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The next day Hope and Ben went to smoothie place called Mr Smoothies.

"We didn't have Mr Smoothies when I was kid, it's funny how things  had changed in just a few years" said Ben as he drank his smoothie.

"So Agent 10 what's the crazy plan you need my help with" asked Hope.

"I want to break into a plumber base" said Ben.

"Wait what?!?" Said Hope shocked.

"Are you talking about the intergalactic organization that arrest and detain intergalactic threats" asked Hope.

"Yeah" said Ben.

"Are you serious" said Hope.

"What's the matter Hope are you scared" said Ben teasing Hope a little.

"I'm not scared of anything, it's just that I had a bad experience with them" said Hope.

"What did you do Hope" asked Ben.

"I kinda stole a powerful magical artifact and nearly destroyed a small town" said Hope.

"Really" said Ben with a little laugh.

"Yeah anyway the plumbers step in and managed to detain the magical artifact before it could do any real danger. They also tried arrest me for trying to acquire the artifact in the first place. I managed to escape but they took my spell book" said Hope.

"At least you made it out of there in one piece and the only thing you lost was a book" said Ben jokingly.

Hope face then turned sad and gloomy.

"My dad gave me that spell book Ben before he..." Hope could not bring herself to complete her sentence.

Ben face then turned serious as he knew how painful it was to lose someone you care about.

"I'm sorry Hope, I didn't mean to hurt. I understand what it feels like to have something that connects you to those you've lost and lose it" said Ben trying to console her but it didn't seem like it was working.

"Hey, if it would make you feel better I lost a game console my parents got me when I was ten. My cousin broke it in front of me" said Ben.

"Your cousin sounds like a monster" said Hope.

"Nope, she is more of a dweeb" said Ben with a smile which caused Hope to smile a little.

"But losing that console lead me to finding the Omnitrix, Vilgax taking me in and saving a certain silver haired fox from a prison cell in Zs'skayr's castle" said Ben causing Hope to blush a little.

"For the record you didn't save me, I was waiting for the right time" said Hope.

"Sure you were" said Ben jokingly.

"So Agent 10, how are we going to break in to the plumber base" asked Hope.

Ben gave smile before he began to tell her his plan.

A while later  Hope used her magic to teleport in to the plumber.

The plumbers then surrounded her.

The one plumber in particular with red Hope could not stand said "why are you here Charmcaster".

"To retrieve my spell book" said Hope angrily.

"In your hands that spell but is a tool for nothing but chaos and destruction. We can't give it back to you" said Gwen.

Hope's eyes then began to glow pink with raw magic.

"Who says you have a choice in the matter" said Hope before she began to fire pink ball magic towards her and the other plumbers.

Meanwhile, while Hope was distracting the other Plumbers Ben, in his Ectonurite form (ghost freak) snuck in to the plumber base and made his way to plumber computer system.

Once there Ben transformers in to his normal human and began to hack the computer files.

He searched for information about Carl and Sandra Tennyson.

Ben's eyes widened when he saw what the computer said about his parents.

He was about to read more but an energy beam came out and hit him before he could finish.

He turned around to see who attacked.

It was a Revonnahhanderian Plumber.

"Freeze, do not try to escape" said the plumber

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"Freeze, do not try to escape" said the plumber.

Ben not wanting to fight transformed into a Kinecelenran and races out there at super Sonic speed.

Ben not wanting to fight transformed into a Kinecelenran and races out there at super Sonic speed

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He ran to Hope as she was busy dealing with the Plumbers.

"Hope we gotta go now" said Ben.

"Just when I was beginning to have a little fun" said Hope before she used her magic to teleport the both of them away.

The both of them reappeared in Ben's old house.

Ben transformers in back to his original form and turns to Hope.

"Thanks silver fox" said Ben.

"No problem, I owed you one remember" said Hope with a playful.

"Did you find what you were searching for" asked Hope.

"No, I didn't get the name of my parents killer all I know is that they were headed to planet Galvan before they died" said Ben.

"Why, aren't the Galvan's basically  small people with big brains" said Hope.

"They were headed there on a mission to retrieve a powerful weapon but during their mission they were attacked and well..." Ben did not feel like completing his sentence.

Hope could see the hurt and pain in his eyes, a feeling she could relate to.

"What about the weapon" asked Hope.

"It was lost, presumably destroyed" said Ben.

"What are you going to do now" asked Hope.

"I'll have to go to the last place my parents went to before they died, planet Galvan. Maybe there I can get some answers" said Ben.

"And what will you do when get those answers" asked Hope.

The clinched his hand tightly into a fist been replying Hope by saying "whatever I have to do".

Ben10 : I'm no heroWhere stories live. Discover now