with the rest of the Plumbers fall and Vilgax succeeds in conquering the universe, what then Gwen" said Ben as he brought out a blaster.

"There is only one way to make sure Vilgax is no longer a threat" said Ben.

"There has to be another way Ben" said Gwen.

"Sorry Gwen, there isn't. This is the only way" said Ben before he ran off.

Gwen was about to chase after him but was stopped by Hope grabbing her by the arm.

"I'll go after him" said Hope.

Gwen just sighed before saying, "go" knowing that Hope right to now is the only one he would listen to.

Hope then ran off chasing after Ben leaving Gwen alone to go after the anti matter engine.

Gwen could only hope and pray that Hope managed to stop Ben from doing something he would regret.

"10, wait up" said Hope as she ran to him.

Ben stopped and turned to her the moment he heard her voice.

"What are you doing Hope, you should be with Gwen" asked Ben.

"I'm here to keep out of trouble" said Hope.

"If you're trying to talk me out of making Vilgax pay forget it" said Ben.

"Don't worry I won't. I'm just here to make sure you make it out alive" said Hope.

"Why aren't you trying to stop me" asked Ben.

"Because that monster took everything away from you and you have every right to make him pay but how you do it all depends on you. I have no right to ask you to ignore all the pain you've felt because of him and spare his life, that decision is entirely up to you" said Hope.

Ben just sighed before saying, "you do realise once this is done their is no coming back".

"I do but do you" asked Hope.

Ben then looked at his blaster and began to question if what he was planning to do was the right thing, Vilgax had done so many horrible things to him and countless others but was killing him the right thing to do.

Ben then remembered what he did to his parents and how he turned him into a monster.

His hesitation to kill Vilgax then began to fade away.

"Come along, the cockpit isn't too far from here" said Ben before he left.

Hope sighed before she chased after him, she hoped that Ben would do the right thing when he faced Vilgax.

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